DICOM PS3.16 2024c - Content Mapping Resource |
This template documents scope of accumulation summary data for a single radiation source. Some rows are modality-specific and may not apply to all uses.
Table TID 10041. Accumulated Dose Data
Required if the irradiating device is not the recording device and the dose was accumulated on a single device. |
$DeviceProcedureRole = EV (113859, DCM, "Irradiating Device") |
IFF the distance is constant for all irradiation events within the scope of accumulation. |
Identification the X-Ray source. This designation shall not change for a given source throughout the entire RDSR. Summary-level values that may traditionally include multiple sources, e.g., Dose Area Product Total from planes A and B of a biplane system, could be described by an instance of this template where the Identification of X-Ray Source indicates multiple sources, e.g., "A and B." Summary-level values that are not traditionally described across multiple sources, e.g., Dose (RP) Total on a biplane system, should not accumulate these values across both sources. |
Date that the calibration of the equipment's dose indicators was performed. |
Typically, a value provided by the medical physicist. The recorded dose or dose area product values in this report can be multiplied by this factor to obtain estimated real-world values. |
Value range from 0 to 100 percent. Uncertainty of the 'actual' value expressed as +/- of the mean. |
Identifies Individual or organization responsible for calibration. |
Describes calibration protocol according to equipment standards or local guidelines. |
The device that produced the irradiation accumulated in this template, i.e., the X-Ray source. This is not required to be present if the information is the same as that already recorded in TID 1004 “Device Observer Identifying Attributes” encoded via the inclusion of TID 1002 “Observer Context” in TID 10040 Row 5. |
The total Dose Area Product for all fluoroscopy and acquisition events for a given X-Ray radiation source. |
Total clock time of Fluoroscopy accumulated over the defined scope of accumulation (i.e., the sum of the Irradiation Duration values for accumulated fluoroscopy irradiation events). |
Total clock time of acquisitions accumulated over the defined scope of accumulation (i.e., the sum of the Irradiation Duration values for accumulated acquisition irradiation events). |
A text definition of the Reference Point (RP) used for RP-related dose values. |
A coded definition of the Reference Point (RP) used for RP-related dose values. |
The fluoroscopic component of the accumulated dose relative to reference point. |
The acquisition component of the accumulated dose relative to reference point. |
A single value for calculating reference point dose based on a constant distance. If this distance changes, it may only be populated in Row 13 of TID 10054 “Procedure Characteristics” on an irradiation event basis. |
The Dose Length Product (DLP) is calculated for every irradiation event. The Dose Length Product Sub-Total is the sum of the DLP values for all events within the scope of accumulation that use the same phantom. |
The phantom used for the phantom-specific sub-total DLP estimate; shall be that specified at the irradiation event level in TID 10042 “Irradiation Event Summary Data” Row 29 for the events included in the sub-total. |
DICOM PS3.16 2024c - Content Mapping Resource |