DICOM PS3.18 2024e - Web Services |
This transaction is used to change the state of a Workitem. It corresponds to the UPS DIMSE N-ACTION operation "Change UPS State". State changes are used to claim ownership, complete, or cancel a Workitem.
The request shall have the following syntax:
PUT SP /workitems/{workitem}/state SP version CRLF
Content-Type: dicom-media-type
(Content-Length: uint / Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
The user agent shall conform to the SCU behavior specified in Section CC.2.1.2 “Service Class User Behavior” in PS3.4.
The user agent shall supply, and the origin server shall support, the Common Query Parameters in Section 11.1.2.
The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 11.7.1-1.
The user agent shall supply in the Request Header Fields as defined in Table 11.7.1-1.
Table 11.7.1-1. Request Header Fields
See also Section 8.4.
The request payload shall contain the Change UPS State Data Elements as specified in Table CC.2.1-1 “Change UPS State - Action Information” in PS3.4. These data elements are:
The request payload shall include a Transaction UID. The user agent creates the Transaction UID when requesting a transition to the IN PROGRESS state for a given Workitem. The user agent provides that Transaction UID in subsequent transactions with that Workitem.
The legal values correspond to the requested state transition. They are: "IN PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", or "CANCELED".
DICOM PS3.18 2024e - Web Services |