DICOM PS3.16 2024c - Content Mapping Resource |
Section TID 4300 “Prostate Multiparametric MR Imaging Report” is the top-level report that includes all subordinate templates. Specific components related to prostate imaging are organized in the following subordinate templates:
Section TID 9007 “General Relevant Patient Information” can be used to describe relevant clinical history, tests and procedures (e.g., Prostate Specific Antigen Tests and biopsy results);
Section TID 1600 “Image Library” can be used to code individual MR series into defined types;
Section TID 3106 “Drugs/Contrast Administered” can be used to describe details related to contrast administration during Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR acquisition, which is often used for prostate evaluation;
Section TID 1701 “Imaging Study Quality” can be used to describe quality of the study and individual series in the study;
Section TID 4302 “Prostate Imaging Findings” are intended for describing three groups of findings:
overall prostate findings in Section TID 4303,
localized findings within the prostate in Section TID 4304 “Localized Prostate Finding”,
and extra-prostatic findings in Section TID 4305 “Extra-prostatic Finding”.
Each of these three templates follows a similar structure allowing for annotating the finding either volumetrically or planimetrically, and assigning attributes to those annotations.
The overall templates that comprise the Prostate Imaging Report are interconnected as in Figure A.4300-1.
The templates comprising Section TID 4302 “Prostate Imaging Findings” are shown in Figure A.4300-2.
This Root Template forms the Content Tree that allows a Prostate Imaging Report device to describe the results of a radiologist's diagnostic interpretation of Prostate Imaging (e.g., multiparametric MRI) evidence. This Template, together with its subordinate Templates, describes the results for presentation to clinicians, or for consumption by Prostate Imaging Report devices for subsequent Prostate Imaging Reports.
The initial primary application of the template is to support reporting of Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System version (PI-RADS) based interpretation of multiparametric MRI of the prostate, and specifically PI-RADS v2 reporting [PI-RADS]. PI-RADS guidelines were formulated based on the consensus of the analysis of published evidence and expert observations and opinions. The goal of PI-RADS is "to improve detection, localization, characterization, and risk stratification in patients with suspected cancer in treatment-naive prostate glands".
Table TID 4300. Prostate Multiparametric MR Imaging Report
EV (719178004, SCT, "Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging of prostate") |
$ProblemList = BCID 6327 “Prostate Imaging Indication” |
EV (130552, DCM, "Prostate MRI relevant procedure information") |
$ImageQualityControlStandard = BCID 6353 “Prostate Imaging Types of Quality Control Standard” $StudyQualityFindings = BCID 6314 “Prostate MRI Study Quality Finding” $SeriesQualityFindings = BCID 6315 “Prostate MRI Series Quality Finding” |
DICOM PS3.16 2024c - Content Mapping Resource |