DICOM PS3.19 2024e - Application Hosting

A.2.6 Schema

The Relax NG Compact schema for the Abstract Multi-Dimensional Image Model follows:

default namespace = "http://dicom.nema.org/PS3.19/models/AbstractImage"

start = AbstractImageDataSet
AbstractImageDataSet = 

 element AbstractImageDataSet {
    element Component{
      attribute idNumber { xsd:positiveInteger },
      attribute datatype { ComponentDatatype },
      attribute minValue { xsd:double }?,
      attribute maxValue { xsd:double }?,
      element Semantics { CodedTerm },
      element Unit { CodedTerm }
    element Dimension {
      attribute idNumber { xsd:positiveInteger },
      attribute numberOfSamples { xsd:positiveInteger },
      element Semantics { CodedTerm },
      (element Regular {
         attribute width { xsd:double },
         attribute spacing { xsd:double },
         element Unit { CodedTerm },
         element AxisDirection { CodedTerm }?,
         element AxisOrientation { CodedTerm }?
       | element Irregular {
           attribute origin { xsd:double },
           element SampleLocation {
             attribute index { xsd:positiveInteger },
             attribute width { xsd:double },
             attribute distanceToOrigin { xsd:double }
         element Unit { CodedTerm },
         element AxisDirection { CodedTerm }?,
         element AxisOrientation { CodedTerm }?
       | element Qualitative {
           element Sample {
             attribute index { xsd:positiveInteger },
             element Semantics { CodedTerm }
      element Origin {
        attribute index { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }?,
        attribute xCoord { xsd:double },
        attribute yCoord { xsd:double },
        attribute zCoord { xsd:double }
      element DirectionCosines {
        attribute concernedSpatialDimension { xsd:positiveInteger },
        attribute index { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }?,
        attribute cosAlongX { xsd:double },
        attribute cosAlongY { xsd:double },
        attribute cosAlongZ { xsd:double }
    element PixelData { DimensionalData },
    element PixelMapOfValidData {
      attribute datatype { PixelMapDatatype },
        attribute inValue { xsd:positiveInteger }
        | attribute outValue { xsd:positiveInteger }

ComponentDatatype =
    | "SIGNED_INT16"
    | "SIGNED_INT32"
    | "UNSIGNED_INT16"
    | "UNSIGNED_INT32"
    | "FLOAT32"
    | "FLOAT64"
PixelMapDatatype = 

DimensionalData =
  element DimensionalData {
    attribute dimensionID { xsd:positiveInteger },
    element DataAt 
      attribute indexWithinDimension { xsd:positiveInteger },
      attribute descriptorUUID { xsd:string }?,
      (DimensionalData | BulkDataPointer)

BulkDataPointer = 
    attribute bulkDataUUID { xsd:string }

CodedTerm = 
    element CodeValue { xsd:string },
    element CodingSchemeDesignator { xsd:string },
    element CodingSchemeVersion { xsd:string }?,
    element CodeMeaning { xsd:string }?,
      element ContextIdentifier { xsd:string },
      element ContextUID { xsd:string }?,
      element MappingResource { xsd:string },
      element MappingResourceUID { xsd:string }?,
      element ContextGroupVersion { xsd:string }
      element ContextGroupExtensionFlag { xsd:string },
      element ContextGroupLocalVersion { xsd:string }?,
      element ContextGroupExtensionCreatorUID { xsd:string }?
DICOM PS3.19 2024e - Application Hosting