DICOM PS3.19 2024e - Application Hosting |
In this particular case, we have three dimensions, numbered #1 for displacements along X, #2 for displacements along Y, and #3 to index the time series. If we have 200 images along time (i.e., the numberOfSamples XML Attribute is set to 200), we will then have 400 occurrences of the DirectionCosines XML Element within the Dimension XML Element whose idNumber XML Attribute is set to #3 (the dimension referring to time). The 200 first occurrences will have the XML Attribute concernedSpatialDimension with value #1 (to specify direction cosines along the X axis) and will be indexed by the XML Attribute index varying from 1 to 200 corresponding to the 200 images along time. The 200 following occurrences will have the XML Attribute concernedSpatialDimension with value #2 (to specify direction cosines along the Y axis), and will also be indexed by the XML Attribute index varying from 1 to 200.
Similarly, in this example we will have 200 occurrences of the Origin XML Element within the Dimension XML Element that has the idNumber XML Attribute set to the value 3, and of course by the XML Attribute index varying from 1 to 200.
DICOM PS3.19 2024e - Application Hosting |