DICOM PS3.18 2024d - Web Services

10.4.3 Response

The response shall have the following syntax:

version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
[Content-Type: media-type CRLF]
[(Content-Length: uint / Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF]
[Content-Location: url CRLF]
*(header-field CRLF)
payload / status-report Status Codes

Table 10.4.3-1 shows some common status codes corresponding to this transaction. See also Section 8.5 for additional status codes.

Table 10.4.3-1. Status Code Meaning





200 (OK)

The response payload contains representations for all of the Target Resource(s)

206 (Partial Content)

The response payload contains representations for some, but not all, of the Target Resource(s)


400 (Bad Request)

The origin server cannot process the request because of errors in the request headers or parameters.

404 (Not Found)

The Target Resource does not exist

406 (Not Acceptable)

The origin server does not support any of the Acceptable Media Types

410 (Gone)

The Target Resource has been deleted

413 (Payload Too Large)

The Target Resource is too large to be returned by the origin server.

DICOM PS3.18 2024d - Web Services