DICOM PS3.17 2024e - Explanatory Information

II Use of Product Characteristics Attributes in Composite SOP Instances (Informative)

Bar coding or RFID tagging of contrast agents, drugs, and devices can facilitate the provision of critical information to the imaging modality, such as the active ingredient, concentration, etc. The Product Characteristics Query SOP Class allows a modality to submit the product bar code (or RFID tag) to an SCP to look up the product type, active substance, size/quantity, or other parameters of the product.

This product information can be included in appropriate Attributes of the Contrast/Bolus, Device, or Intervention Modules of the Composite SOP Instances created by the modality. The product information then provides key acquisition context data necessary for the proper interpretation of the SOP Instances.

This annex provides informative information about mapping from the Product Characteristics Module Attributes of the Product Characteristics Query to the Attributes of Composite IODs included in several Modules.

Within this section, if no Product Characteristics Module source for the Attribute value is provided, the modality would need to provide local data entry or user selection from a pick list to fill in appropriate values. Some values may need to be calculated based on user-performed dilution of the product at the time of administration.

II.1 Contrast/bolus Module

Table II-1. Contrast/Bolus Module Attribute Mapping

Contrast/Bolus Module Attribute Name


Product Characteristics Module Source

Contrast/Bolus Agent


Product Name (0044,0008)


If Product Name is multi-valued, use the first value.

Contrast/Bolus Agent Sequence



>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes” in PS3.3

Product Type Code Sequence (0044,0007) >'Code Sequence Macro'

Contrast/Bolus Route


Contrast/Bolus Administration Route Sequence


>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes” in PS3.3

>Additional Drug Sequence


>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes” in PS3.3

Contrast/Bolus Volume


If contrast is administered without dilution, and using full contents of dispensed product:

Product Parameter Sequence (0044,0013) > Numeric Value (0040,A30A) where:

  • Product Parameter Sequence > Concept Name Code Sequence (0040,A043) value is (118565006, SCT, "Volume")

  • Product Parameter Sequence > Measurement Units Code Sequence (0040,08EA) is (ml, UCUM, "ml")

Contrast/Bolus Start Time


Contrast/Bolus Stop Time


Contrast/Bolus Total Dose


If contrast is administered using full contents of dispensed product:

Product Parameter Sequence (0044,0013) > Numeric Value (0040,A30A), where:

  • Product Parameter Sequence > Concept Name Code Sequence (0040,A043) value is (118565006, SCT, "Volume")

  • Product Parameter Sequence > Measurement Units Code Sequence (0040,08EA) is (ml, UCUM, "ml")

Contrast Flow Rate


Contrast Flow Duration


Contrast/Bolus Ingredient


Product Parameter Sequence (0044,0013) > Concept Code Sequence (0040,A168) > Code Meaning (0008,0104), where:


Contrast/Bolus Ingredient is a CS VR (16 characters max, upper case), so a conversion from the LO VR is required.

Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Concentration


If contrast is administered without dilution:

Product Parameter Sequence (0044,0013) > Numeric Value (0040,A30A), where:

DICOM PS3.17 2024e - Explanatory Information