DICOM PS3.17 2024e - Explanatory Information |
This section includes examples of volumetric views and how they can be described with the Volumetric Presentation States to allow recreation of those views on other systems. The illustrated use cases are examples only and are by no means exhaustive.
Each use case is structured in three sections:
User Scenario: Describes the user needs in a specific clinical context, and/or a particular system configuration and equipment type.
Encoding Outline: Describes the Volumetric Presentation States related to this scenario, and highlights key aspects.
Encoding Details: Provides detailed recommendations of the key Attributes of the Volumetric Presentation States to address this particular scenario. The tables are similar to the IOD tables of PS3.3. Only Attributes with specific recommendation in this particular scenario have been included.
A grayscale planar MPR view created from one input volume without cropping is the most basic application of the Planar MPR VPS.
To create this view, the Volumetric Presentation State Relationship Module refers to one input volume, and uses the Volumetric Presentation State Display Module with a minimum set of Attributes, generating this simple pipeline:
The parameters for computing the Multi-Planar Reconstruction are defined in the Multi-Planar Reconstruction Geometry Module.
DICOM PS3.17 2024e - Explanatory Information |