DICOM PS3.21 2024e - Transformations between DICOM and other Representations |
The transformation is described in one direction, by enumerating the structures in the target (DICOM SR TID 1500) and describing where in the source (AIM v4) the corresponding information may be obtained. The information is tabulated in a manner that can be implemented as an automated "pull" conversion of an AIM instance into a DICOM SR instance, such as might be described using a transformation language such as XSLT. The transformation is intended to be reversible, i.e., by inverting the target and the source, even though round-trip full fidelity will not be achieved in some cases. Gaps that exist in the information required in the target to create a compliant object, which need to be filled by information from an out of band source or generated de novo , are highlighted. Information in the source that is not "pulled" into the DICOM encoding will be lost; these omissions are deemed to be harmless from the perspective of the relevant use cases.
The tabular representations make use of the following conventions in order to simplify the automatic extraction and use as a formal syntax to drive implementations:
DICOM Attributes are represented by keywords defined in PS3.6, rather than specifying the data element group and element tags.
DICOM Attributes that are nested within sequences are shown as a path from the top level Data Set separated by a ">" symbol.
AIM classes, attributes and associations are represented using their XPath representation as encoded in XML instances.
DICOM Code Sequence Attributes are mapped from AIM CD data type attributes without fully enumerating the corresponding subordinate DICOM Attributes and XML elements and attributes.
Other DICOM Sequences are listed, without a mapping on the same row, but with the following rows describing the individual DICOM Attributes nested within that Sequence.
All source and target paths are fully qualified relative to the root of the instance in order to make the transformation reversible. I.e., it would be possible to describe some transformations using the descendant-or-self axis XSLT operator ("//") if the source were unambiguous but that would not specify the location reversibly as a target. Accordingly, some of the explicit paths are quite long.
The requirement type for DICOM Attributes is as defined in PS3.3 for Attributes in Modules and Attribute Macros, except that if the containing Module in the IOD is not required, e.g., is U rather than M, then a mandatory (Type 1 or 2) Attribute in a user optional (type U) Module is shown as optional (Type 3).
The data type and cardinality are specified for both the source and the target, to highlight potential mismatches that may occur during transformation. For nested elements and attributes, the multiplicity is expressed as the combination of the multiplicity along the entire path. For example, the aim:name attribute has a multiplicity of 1:1 in an aim:Person class but is associated with the aim:ImageAnnotationClass with a multiplicity of 1 -> 0:1, so the multiplicity is indicated as 0:1, not 1:1, since that is the net effect. The DICOM multiplicity is either the VM for the data element or the number of Sequence Items if the data element is a Sequence.
The XML representation of the AIM UML collapses some associations and classes such that they are encoded as a single element, and this is reflected in the mapping paths. For example, the aim:Person class has an aim:person association from the aim:ImageAnnotationCollection class, so the path to the aim:name attribute is expressed as /ImageAnnotationCollection/person/name, as it appears in the XML instance.
Data type transformations are assumed and are not described further unless there is a specific requirement. For example, conversion from DICOM DA, TM and DT VR Attributes to AIM TS Data Type values is implicit, including extraction/population of the appropriate sub-fields (i.e., only the date portion of a TS is used when creating a DICOM DA value).
If value sets are defined for both AIM and DICOM, then value mappings are described. In some cases, explicit value sets are not defined. For example, aim:Person/sex has no explicitly defined value set but maps to DICOM PatientSex, which does; so if AIM implementations use the DICOM values, and the values are copied, then the transformation without value mapping will be successful, but not otherwise.
When a mapping is defined but no transformation source is available but a value is required, a Generated Value is indicated, which may be a fixed constant (e.g., a Modality value of "SR"), an indication that an empty (zero length) value or sequence is required, or an indication that a new value of the appropriate VR needs to be generated (e.g., a new UID for a UI VR, a new integer for an IS VR, etc.). The need to generate new values will not produce a deterministic result without a memory of previous conversions.
Optional content in the target that has no defined source is not described (e.g., DICOM SeriesDescription in the General Series Module has no correlate in AIM, though it would be useful to populate with a generated value).
When the same DICOM Attribute is described in two different Modules, the more specialized (restrictive) use is described in the mapping tables. E.g., InstanceNumber is Type 3 in the SOP Common Module but Type 1 in the SR Document General Module, so it is only described in the latter.
Capitalization and punctuation of DICOM keywords and AIM class, attribute and association names are significant.
General Remarks on the mapping of DICOM header Module Attributes:
Mapped AIM objects are considered "unverified", so there is no requirement to record the identity of the Verifying Observer; if the "recording" observer identity is required (aim:user class attributes) it may be mapped to Author Observer Sequence (0040,A078) in the SR Document General Module (and entries in Observation Context in the Content Tree are not needed).
Attributes of the Predecessor Documents Sequence (0040,A360) and Identical Documents Sequence (0040,A525) are not described in this transformation since they are relevant only in the context of a managed DICOM SR document environment and have no correlate in AIM.
Attributes of the Current Requested Procedure Evidence Sequence (0040,A375) and Pertinent Other Evidence Sequence (0040,A385) are described in the transformation and provide the information described in the Hierarchical SOP Instance Reference Macro used to match composite instance references with their Study and Series context; the AIM DicomImageReferenceEntity class performs a similar function.
Attributes of the Equivalent Document Sequence (0040,A090) are not described in the transformation since they are relevant only in the context of the original DICOM SR document.
The name space of the AIM elements is elided, and is implied to be "gme://caCORE.caCORE/4.4/edu.northwestern.radiology.AIM".
Timezone Offset From UTC (0008,0201) shall be considered for Attributes of the DICOM SR document that are based on the DA or TM data type (PS3.5). AIM date and time attributes may or may not contain explicit timezone information that may be extracted to populate Timezone Offset From UTC (0008,0201).
The Specific Character Set (0008,0005) is required (Type 1C), if the Basic Graphic Set is expanded or replaced. This is the basis for mapping DICOM character sets to AIM XML Unicode (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>).
Ambiguities exist for mapping individual characters to Unicode (e.g., for Japanese characters). Resolution of those issues is beyond the scope of this document. Please refer to Section A.8 for further details on data types and character sets.
Table A. Mapping of DICOM Patient Module
If the annotation concerns a small animal that has been imaged as part of a group of animals in the same image, then the PatientID and other Attributes of this Module will be those of that individual animal, not the group. The AIM 4.2 model can optionally identify the group of animals imaged at the same time that corresponds to the DICOM SourcePatientGroupIdentificationSequence.
No mapping of the DICOM Clinical Trial Subject Module is described since no corresponding content is present in the AIM model.
The AIM 4.2 model provides optional Study identification information. If available, this information shall be used during transformation from AIM to SR, otherwise either a new Study may be generated, or the SR instance derived from the AIM object could be placed in (one of) the Study(ies) referenced by the AIM instance, assuming there are any, which produces a predictable transformation.
If there is more than one DICOM Study referenced by the AIM object and explicit Study identification information (ImageAnnotationCollection/studyInstanceUid) is absent, duplicates of the converted AIM SR instance may be placed in each of the referenced studies (with different SOP Instance UIDs), in which case the IdenticalDocumentsSequence is required in the SR Document General Module; see Section C.17.2.2 “Identical Documents Sequence” in PS3.3 .
Table A. Mapping of DICOM General Study Module
No mapping of the DICOM Patient Study Module is described since no corresponding content is present in the AIM model.
No mapping of the DICOM Clinical Trial Study Module is described since no corresponding content is present in the AIM model.
The AIM 4.2 model optionally supports the concept that an annotation itself is part of a Series. If available, this information shall be used, otherwise a new Series shall be generated since a converted instance cannot be made part of a referenced image Series, if any, because of the rule that all instances of a Series are generated on the same Equipment.
Table A. Mapping of DICOM SR Document Series Module
No mapping of the DICOM Clinical Trial Series Module is described since no corresponding content is present in the AIM model.
Table A. Mapping of DICOM General Equipment Module
Table A. Mapping of DICOM SR Document General Module
All the Attributes in the SR Document Content Module are transformed by processing the DICOM SR Content Tree, and accordingly are not described in the same tabular manner as the "header" Attributes, since the mapping depends on the DICOM SR template structure. The Attributes common to each Content Item of the Content Tree are:
Each child Content Item with a "by-value" relationship with its parent also contains:
The additional required Attributes in each Content Item depend on the ValueType:
NUM - MeasuredValueSequence, MeasuredValueSequence>NumericValue, MeasuredValueSequence>MeasurementUnitsCodeSequence
COMPOSITE - ReferencedSOPSequence, ReferencedSOPSequence>ReferencedSOPClassUID, ReferencedSOPSequence>ReferencedSOPInstanceUID
IMAGE - ReferencedSOPSequence, ReferencedSOPSequence>ReferencedSOPClassUID, ReferencedSOPSequence>ReferencedSOPInstanceUID, ReferencedSOPSequence>ReferencedFrameNumber, ReferencedSOPSequence>ReferencedSegmentNumber
SCOORD3D - ReferencedFrameOfReferenceUID, GraphicData, GraphicType
CONTAINER - ContinuityOfContent, ContentTemplateSequence, ContentTemplateSequence>MappingResource, ContentTemplateSequence>TemplateIdentifier
ObservationUID is required for the following Content Items in order to propagate the aim:uniqueIdentifer information:
IMAGE - for (121191, DCM, "Referenced Segment") Content Item corresponding to aim:SegmentationEntity
CONTAINER - for (126200, DCM, "Image Library Group") Content Item corresponding to aim:ImageReferenceEntity
CONTAINER - for (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") Content Item corresponding to aim:ImageAnnotation
NUM - for any Content Item corresponding to aim:CalculationEntity
SCOORD - for any Content Item corresponding to aim:MarkupEntity
ObservationDateTime is required for the following Content Items in order to propagate the aim:dateTime information:
Table A. Mapping of DICOM SOP Common Module
The fixed value is the SOP Class UID of the Enhanced SR Storage SOP Class, which is sufficient unless SCOORD3D are used, in which case the Comprehensive 3D SR Storage SOP Class is required, which has a UID of "1.2.840.10008.". |
Generated if more than one converted instance in separate studies. |
The fixed generated value corresponds to the normal UTF-8 specified in the XMLDecl of the XML prolog [XML] in the AIM instance. Other values may be used if they are sufficient to describe all the encoded characters in the transformed instance. E.g., it may be omitted entirely if all the characters are US-ASCII. |
This section describes the mapping of TID 1500 “Measurement Report” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 1500. Mapping of Measurement Report
The fixed Concept Name code is an appropriate choice selected from CID 7021 “Measurement Report Document Title” in the absence of a "document title" concept in AIM. If out of band information is available, a more appropriate code can be used. |
TID 1204 “Mapping of Language of Content Item and Descendants” |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (121058, DCM, "Procedure reported") |
The fixed generic code value is suggested in lieu of AIM containing any information about the imaging procedure, so more specific procedure codes such as those from CID 100 “Quantitative Diagnostic Imaging Procedure” cannot be used. If out of band information is available, a more appropriate code can be used. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126011, DCM, "Derived Imaging Measurements") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126011, DCM, "Derived Imaging Measurements") > |
TID 1420 “Mapping of Measurements Derived From Multiple ROI Measurements” |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (C0034375, UMLS, "Qualitative Evaluations") |
IFF ImagingObservationEntity elements are present in the source AIM object |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (C0034375, UMLS, "Qualitative Evaluations") > CODE |
NAME = ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/imagingObservationEntityCollection/ImagingObservationEntity/imagingObservationCharacteristicCollection/ImagingObservationCharacteristic/questionTypeCode or NAME = ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/imagingObservationEntityCollection/ImagingObservationEntity/typeCode VALUE = ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/imagingObservationEntityCollection/ImagingObservationEntity/imagingObservationCharacteristicCollection/ImagingObservationCharacteristic/typeCode |
The concept name may be encoded as a specific questionTypeCode for the ImagingObservationCharacteristic or inherited from the typeCode of the parent ImagingObservationEntity. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (C0034375, UMLS, "Qualitative Evaluations") > TEXT |
This section describes the mapping of TID 1501 “Measurement and Qualitative Evaluation Group” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 1501. Mapping of Measurement Group
This section describes the mapping of TID 1502 “Time Point Context” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 1502. Mapping of Time Point Context
This section describes the mapping of TID 1410 “Planar ROI Measurements and Qualitative Evaluations” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 1410. Mapping of Planar ROI Measurements
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation |
The value of aim:uniqueIdentifier/@root is mapped to the ObservationUID Attribute of the CONTAINER. The value of aim:dateTime/@root is mapped to the ObservationDateTimeAttribute of the CONTAINER. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (C67447, NCIt, "Activity Session") |
Identifies the session during which the measurements were made. The NCI Thesaurus definition is "time, period, or term devoted to some activity". |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (112039, DCM, "Tracking Identifier") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/name/@value |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (112040, DCM, "Tracking Unique Identifier") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/trackingUniqueIdentifier/@root |
If trackingUniqueIdentifier is absent, then ImageAnnotation/uniqueIdentifier may be used as a proxy for Tracking Unique Identifier, but this does not allow longitudinal identification of the same lesion because ImageAnnotation/uniqueIdentifier must be unique to each AIM annotation file, in which case only ImageAnnotation/name can be used to recognize commonality. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (121071, DCM, "Finding") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/typeCode |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (111030, DCM, "Image Region") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/markupEntityCollection/MarkupEntity/twoDimensionSpatialCoordinateCollection/TwoDimensionSpatialCoordinate |
A Graphic Type of MULTIPOINT is not permitted in the DICOM template. One or more MarkupEntity instances within an ImageAnnotation instance may be constrained to be associated with particular NUM measurement(s) in the included TID 1419 by a CalculationEntityReferencesMarkupEntityStatement. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (111030, DCM, "Image Region") > IMAGE |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/markupEntityCollection/MarkupEntity/imageReferenceUid/@root, referencedFrameNumber/@value |
The Referenced SOP Class UID is obtained from imageReferenceEntityCollection; see Table A.8-5 |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (121214, DCM, "Referenced Segmentation Frame") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/segmentationEntityCollection/SegmentationEntity |
Reference shall be to a Segmentation Image, with a single value specified in Referenced Frame Number, and with a single value specified in Referenced Segment Number. The value of aim:uniqueIdentifier/@root is mapped to the ObservationUID Attribute of the IMAGE. One or more Segmentation references within an ImageAnnotation instance may be constrained to be associated with particular NUM measurement(s) in the included TID 1419 by a CalculationEntityReferencesSegmentationEntityStatement. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (121233, DCM, "Source image for segmentation") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/segmentationEntityCollection/SegmentationEntity/referencedSopInstanceUid/@root |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (121200, DCM, "Illustration of ROI") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (126100, DCM, "Real World Value Map used for measurement") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $QualitativeEvaluations |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (121106, DCM, "Comment") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/comment/@value |
The parameter $QualitativeEvaluations is not used in AIM, but this TEXT content item is used to map the AIM comment as if it were a Qualitative Evaluation |
This section describes the mapping of TID 1411 “Volumetric ROI Measurements and Qualitative Evaluations” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 1411. Mapping of Volumetric ROI Measurements
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation |
The value of aim:uniqueIdentifier/@root is mapped to the ObservationUID Attribute of the CONTAINER. The value of aim:dateTime/@root is mapped to the ObservationDateTimeAttribute of the CONTAINER. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (C67447, NCIt, "Activity Session") |
Identifies the session during which the measurements were made. The NCI Thesaurus definition is "time, period, or term devoted to some activity". |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (112039, DCM, "Tracking Identifier") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/name/@value |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (112040, DCM, "Tracking Unique Identifier") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/trackingUniqueIdentifier/@root |
If trackingUniqueIdentifier is absent, then ImageAnnotation/uniqueIdentifier may be used as a proxy for Tracking Unique Identifier, but this does not allow longitudinal identification of the same lesion because ImageAnnotation/uniqueIdentifier must be unique to each AIM annotation file, in which case only ImageAnnotation/name can be used to recognize commonality. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (121071, DCM, "Finding") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/typeCode |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (111030, DCM, "Image Region") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/markupEntityCollection/MarkupEntity/twoDimensionSpatialCoordinateCollection/TwoDimensionSpatialCoordinate |
A Graphic Type of MULTIPOINT is not permitted in the DICOM template. The value of aim:MarkupEntity/aim:uniqueIdentifier/@root is mapped to the ObservationUID Attribute of the SCOORD. One or more MarkupEntity instances within an ImageAnnotation instance may be constrained to be associated with particular NUM measurement(s) in the included TID 1419 by a CalculationEntityReferencesMarkupEntityStatement. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (111030, DCM, "Image Region") > IMAGE |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/markupEntityCollection/MarkupEntity/imageReferenceUid/@root, referencedFrameNumber/@value |
The Referenced SOP Class UID is obtained from imageReferenceEntityCollection; see Table A.8-5 |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (121191, DCM, "Referenced Segment") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/segmentationEntityCollection/SegmentationEntity |
Reference shall be to a Segmentation Image or Surface Segmentation object, with a single value specified in Referenced Segment Number. One or more Segmentation references within an ImageAnnotation instance may be constrained to be associated with particular NUM measurement(s) in the included TID 1419 by a CalculationEntityReferencesSegmentationEntityStatement |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (121231, DCM, "Volume Surface") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (121233, DCM, "Source image for segmentation") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/segmentationEntityCollection/SegmentationEntity/referencedSopInstanceUid/@root |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (121232, DCM, "Source series for segmentation") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (121200, DCM, "Illustration of ROI") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (126100, DCM, "Real World Value Map used for measurement") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $QualitativeEvaluations |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/imagingObservationEntityCollection/ImagingObservationEntity/imagingObservationCharacteristicCollection/ImagingObservationCharacteristic/questionTypeCode,typeCode |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (121106, DCM, "Comment") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/comment/@value |
The parameter $QualitativeEvaluations is not used in AIM, but this TEXT content item is used to map the AIM comment as if it were a Qualitative Evaluation. |
This section describes the mapping of TID 1419 “ROI Measurements” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 1419. Mapping of ROI Measurements
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (370129005, SCT, "Measurement Method") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (363698007, SCT, "Finding Site") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/imagingPhysicalEntityCollection/ImagingPhysicalEntity[label/@value='Location' or label/@value='Lobar Location' or label/@value='Segmental Location' or label/@value='Organ Type']/typeCode |
The finding site is factored out since it is common to all measurements in this group. If a paired structure in AIM, this entry will pre-coordinate the laterality with the site. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (363698007, SCT, "Finding Site") > (272741003, SCT, "Laterality") |
Not used since AIM does not have a mechanism for post-coordinating the location. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > (363698007, SCT, "Finding Site") > (106233006, SCT, "Topographical modifier") |
Not used since AIM does not have a mechanism for post-coordinating the location. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement |
NAME = ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/typeCode[1] VALUE = ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/calculationResultCollection/CalculationResult/@value, calculationDataCollection/CalculationData/@value UNITS = ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/calculationResultCollection/CalculationResult/unitOfMeasure |
The first typeCode entry is assumed to be the primary concept. Other typeCode entries may be considered as modifiers. Value may be found in either CompactCalculationResult (i.e., value child of CalculationResult) or first value of ExtendedCalculationResult (i.e., nested within calculationResultCollection). Only mapping of a single value from ExtendedCalculationResult is supported. If no measurement is present in AIM (0..n) then do not include the template in the first place. The value of aim:uniqueIdentifier/@root is mapped to the ObservationUID Attribute of the NUM Content Item. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > $ModType |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/typeCode[position() != 1] |
The first typeCode entry is assumed to be the primary concept. This row can be used if successive typeCode entries are recognized, and not a method or derivation, and a name-value pair can be constructed from the typeCode entry (which is a single code). |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (370129005, SCT, "Measurement Method") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/typeCode[position() != 1] |
The first typeCode entry is assumed to be the primary concept. Other typeCode entries may be considered as modifiers, but there is no standard order, so recognition as a "method" depends on recognition of specific codes. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (121401, DCM, "Derivation") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/typeCode[position() != 1] |
The first typeCode entry is assumed to be the primary concept. Other typeCode entries may be considered as modifiers, but there is no standard order, so recognition as a "derivation" depends on recognition of specific codes. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (363698007, SCT, "Finding Site") |
Not used, since is sent at measurement group level since common to all measurements in annotation. If a paired structure in AIM, this entry will pre-coordinate the laterality with the site. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (363698007, SCT, "Finding Site") > (272741003, SCT, "Laterality") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (363698007, SCT, "Finding Site") > (106233006, SCT, "Topographical modifier") |
Not used since AIM does not have a mechanism for post-coordinating the location. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > |
Statistical and normal range properties are not used in AIM use cases for this mapping. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > $DerivationParameter |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > $DerivationParameter |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > TEXT |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (121050, DCM, "Equivalent Meaning of Concept Name") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (126100, DCM, "Real World Value Map used for measurement") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > |
This section describes the mapping of TID 1420 “Measurements Derived From Multiple ROI Measurements” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 1420. Mapping of Measurements Derived From Multiple ROI Measurements
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126011, DCM, "Derived Imaging Measurements") > NUM |
CID 7465 “Measurement Derived From Multiple ROI Measurements” |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126011, DCM, "Derived Imaging Measurements") > NUM > |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126011, DCM, "Derived Imaging Measurements") > NUM > |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126011, DCM, "Derived Imaging Measurements") > NUM > |
Statistical and normal range properties are not used in AIM use cases for this mapping. |
This section describes the mapping of TID 300 “Measurement” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 300. Mapping of Measurement
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement |
NAME = ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/typeCode[1] VALUE = ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/calculationResultCollection/CalculationResult/@value, calculationDataCollection/CalculationData/@value UNITS = ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/calculationResultCollection/CalculationResult/unitOfMeasure |
The first typeCode entry is assumed to be the primary concept. Other typeCode entries may be considered as modifiers. Value may be found in either CompactCalculationResult (i.e., value child of CalculationResult) or first value of ExtendedCalculationResult (i.e., nested within calculationResultCollection). Only mapping of a single value from ExtendedCalculationResult is supported. The value of aim:uniqueIdentifier/@root is mapped to the ObservationUID Attribute of the NUM Content Item. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > $ModType |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/typeCode[position() != 1] |
The first typeCode entry is assumed to be the primary concept. This row can be used if successive typeCode entries are recognized, and not a method or derivation, and a name-value pair can be constructed from the typeCode entry (which is a single code). |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (370129005, SCT, "Measurement Method") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/typeCode[position() != 1] |
The first typeCode entry is assumed to be the primary concept. Other typeCode entries may be considered as modifiers, but there is no standard order, so recognition as a "method" depends on recognition of specific codes. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (121401, DCM, "Derivation") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/typeCode[position() != 1] |
The first typeCode entry is assumed to be the primary concept. Other typeCode entries may be considered as modifiers, but there is no standard order, so recognition as a "derivation" depends on recognition of specific codes. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (363698007, SCT, "Finding Site") |
Not used in AIM, since it is sent at measurement group level because it is common to all measurements in annotation. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (363698007, SCT, "Finding Site") > (272741003, SCT, "Laterality") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (363698007, SCT, "Finding Site") > (106233006, SCT, "Topographical modifier") |
Not used since AIM does not have a mechanism for post-coordinating the location. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > |
Statistical and normal range properties are not used in AIM use cases for this mapping. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > $DerivationParameter |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > $DerivationParameter |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > TEXT |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > $ImagePurpose |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > $WavePurpose |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (121050, DCM, "Equivalent Meaning of Concept Name") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > |
Not mapped at this level for TID 1500, but rather at the Measurement Group level in TID 1501. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (126100, DCM, "Real World Value Map used for measurement") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > |
This section describes the mapping of TID 320 “Image or Spatial Coordinates” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 320. Mapping of Image or Spatial Coordinates
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Purpose |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/markupEntityCollection/MarkupEntity/imageReferenceUid/@root, referencedFrameNumber/@value |
An entire image reference without spatial coordinates The Referenced SOP Class UID is obtained from imageReferenceEntityCollection; see Table A.8-5 Only the by-value (SELECTED FROM) relationship is used, not the by-reference (R-SELECTED FROM) relationship. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Purpose |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/markupEntityCollection/MarkupEntity/twoDimensionSpatialCoordinateCollection/TwoDimensionSpatialCoordinate |
A reference to coordinates on an image. The value of aim:MarkupEntity/aim:uniqueIdentifier/@root is mapped to the ObservationUID Attribute of the SCOORD. One or more MarkupEntity instances within an ImageAnnotation instance may be constrained to be associated with particular NUM measurement(s) in the included TID 1419 by a CalculationEntityReferencesMarkupEntityStatement. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Purpose > IMAGE |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/markupEntityCollection/MarkupEntity/imageReferenceUid/@root, referencedFrameNumber/@value |
The Referenced SOP Class UID is obtained from imageReferenceEntityCollection; see Table A.8-5 Only the by-value (SELECTED FROM) relationship is used, not the by-reference (R-SELECTED FROM) relationship. |
This section describes the mapping of PS3.16 TID 4019 “Algorithm Identification” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 4019. Mapping of Algorithm Identification
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (111001, DCM, "Algorithm Name") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/algorithm/name/@value |
The type attribute (CD 1..n) is not supported by CID 4019 | ||||||
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (111003, DCM, "Algorithm Version") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/algorithm/version/@value |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (111002, DCM, "Algorithm Parameters") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/algorithm/parameter/@dataType,@name,@value |
Separate mapping of dataType, name and value attributes is not supported by CID 4019 |
ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/calculationEntityCollection/CalculationEntity/algorithm/type |
CD | 1..n | No corresponding mapping in DICOM SR template at this time. |
This section describes the mapping of TID 4108 “Tracking Identifier” in PS3.16 .
For the purpose of this mapping, this template is not used to track individual measurements; rather, the corresponding content items defined in Section TID 1501 “Mapping of Measurement Group” are mapped at the Measurement Group level instead.
Table TID 4108. Mapping of Tracking Identifier
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (112039, DCM, "Tracking Identifier") |
Not mapped at this level for TID 1500, but rather at the Measurement Group level in TID 1501. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (126010, DCM, "Imaging Measurements") > (125007, DCM, "Measurement Group") > $Measurement > (112040, DCM, "Tracking Unique Identifier") |
Not mapped at this level for TID 1500, but rather at the Measurement Group level in TID 1501. |
This section describes the mapping of TID 1204 “Language of Content Item and Descendants” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 1204. Mapping of Language of Content Item and Descendants
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (121049, DCM, "Language of Content Item and Descendants") |
Not used in AIM; discarded if present in DICOM SR. CID 5000 “Language” |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (121049, DCM, "Language of Content Item and Descendants") > (121046, DCM, "Country of Language") |
Not used in AIM; discarded if present in DICOM SR. CID 5001 “Country” |
This section describes the mapping of TID 1001 “Observation Context” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 1001. Mapping of Observation Context
This section describes the mapping of TID 1002 “Observer Context” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 1002. Mapping of Observer Context
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (121005, DCM, "Observer Type") |
Since this template is only used for AIM for person observers, which is the default, it may be omitted or explicitly sent as (121006, DCM, "Person"); see also CID 270 “Observer Type” |
TID 1003 “Mapping of Person Observer Identifying Attributes” |
IFF Row 1 value = (121006, DCM, "Person") or Row 1 is absent |
Not used in AIM; IFF Row 1 value = (121007, DCM, "Device") |
This section describes the mapping of TID 1003 “Person Observer Identifying Attributes” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 1003. Mapping of Person Observer Identifying Attributes
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (121008, DCM, "Person Observer Name") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (128774, DCM, "Person Observer's Login Name") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (121009, DCM, "Person Observer's Organization Name") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (121010, DCM, "Person Observer's Role in the Organization") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (121011, DCM, "Person Observer's Role in this Procedure") |
Values mapped are amended in CP 1734. AIM does not define a value set for the roles, so no standard mapping to the DICOM codes is defined. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (121011, DCM, "Person Observer's Role in this Procedure") > (128775, DCM, "Identifier within Person Observer's Role") |
ImageAnnotationCollection/user/numberWithinRoleOfClinicalTrial/@value |
This section describes the mapping of TID 1600 “Image Library” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 1600. Mapping of Image Library
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (111028, DCM, "Image Library") |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (111028, DCM, "Image Library") > (126200, DCM, "Image Library Group") |
/ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/imageReferenceEntityCollection/ImageReferenceEntity |
The value of aim:uniqueIdentifier/@root is mapped to the ObservationUID Attribute of the CONTAINER. |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (111028, DCM, "Image Library") > (126200, DCM, "Image Library Group") > |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (111028, DCM, "Image Library") > (126200, DCM, "Image Library Group") > |
This section describes the mapping of TID 1601 “Image Library Entry” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 1601. Mapping of Image Library Entry
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (111028, DCM, "Image Library") > (126200, DCM, "Image Library Group") > IMAGE |
/ImageAnnotationCollection/imageAnnotations/ImageAnnotation/imageReferenceEntityCollection/ImageReferenceEntity/imageStudy/imageSeries/imageCollection/Image/sopInstanceUid/@root, sopClassUid/@root |
(126000, DCM, "Imaging Measurement Report") > (111028, DCM, "Image Library") > (126200, DCM, "Image Library Group") > IMAGE > |
This section describes the mapping of TID 1602 “Image Library Entry Descriptors” in PS3.16 .
Table TID 1602. Mapping of Image Library Entry Descriptors
DICOM PS3.21 2024e - Transformations between DICOM and other Representations |