DICOM PS3.16 2024e - Content Mapping Resource |
This Template codes numeric echo measurements where most of the details about the nature of the measurement are not communicated. The measurement is identified in terms of the property measured, such as Length, Diameter, Area, Velocity etc. and some measurement context may established by reference to spatial coordinates on an image or a waveform. A displayable label is included but there is no managed code identifying the measurement.
The template is intended to be used to include adhoc, one-time measurements whose need is determined during imaging study or reviewing session.
Measurements that are taken in an adhoc fashion but are selected from the set of pre-coordinated or post-coordinated measurements that are configured on the Ultrasound System should be coded using TID 5301 “Pre-coordinated Echo Measurement” or TID 5302 “Post-coordinated Echo Measurement”.
Table TID 5303. Adhoc Measurement
$Purpose = EV (121112, DCM, "Source of measurement") |
$Purpose = EV (121112, DCM, "Source of measurement") |
DICOM PS3.16 2024e - Content Mapping Resource |