DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions

10 Miscellaneous Macros

10.1 Person Identification Macro

This Macro may be invoked to specify a coded representation of a person such as a healthcare worker, and the organization to which they are responsible.


  1. This Macro is typically invoked within a Sequence Item used to identify an individual such as a physician or a device operator.

  2. The free-text name of the individual is not included in this Macro since there are already widely used specific Attributes to hold such values.

  3. No Baseline, Defined or Enumerated CIDs are defined nor is any particular coding scheme specified. In practice, workers are usually identified by using a locally or nationally specific coding scheme. For example, a local Coding Scheme Designator might be used and the individual's internal hospital ID number user in Code Value.

  4. The organization is specified by either a coded Sequence or a free text name but not both. A Baseline CID of standard organizations is provided for the purpose of identifying standard organizations responsible for creation of Well Known Instances.

Table 10-1. Person Identification Macro Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Person Identification Code Sequence



A coded entry that identifies a person.

The Code Meaning Attribute, though it will be encoded with a VR of LO, may be encoded according to the rules of the PN VR (e.g., caret '^' delimiters shall separate name components), except that a single component (i.e., the whole name unseparated by caret delimiters) is not permitted. Name component groups for use with multi-byte character sets are permitted, as long as they fit within the 64 characters (the length of the LO VR).

One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence.

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

No Baseline CID is defined.

Person's Address



Person's mailing address.

Person's Telephone Numbers



Person's telephone number(s).

Person's Telecom Information



The person's telecommunication contact information, including telephone, email, or other telecom addresses.


  1. This Attribute may have internal format or structure in accordance with local agreement or profile. In the absence of such agreement or prior formatting, use of ITU-T E.123 is suggested.

  2. It is recommended that this Attribute be treated as equivalent to HL7v2 (v2.5 or later) field ROL-12, and be formatted in accordance with the HL7v2 XTN data type (without escapes for HL7 message structure reserved characters). See additional notes in the Module invoking this Macro.

Institution Name



Institution or organization to which the identified individual is responsible or accountable.

Required if Institution Code Sequence (0008,0082) is not present. May be present otherwise.

Institution Address



Mailing address of the institution or organization to which the identified individual is responsible or accountable.

Institution Code Sequence



Institution or organization to which the identified individual is responsible or accountable.

Required if Institution Name (0008,0080) is not present. May be present otherwise.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

BCID 5002 “Organization”.

Institutional Department Name



The Department, Unit or Service within the healthcare facility.

Institutional Department Type Code Sequence



A coded description of the type of Department or Service within the healthcare facility.


This might be obtained from a corresponding HL7v2 message containing PV1:10 Hospital Service.

Only a single Item is permitted in this Sequence.

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

BCID 7030 “Institutional Department/Unit/Service”.

DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions