DICOM PS3.19 2024e - Application Hosting |
The recipient of data invokes this method to gain access to binary data provided by the source of the data. The source of the data provides a URI that the recipient may open as a byte stream to retrieve the data.
The provider of the data may delay the actual preparation of binary data until the recipient actually requests it.
The objectUUIDs array provides the UUIDs of the binary data that the source wishes to retrieve. Each of the UUIDs in that array are drawn either from the ObjectDescriptors provided in the AvailableData structure received by the recipient in one or more notifyDataAvailable() method calls, or from bulk data pointers in models accessed by the recipient.
If the UUID came from an ObjectDescriptor, the source returns ObjectLocators of the binary objects using the MIME content type and class UID listed in the ObjectDescriptor within the AvailableData structure associated with each UUID. If the UUID came from a Data Exchange Model, then the source returns the binary bulk data described within the model.
The recipient lists the desired Transfer Syntax for the bulk data via the acceptableTransferSyntaxUIDs parameter. The recipient shall list in order of preference in the acceptableTransferSyntaxUIDs parameter the UIDs of the Transfer Syntaxes that it will accept for the data represented by objectUUIDs. The provider of the data shall select and use the first transfer syntax in the list that it supports. For DICOM data, the provider of data shall as a minimum support the Explicit VR Little Endian transfer syntax. The acceptableTransferSyntaxUIDs may be empty for those MIME content types where Transfer Syntax has no meaning.
When retrieving binary data identified by a UUID from an ObjectDescriptor, if the recipient sets the includeBulkData flag to TRUE, then the source shall supply the bulk data within the data stream. Otherwise, the source may, but is not required to, omit bulk data such as pixel data.
The includeBulkData flag is useful, for example, when the recipient wishes to work with the description of the pixel data in binary DICOM form, in order to decide whether or not to retrieve the pixel data itself.
The method returns one ObjectLocator for each UUID passed into the method within the objectUUIDs array. The ObjectLocator describes a file where the recipient can read in the data referred to by that particular object's UUID.
When the recipient is finished with data referred to by an ObjectLocator URI, it may call the releaseData() method to free up the resources being consumed to provide those URIs. Any data references not explicitly released by the recipient of the data are released implicitly when the Hosted Application enters the IDLE state.
The recipient may call getData() multiple times for data referenced by a given ObjectDescriptor or bulk data UUID. Each call to getData() shall be matched by either an explicit or implicit call to releaseData().
This method shall only be called if the Hosted Application is at the INPROGRESS or COMPLETED states. A Hosting System may also call this method when the Hosted Application is in the SUSPENDED state.
DICOM PS3.19 2024e - Application Hosting |