DICOM PS3.17 2024e - Explanatory Information

EEEE.5 Informative References

This section lists useful references related to the taxonomy of ADC calculation methods.

EEEE.5.1 ADC Method Descriptions

[Burdette 1998] J Comput Assist Tomogr. Burdette JH, Elster AD, and Ricci PE. 1998. 22. 5. 792–4. “Calculation of apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) in brain using two-point and six-point methods”. http://journals.lww.com/jcat/pages/articleviewer.aspx?year=1998&issue=09000&article=00023&type=abstract .

[Barbieri 2016] Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Barbieri S, Donati OF, Froehlich JM, and Thoeny HC. 2016. 75. 5. 2175–84. “Impact of the calculation algorithm on biexponential fitting of diffusion-weighted MRI in upper abdominal organs”. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mrm.25765 .

[Bennett 2003] Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Bennett KM, Schmainda KM, Bennett RT, Rowe DB, Lu H, and Hyde JS. 2003. 50. 727–734. “Characterization of continuously distributed cortical water diffusion rates with a stretched-exponential model”. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mrm.10581 .

[Gatidis 2016] Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Gatidis S, Schmidt H, Martirosian P, Nikolaou K, and Schwenzer NF. 2016. 43. 4. 824–32. “Apparent diffusion coefficient-dependent voxelwise computed diffusion-weighted imaging: An approach for improving SNR and reducing T2 shine-through effects”. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jmri.25044 .

[Graessner 2011] MAGNETOM Flash. Graessner J. 2011. 84-87. “Frequently Asked Questions: Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI)”. Siemens Healthcare. http://clinical-mri.com/wp-content/uploads/software_hardware_updates/Graessner.pdf .

[Merisaari 2016] Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Merisaari H, Movahedi P, Perez IM, Toivonen J, Pesola M, Taimen P, Boström PJ, Pahikkala T, Kiviniemi A, Aronen HJ, and Jambor I. 2016. “Fitting methods for intravoxel incoherent motion imaging of prostate cancer on region of interest level: Repeatability and gleason score prediction”. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mrm.26169 .

[Neil 1993] Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Neil JJ and Bretthorst GL. 1993. 29. 5. 642–7. “On the use of bayesian probability theory for analysis of exponential decay date: An example taken from intravoxel incoherent motion experiments”. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mrm.1910290510 .

[Oshio 2014] Magn Reson Med Sci. Oshio K, Shinmoto H, and Mulkern RV. 2014. 13. 191–195. “Interpretation of diffusion MR imaging data using a gamma distribution model”. http://dx.doi.org/10.2463/mrms.2014-0016 .

[Toivonen 2015] Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Toivonen J, Merisaari H, Pesola M, Taimen P, Boström PJ, Pahikkala T, Aronen HJ, and Jambor I. 2015. 74. 4. 1116–24. “Mathematical models for diffusion-weighted imaging of prostate cancer using b values up to 2000 s/mm2: Correlation with Gleason score and repeatability of region of interest analysis”. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mrm.25482 .

[Yablonskiy 2003] Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Yablonskiy DA, Bretthorst GL, and Ackerman JJH. 2003. 50. 4. 664–9. “Statistical model for diffusion attenuated MR signal”. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mrm.10578 .

DICOM PS3.17 2024e - Explanatory Information