DICOM PS3.16 2024c - Content Mapping Resource |
This Template provides information on total Projection Radiography dose values accumulated on Integrated or combined fluoroscopy/acquisition systems over one or more irradiation events (typically a study or a performed procedure step) from the same equipment.
Table TID 10007. Accumulated Total Projection Radiography Dose
IF TID 10001 Row 4 = (113958, DCM, "Integrated Projection Radiography System") or any of the values of TID (10001) Row 18 are not (113858, DCM, "MPPS Content"). |
IFF the distance is constant for all irradiation events within the scope of accumulation. |
IF any of (113725, DCM, "Dose (RP) Total"), (113728, DCM, "Fluoro Dose (RP) Total") or (113729, DCM, "Acquisition Dose (RP) Total") are present, and Row 6 is not present. |
IF any of (113725, DCM, "Dose (RP) Total"), (113728, DCM, "Fluoro Dose (RP) Total") or (113729, DCM, "Acquisition Dose (RP) Total") are present, and Row 5 is not present. |
A single value for Radiography systems calculating reference point dose based on a constant distance. If this distance changes, it may only be populated in Row 11 of Section TID 10003C “Irradiation Event X-Ray Mechanical Data” on an irradiation event basis. |
A coded definition of the Reference Point (RP) used for RP-related dose values. |
A text definition of the Reference Point (RP) used for RP-related dose values. |
DICOM PS3.16 2024c - Content Mapping Resource |