DICOM PS3.16 2024c - Content Mapping Resource |
This template provides detailed information on a research subject's exposure to exogenous substances. It is a specialization of the more general template TID 9002 “Medication, Substance, Environmental Exposure”.
Table TID 8182. Parameters
Table TID 8182. Exogenous Substance Administration
Classification is inherited from the more general template TID 9002 “Medication, Substance, Environmental Exposure”, and may be supplied as a parameter, but is entirely generic and is not used as an alternative to the more specific information provided in other rows, for example, Rows 19 and 20, tissue and taxonomic rank of origin. | |
Brand name may be used for any type of descriptor or identifier. E.g., a particular cell line might have a designated name, such as "MDA-MB-468", which designates a particular human breast cancer cell line. |
These rows describe the strain and genetic modifications of the source of the graft using Content Items that correspond to the Attributes described in Section C. “Patient Strain and Genetic Modifications” in PS3.3 . The strain and genetic characteristics of the animal into which the exogenous substance is grafted are described in the Patient Module; see Section C. “Patient Strain and Genetic Modifications” in PS3.3 . |
DICOM PS3.16 2024c - Content Mapping Resource |