DICOM PS3.17 2024c - Explanatory Information

HHH.4.3 Description of The Use Cases

The use cases described above in terms of clinical scenarios correspond to the following technical implementation scenarios. In each case the use is distinguished by the capabilities of the requesting system:

  1. Does it prefer XML or JSON results?

  2. Does it need to perform searches at the Series and Instance level or can it process the full Study metadata?

  3. What Attributes does it need to search against?

  4. What Attributes does it need for each matching Study, Series or Composite Instance?

These questions can be applied to the use cases:

  1. Search from EMR

    1. JSON or XML

    2. Study

    3. Study Instance UID, Patient ID

    4. Accession Number, Issuer of Accession Number, Study Description, Study Date, Modality, Number of Series, Number of Instances

  2. Populating FHIR resources

    1. JSON or XML

    2. Study, Series and Instance

    3. Patient ID and Issuer of Patient ID

    4. All Attributes required by the FHIR Imaging Study Resource (see http://www.hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/imagingstudy.htm)

  3. Worklist in Viewer

    1. JSON or XML

    2. Study

    3. Study Instance UID, Patient ID, Issuer of Patient ID

    4. Series Instance UIDs, SOP Instance UIDs, patient demographics, Study Description, Study Date, Modality, Referring Physician

  4. Study Import Duplication Check

    1. JSON or XML

    2. Study

    3. Study Instance UID, Series Instance UID, SOP Instance UID

    4. Study Instance UID

  5. Multiple System Query

    1. JSON or XML

    2. Study

    3. Patient ID, Issuer of Patient ID, Patient Name, Patient Date of Birth

    4. Study Instance UID, Accession Number, Study Description, Study Date, Modalities in Study

  6. Clinical Reconstruction

    1. JSON or XML

    2. Study, Series, Instance

    3. Study Instance UID, Series Instance UID

    4. SOP Instance UID, Image Instance Level Attributes

  7. Mobile Device Access

    1. JSON

    2. Study, Series and Instance

    3. Patient ID, Issuer of Patient ID, Patient Name, Patient Date of Birth, Study Date, Referring Physician

    4. Instance Date/time, Modalities in Study

These then become the following technical use cases.

HHH.4.3.1 XML Study Search Use Case

  1. The requesting web-based application can make QIDO-RS requests, parse XML and then make WADO-RS requests

  2. The request specifies:

    1. Multipart XML

    2. Search parameters, including:

      1. Patient ID

      2. Issuer of Patient ID

      3. Patient Name

      4. Study Description

      5. Study Date

      6. Modalities in Study

      7. Referring Physician

      8. etc.

  3. The Response provides

    1. One PS3.19 XML NativeDicomModel element for each matching Study

    2. All requested DICOM Attributes for each matching Study

    3. WADO-RS Retrieve URL for each matching Study

  4. The requesting system identifies the Studies of interest and uses WADO-RS to retrieve data

DICOM PS3.17 2024c - Explanatory Information