DICOM PS3.20 2024e - Imaging Reports using HL7 Clinical Document Architecture Performer

The documentationOf/serviceEvent may include as a participant the physician reading the study, equivalent to DICOM attribute (0008,1060), and other healthcare professional participants in the procedure (e.g., the surgical performer in an interventional procedure).


In simple procedures, the physician reading the study is identified in the Author or LegalAuthenticator participation on the ClinicalDocument, and does not need to be re-identified in this element. The technologist performing the imaging may be identified in this element as a secondary performer, since the interpreting physician is the principal performer responsible for the service event.

Example Physician reading study performer example

<performer typeCode="PRF">
        <id extension="111111111" root="2.16.840.1.113883.4.6"/>
        <code code="2085R0202X"
            displayName="Diagnostic Radiology"/>
        <addr nullFlavor="NI"/>
        <telecom nullFlavor="NI"/>

Example participant example

<participant typeCode="REF">
    <associatedEntity classCode="PROV">
        <id nullFlavor="NI"/>
        <addr nullFlavor="NI"/>
        <telecom nullFlavor="NI"/>

Example dataEnterer example

    <assignedEntity typeCode="ENT">
        <id root="2.16.840.1.113883.19.5" extension="43252"/>
            <streetAddressLine>21 North Ave.</streetAddressLine>
        <telecom use="WP" value="tel:(555) 555-1003"/>

DICOM PS3.20 2024e - Imaging Reports using HL7 Clinical Document Architecture