DICOM PS3.16 2024e - Content Mapping Resource |
This template describes two-dimensional graph data for a syringe or pump.
Table TID 11023. Imaging Agent Administration Graph
Shall be as defined in (130254, DCM, "Imaging Agent Identifier") Row 2 of TID 11002 “Imaging Agent Information”. |
$MeasurementGraph = EV (130229, DCM, "Flow Rate vs time") $X-Concept = EV (130194, DCM, "Time after the start of injection") $Y-Concept = EV (122094, DCM, "Rate of administration") |
$MeasurementGraph = EV (130230, DCM, "Pressure vs Time") $X-Concept = EV (130194, DCM, "Time after the start of injection") $Y-Concept = EV (279046003, SCT, "Pressure") |
DICOM PS3.16 2024e - Content Mapping Resource |