DICOM PS3.18 2024c - Web Services |
This transaction returns a single Instance in a Rendered Media Type. See Section 8.7.4.
The Acceptable Media Type shall not be application/dicom. If it is, the response should be 406 (Not Acceptable) response.
The request shall have the following syntax:
GET SP /?{requestType}&{study}&{series}&{instance}{&frameNumber}
Accept: 1#media-type CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
The Target Resource shall be an Instance of a Composite SOP Class as defined in PS3.3.
The Query Parameters in this section shall only be included in a request if the DICOM Category of the Target Resource is Single Frame, Multi-Frame, or Video as defined in Section 8.7.2.
The origin server shall support Query Parameters as required in Table 9.5.1-1.
The user agent shall supply in the request Query Parameters as required in Table 9.5.1-1.
frame-number = %s"frameNumber" "=" uint
This parameter specifies a single frame within a multi-frame image Instance, as defined in PS3.3 that shall be returned. Its name is "frameNumber" and its value shall be a positive integer (i.e., starts at 1 not 0).
See Section
See Section
The Viewport Query Parameters specify the dimensions of the user agent's viewport. The Viewport Rows and Columns parameters specify the height and width, in pixels, of the returned image. If either parameter is present, both shall be present.
The Viewport parameters syntax in this Section overrides that described in Section; however, the scaling behavior described in that section still applies.
region = %s"region" "=" xmin "," ymin "," xmax "," ymax
xmin = decimal
ymin = decimal
xmax = decimal
ymax = decimal
This parameter specifies a rectangular region of the Target Resource. Its name is "region" and its values shall be a comma-separated list of four positive decimal numbers:
The region is specified using a normalized coordinate system relative to the size of the original image matrix, measured in rows and columns. Where
This parameter when used in conjunction with one of the viewport parameters, allows the user agent to map a selected area of the source image into its viewport.
The Windowing parameters (Window Center and Window Width) are optional; however, if either is present, both shall be present. If only one is present the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request) response and may include a payload containing an appropriate error message.
The URI Service does not support the "function" Query Parameter, which is described in Section
The Windowing and Presentation State parameters shall not be present in the same request. If both are present the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request) response and may include a payload containing an appropriate error message.
The Windowing parameters shall not be present if contentType is application/dicom; if either is present the origin server shall return a 400 (Bad Request) response and may include a payload containing an appropriate error message.
window-center = %s"windowCenter" "=" decimal
This parameter specifies the Window Center of the returned image as defined in PS3.3. Its name is "windowCenter" and its value shall be a decimal number.
window-width = %s"windowWidth" "=" decimal
This parameter specifies the Window Width of the returned image as defined in PS3.3. Its name is "windowWidth" and its value shall be a decimal number.
The parameters below specify the Series and SOP Instance UIDs of a Presentation State. They are optional. However, if one is present, they shall both be present.
If the Presentation State parameters are present, then the only other optional parameters that may be present are Annotation, Image Quality, Region, and Viewport.
The origin server shall support header fields as required in Table 9.5.1-2.
The user agent shall supply in the request header fields as required in Table 9.5.1-2.
The Acceptable Media Types shall contain only Rendered Media Types. See Section 8.7.4.
DICOM PS3.18 2024c - Web Services |