DICOM PS3.18 2024d - Web Services |
The "viewpointlookat" parameter specifies the point that the camera is looking at within the Viewpoint Coordinate System (VCS). See Section C.11.30.1 in PS3.3.
The syntax of this parameter is:
%s"viewpointlookat =" lx "," ly "," lz
lx, ly and lz |
Viewpoint LookAt point (i.e., the point that the camera is looking at). A point (x,y,z) in the VCS. |
This corresponds to the Viewpoint LookAt Point (0070,1604) attribute. See Section C.11.30 in PS3.3.
If the Target Resource is a Volumetric Presentation Stateand any orientation Query Parameters are present, the origin server shall apply the query parameter(s) instead of the geometry attributes in the Multi-Planar Reconstruction Geometry Module, or the Volume Render Geometry Module.
DICOM PS3.18 2024d - Web Services |