DICOM PS3.16 2016e - Content Mapping Resource |
The Templates that comprise the Acquisition Context SR are interconnected as follows:
This root template encodes a description of the conditions present during and related to data acquisition for a single imaging procedure.
It is not expected that a single instance be used to describe the entire life of an animal, unless it is sacrificed after a single procedure. Rather, separate instances will be used for separate procedures, though there may be some duplication of common information, such as about the home cage environment.
It is expected that an SR instance encoded using this template will be contained in the same Study as other instances created during the procedure, e.g. with a common Study Instance UID. If this is not practical, e.g., due to recording on a separate device without use of a shared Modality Worklist, then commonality of other Study level attributes may be necessary to link procedures (and possibly coerce the Study Instance UID to a common value).
Table TID 8101. Preclinical Small Animal Image Acquisition Context
EV (127001, DCM, "Preclinical Small Animal Imaging Acquisition Context") |
DTID 8170 “Physiological Monitoring Performed During Procedure” |
$ContainerConcept = EV (10160-0, LN, "History Of Medication Use") $CodeConcept = EV (111516, DCM, "Medication Type") $Route = DCID 11 “Route of Administration” |
$ContainerConcept = EV (127400, DCM, "Exogenous substance") $CodeConcept = DCID 637 “Exogenous Substance Types” $CodeValue = DCID 638 “Exogenous Substance” $Route = DCID 11 “Route of Administration” $Site = DCID 644 $TissueOfOrigin = DCID 645 $TaxonomicRankOfOrigin = DCID 7454 "Animal Taxonomic Rank Values" |
A single pre-coordinated code describing the general type of imaging procedure can be described using TID 1005 Row 9 Procedure Code (included in TID 1001). For small animal (as opposed to human) imaging, this will likely describe a whole body acquisition in a modality-specific manner and the use of contrast and/or radiopharmaceutical. E.g., whole body FDG PET, or whole body DCE-MRI. May be redundant with (or default to) the value present in the top level data set in Procedure Code Sequence (0008,1032) of the General Study Module. Species and strain identification is not described in TID 1001; rather it is encoded in DICOM Attributes in the top level data set. |
The biosafety conditions are expected to be consistent across all phases of handling, so are not described separately per-phase. |
The period of time during which the phase is defined, i.e., during which the animal was managed in the specified conditions. This may be more important for interpretation for some phases (e.g., transport) than others (e.g., at rest in the home cage), and hence is optional. |
The outline of subordinate templates follows the pattern of categories of Animal Housing, Care, and Physiologic Monitoring information described in [Stout et al 2013]. |
Row 11 | Animal feeding is 1-n to allow encoding of dietary supplements and treats in addition to the regular diet. |
A single anesthesia event is normally assumed for a single procedure, though the template included can include multiple pre-, intra- and post-procedure descriptions. |
Used to describe pharmaceuticals administered that are not described elsewhere, in particular, those that are not described as anesthesia medications, and those that are not described in the images (e.g., contrast, radiopharmaceuticals). This includes therapy (such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy) and similar interventions that may be the subject of the research. The value set of $CodeValue is not defined, given the vast range of possible codes and coding schemes for drugs or medicaments that might be used. Nor are value sets for $Classification or $Site defined. |
Used to describe non-pharmaceutical exogenous substances administered, such as cells or other tumor graft, fibrils, viruses, cytokines and toxins that describe the "model" upon which the research is being performed, as distinct from the "therapeutic intervention" (Row 16) that may be the purpose of the research. The Classification parameter is not constrained by any value set. |
DICOM PS3.16 2016e - Content Mapping Resource |