DICOM PS3.20 2024c - Imaging Reports using HL7 Clinical Document Architecture

C.4.4.4 Key Images

TID 2005 Transcribed Diagnostic Imaging Report specifies a section structure for the Key Images section of an SR, which allows mapping into the equivalent CDA subsection of the Impression section.

Table C.4-13. Key Image mapping from SR

CDA Business Name


KeyImages: Title

"Key Images" [or equivalent in local language]

KeyImages: Text

(113012, DCM, "Key Object Description")

KeyImages: Text: GraphicRef[*]

[Reference to ObservationMedia entry]

KeyImages: Text: ExtRef[*]: URL

[WADO link constructed from image reference]

KeyImages: SOPInstance[*]

[See C.4.3.3]

KeyImages: Graphic[*]: Image

[Thumbnail constructed from referenced image]

KeyImages: Graphic[*]: MediaType

[recommended "image/jpeg"]

KeyImages: Graphic[*]: ImageURI

DICOM PS3.20 2024c - Imaging Reports using HL7 Clinical Document Architecture