DICOM PS3.17 2024e - Explanatory Information

M Vascular Ultrasound Reports (Informative)

M.1 Vascular Report Structure

Vascular Numeric Measurement Example

Figure M.2-1. Vascular Numeric Measurement Example

The vascular procedure report partitions numeric measurements into section headings by anatomic region and by laterality. A laterality concept modifier of the section heading concept name specifies whether laterality is left or right. Therefore, laterally paired anatomy sections may appear two times, once for each laterality. Findings of unpaired anatomy, are separately contained in a separate "unilateral" section container. Therefore, in vascular ultrasound, laterality is always expressed at the section heading level with one of three states: left, right, or unilateral (unpaired). There is no provision for anatomy of unknown laterality other than as a TEXT Content Item in the summary.

Note that expressing laterality at the heading level differs from OB-GYN Pelvic and fetal vasculature, which expresses laterality as concept modifiers of the anatomic containers.

Section Heading Concept Name

Section Heading Laterality

Cerebral Vessels

Left, Right or Unilateral

Artery of Neck

Left, Right

Artery of Lower Extremity

Left, Right

Vein of Lower Extremity

Left, Right

Artery of Upper Extremity

Left, Right

Vein of Upper Extremity

Left, Right

Vascular Structure of Kidney

Left, Right

Artery of Abdomen

Left, Right or Unilateral

Vein of Abdomen

Left, Right or Unilateral

The common vascular pattern is a battery of measurements and calculations repeatedly applied to various anatomic locations. The anatomic location is the acquisition context of the measurement group. For example, a measurement group may have a measurement source of Common Iliac Artery with several measurement instances and measurement types such as mean velocity, peak systolic velocity, acceleration time, etc.

There are distinct anatomic concepts to modify the base anatomy concept. The modification expression is a Content Item with a modifier concept name and value selected from a Context Group as the table shows below.

Anatomic Modifier Concept Name

Context Group


(272741003, SCT, "Laterality")

CID 244 “Laterality”

Distinguishes laterality

(106233006, SCT, "Topographical Modifier")

CID 12116 “Vessel Segment Modifier”

Distinguishes the location along a segment: prox, mid, distal, …

(125101, DCM, "Vessel Branch")

CID 12117 “Vessel Branch Modifier”

Distinguishes between one of multiple branches: inferior, middle

DICOM PS3.17 2024e - Explanatory Information