DICOM PS3.16 2024c - Content Mapping Resource |
This Annex specifies the content of Standard Templates that may be used by DICOM SR IODs.
This Template provides a general structure for a numeric measurement, together with evaluations of its normality and/or significance, and the inference source(s) for its value. This structure is instantiated by inclusion of this Template with specific contextual parameters from a parent Template.
Table TID 300. Parameters
Table TID 300. Measurement
Defaults to DCID 244 “Laterality” |
EV (126100, DCM, "Real World Value Map used for measurement") |
SOP Class UID shall be Real World Value Mapping Storage ("1.2.840.10008.") |
The HAS CONCEPT MOD items allow the explicit definition of terms for post-coordination of the measurement concept name. Additional post-coordinated modifier terms may be included in a SOP Instance based on this Template, in accordance with section 6.2.4, or as defined by Templates that invoke this Template and explicitly define additional post-coordinated modifiers (e.g., TID 5203). |
Finding site may be multiple when a region of interest spans multiple anatomical locations and there is not a single pre-coordinated code describing the combination of locations. E.g., when a maligant, inflammatory or traumatic process spans actual or defined anatomical boundaries. There is no requirement that the multiple locations be contiguous. |
The INFERRED FROM items allow the specification (by-value or by-reference) of numeric values that were used in the derivation of the numeric measurement of Row 1. The nature of the inference is not explicitly conveyed; it may be implicit in the Concept Names of the measurements. Inference by-reference is valid only in SOP Classes that permit the INFERRED FROM relationship by-reference. |
Multiple SCOORD Content Items may be necessary to describe the source of the measurement. E.g., the measurement of an angle between two non-intersecting line segments requires two separate POLYLINE SCOORD Content Items with the concept name of (121223, DCM, "Arm of angle") conveyed in $Purpose. |
(260753009, SCT, "Source") may be specified for $ImagePurpose or $WavePurpose as a generic Concept Name when there is a desire to avoid having an anonymous (unnamed) Content Item. |
Equivalent Meaning of Concept Name allows the creating application to specify the preferred composed concept name representing the measurement and the associated post-coordinated concept modifiers. The concept modifiers may include those specified in this Template, in a Template that invokes this Template, or at the option of the creating application in accordance with Section 6.2.4. This composed concept name may be rendered by a display application. It may be supplied as text or coded concept or both. |
Row 18 is a reference to an RWV that describes how measurements were made in units that differ from the stored pixel values in the images referenced in Row 13. E.g., for a PET SUVbw measurement, the mapping from activity/concentration units in the referenced image that was used (and which may be reused for measurements in the future) may be encoded in a referenced RWV instance. This reference overrides any reference in an including Template (such as for a Measurement Group). |
This Template provides the properties of a numeric measurement, including evaluations of its normality and/or significance, its relationship to a reference population, and an indication of its selection from a set of measurements.
This Template provides the statistical properties of a reference population for a numeric measurement, and/or the position of a measurement in such a reference population.
This Template provides the normal range of values for a numeric measurement.
This Template provides a general structure for inference from an image, either as a whole, or with specific 2D or 3D spatial coordinates, as a single included Template in the invoking Template. If allowed by the IOD, the Image Content Item may be included by-reference.
(260753009, SCT, "Source") may be be used as a generic Concept Name when there is a desire to avoid having an anonymous (unnamed) Content Item. |
This Template provides a general structure for referencing a waveform, either as a whole, or with specific temporal coordinates, as a single included Template in the invoking Template. If allowed by the IOD, the Waveform Content Item may be included by-reference.
(260753009, SCT, "Source") may be be used as a generic Concept Name when there is a desire to avoid having an anonymous (unnamed) Content Item. |
This Template provides references to supporting evidence in the form of DICOM composite objects. This includes references to images, spatial coordinates on images, and other composite objects, such as Structured Reports.
This general Template provides a means to reference previous structured reporting composite object instances.
This TID is a subset of the Reference Location Macro. See Section 10.27 “Reference Location Macro” in PS3.3 .
Unless otherwise specified, content in an SR tree is "directly" observed. When material is quoted (from a source that is either a document or something spoken), then it is necessary to specify:
This Template establishes a mechanism for quoting by specifying:
the fact that one is quoting, by the presence of the contents of the Template in the tree
that the "observer context" above the invocation of this Template establishes who is doing the quoting
the source of the quote, by the values of the Content Items in this Template
who is being quoted, and who and what the quote is about, by the observation context that is established at the start of the quoted material
This Template may be invoked recursively, to nest quotes within quotes. In essence, the chain of who is quoting whom can be established by maintaining a "stack" of observer context.
If a dimension of observation context is the same in the quoted material as in the enclosing tree, then the observation context does not need to be respecified (e.g., the quote may be about the same subject or procedure). Typically, the observer context would change (unless one were quoting oneself).
In the case of quoting something that was spoken, the "observer" is the person speaking.
TID 1000 is attached using HAS OBS CONTEXT relationships to the top node of the material that is being quoted. The presence of the Quoted Source concept signals the fact that the material is quoted rather than directly observed.
Specifies attributes of observation context that may be defined, extended or replaced at any location in the SR tree.
This includes attributes that specify:
Establishing context includes two aspects of each dimension: identification and description (e.g., patient name and ID vs. patient's age, height or weight).
Whenever one dimension of context is changed or an attribute is added, all attributes of that dimension of context are "flushed", that is they need to be repeated in their entirety. For example, when the subject is changed from patient (name, id) to fetus (number), then the parameters of the patient are discarded. E.g., the patient's ID does not apply to the fetus.
"Extending" the same class and dimension of observation context isn't feasible, since one cannot "null out" or remove a previously set attribute. Any time a dimension of observation context is "replaced", any attributes that are unspecified remain unspecified (i.e., they are not inherited).
Table TID 1001. Observation Context
The observer (person or device) that created the Content Items to which this context applies.
Whenever this Template is invoked, all previously inherited attributes of Observer Context are discarded and replaced.
There may be more than one observer, as this Template may be invoked with a VM 1-n, and both person and device observers. In such a case, the Content Items of TID 1003 “Person Observer Identifying Attributes” and TID 1004 “Device Observer Identifying Attributes” shall be included in the order in which the values of Observer Type are specified. Since TID 1003 “Person Observer Identifying Attributes” and TID 1004 “Device Observer Identifying Attributes” both include a single mandatory Content Item as their first Content Item, which observer is being described can be determined
Table TID 1002. Observer Context
Defaults to (121006, DCM, "Person") |
IFF Row 1 value = (121006, DCM, "Person") or Row 1 is absent |
IFF Row 1 value = (121007, DCM, "Device") |
This Template contains identifying (and optionally descriptive) attributes of persons that are observers.
Table TID 1003. Person Observer Identifying Attributes
Defaults to Value of Institution Name (0008,0080) of the General Equipment Module |
EV (121010, DCM, "Person Observer's Role in the Organization") |
EV (121011, DCM, "Person Observer's Role in this Procedure") |
EV (128775, DCM, "Identifier within Person Observer's Role") |
This Template (derived from the Section C.7.5.1 “General Equipment Module” in PS3.3 ) contains identifying (and optionally descriptive) attributes of devices that are observers.
Table TID 1004. Device Observer Identifying Attributes
Defaults to Value of Device UID (0018,1002) of the General Equipment Module |
Defaults to Value of Station Name (0008,1010) of the General Equipment Module |
Defaults to Value of Manufacturer (0008,0070) of the General Equipment Module |
Defaults to Value of Manufacturer's Model Name (0008,1090) of the General Equipment Module |
Defaults to Value of Device Serial Number (0018,1000) of the General Equipment Module |
EV (121017, DCM, "Device Observer Physical Location During Observation") |
Defaults to Value of Manufacturer's Device Class UID (0018,100B) of the General Equipment Module. |
Defaults to Value of UDI Sequence (0018,100A) of the General Equipment Module |
This Template contains identifying (and optionally descriptive) attributes of the procedure that is the source of evidence being interpreted.
Whenever this Template is invoked, all previously inherited attributes of Procedure Study Context are discarded and replaced.
If an observed digital image is identified by other than a DICOM UID, a Study Instance UID must be generated for the non-DICOM evidence. The same must be done to document interpretation of hard-copy radiographs generated outside of the scope of the DICOM system.
Table TID 1005. Procedure Study Context
Defaults to Value of Study Instance UID (0020, 000D) of the General Study Module |
Defaults to Value of Accession Number (0008,0050) of the General Study Module |
Defaults to Value of Procedure Code Sequence (0008,1032) of the General Study Module |
This Template contains identifying (and optionally descriptive) attributes of the subject of the observation.
Subject context identifies (and optionally) describes the subject of the observation, whether it be a patient (human or animal), a fetus (human or animal), a specimen, or a device.
Table TID 1006. Subject Context
DCID 271 “Observation Subject Class” Defaults to (121025, DCM, "Patient") |
IFF Row 1 value = (121025, DCM, "Patient") or Row 1 is absent |
IFF Row 1 value = (121026, DCM, "Fetus") |
IFF Row 1 value = (121027, DCM, "Specimen") |
IFF Row 1 value = (121192, DCM, "Device Subject") |
Identifies (and optionally describes) a patient who is the subject.
Table TID 1007. Subject Context, Patient
Defaults to Value of Patient's Name (0010,0010) of the Patient Module |
Defaults to Value of Patient ID (0010,0020) of the Patient Module |
Defaults to Value of Patient's Birth Date (0010,0030) of the Patient Module |
Defaults to value equivalent to Value of Patient's Sex (0010,0040) of the Patient Module |
Defaults to value equivalent to Value of Patient's Age (0010,1010) of the Patient Study Module UNITS = DCID 7456 “Age Unit” |
DCID 7454 “Animal Taxonomic Rank Value” Defaults to Value of Patient Species Code Sequence (0010,2202) of the Patient Module, or if absent, (337915000, SCT, "Homo sapiens"). |
Defaults to Value of Patient Breed Code Sequence (0010,2293) of the Patient Module |
Defaults to Value of Ethnic Group Code Sequence (0010,2161) of the Patient Module, or if absent, the coded equivalent of the text Value of Ethnic Group (0010,2160) of the Patient Module, which is defined as "race or ethnic group". |
Identifies (and optionally describes) a fetus who is the subject.
Table TID 1008. Subject Context, Fetus
Identifies (and optionally describes) a specimen that is the subject.
Identifies (and optionally describes) a device that is the subject of observations.
Table TID 1010. Subject Context, Device
This Template includes attributes describing the qualifications of the person observer relevant to the content generated by the observer.
This Template describes a person participating in an activity as other than an observer or subject. E.g., for a dose report documenting an irradiating procedure, participants include the person administering the irradiation and the person authorizing the irradiation.
This Template is included with specific contextual parameters from a parent Template.
This Template describes a device participating in an activity as other than an observer or subject. E.g., for a dose report documenting an irradiating procedure, participants include the irradiating device.
This Template is included with specific contextual parameters from a parent Template.
If no Device Procedure Role is provided, BCID 7445 “Device Participating Role” may be used. |
This may be used for the name by which the organization manages the device. |
Defines a mechanism for specifying a language, optionally with designation of the country in which that language applies.
For example, the French language could be specified unmodified, or French as written in France or Canada could be distinguished.
The language codes specified in CID 5000 “Language” optionally allow the encoding of the country of language in the Code Value for the language. Encoding of the country of language in a separate subsidiary Concept Modifier Content Item is allowed for backward compatibility with previous editions of the Standard.
Defines a mechanism for specifying the language in which the value of the parent Content Item (only) is written. Does not specify the language of the Concept Name of the parent Content Item, nor of any other descendants of the parent Content Item.
The language codes specified in CID 5000 “Language” optionally allow the encoding of the country of language in the Code Value for the language. Encoding of the country of language in a separate subsidiary Concept Modifier Content Item is allowed for backward compatibility with previous editions of the Standard.
Defines a mechanism for specifying the language in which the value and the Concept Name of the parent Content Item (only) is written. Does not specify the language of any other descendants of the parent Content Item.
The language codes specified in CID 5000 “Language” optionally allow the encoding of the country of language in the Code Value for the language. Encoding of the country of language in a separate subsidiary Concept Modifier Content Item is allowed for backward compatibility with previous editions of the Standard.
Defines a mechanism for specifying the language in which the value and the Concept Name of the parent Content Item and any other descendants of the parent Content Item is written.
The language codes specified in CID 5000 “Language” optionally allow the encoding of the country of language in the Code Value for the language. Encoding of the country of language in a separate subsidiary Concept Modifier Content Item is allowed for backward compatibility with previous editions of the Standard.
Table TID 1204. Language of Content Item and Descendants
Defines a mechanism for specifying one or more equivalent meanings for the Concept Name of the parent Content Item.
Table TID 1210. Equivalent Meaning(s) of Concept Name
A coded equivalent meaning for the Concept Name can also be included using the Attribute Equivalent Code Sequence (0008,0121) in the Concept Name Code Sequence (0040,A043) (see Section 8.9 “Equivalent Code Sequence” in PS3.3 ), though the equivalent code(s) in the Equivalent Code Sequence (0008,0121) need not be the same as those in TID 1210.
Defines a mechanism for specifying one or more equivalent meanings for the Value of the parent Content Item.
Table TID 1211. Equivalent Meaning(s) of Value
For example, to describe a longer, more meaningful equivalent (in the same language) for a procedure code than is defined in a coding scheme:
CODE: (121023, DCM, "Procedure Code") = (50291CC, ICD10PCS, "IMAGING:CNS:CT:SELLA:LOWOSMOLAR:IT, U, E:2PLANE3D")
> HAS CONCEPT MOD TEXT: (121051, DCM, "Equivalent meaning of value") = "imaging study central nervous system of the sella turcica/pituitary gland with low osmolar contrast intrathecal, unenhanced and enhanced, in two planes with 3D reconstructions"
For example, to specify a concept name and value in both French and English in Canada:
CODE:(91723000, SCT, "Anatomical structure") = (76752008, SCT, "Breast")
> HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE: (121048, DCM, "Language of name and value") = (en-CA, RFC5646, "English, Canada")
> HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE: (121050, DCM, "Equivalent meaning of concept name") = (91723000, SCT, Structure de l'anatomie")
>> HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE: (121047, DCM, " Langue de la valeur ") = (fr-CA, RFC5646, " Français, Canadien ")
> HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE: (121051, DCM, "Equivalent meaning of value") = (76752008, SCT, "Sein")
>> HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE: (121047, DCM, " Langue de la valeur ") = (fr-CA, RFC5646, " Français, Candie ")
3. A coded equivalent meaning for the Concept Value of a CODE Content Item can also be included using the Attribute Equivalent Code Sequence (0008,0121) in the Concept Code Sequence (0040, A168) (see Section 8.9 “Equivalent Code Sequence” in PS3.3 ).
Concept Name Modifier for negation of the presence of a finding represented by a post-coordinated concept.
For example, negation modifier applied to "distention" in the post-coordinated structure:
CODE: "anatomic location" = "bile duct"
> HAS PROPERTY CODE: "morphology" = "distention"
The presence-negation modifier modifies the entire post-coordinated concept, not just the Source Content Item of the HAS CONCEPT MOD relationship. The entire branch of the tree from the Content Item is included in the post-coordinated structure that is negated.
Table TID 1401. Area Measurement
UNITS = DCID 7461 “Area Measurement Unit” |
IF concept name of Row 1 = (131184002, SCT, "Area of defined region"), and IFF Row 5 or 6 not present. |
IF concept name of Row 1 = (131184002, SCT, "Area of defined region"), and IFF Row 2 or 6 not present. |
Reference shall be to a Segmentation Image, with a single value specified in Referenced Frame Number |
IF concept name of Row 1 = (131184002, SCT, "Area of defined region"), and IFF Row 2 or 5 not present. |
Reference shall be to a Segmentation Image, with a single value specified in Referenced Frame Number |
A Graphic Type of POINT implies that the object is a single pixel and the object's area is the area of the pixel. Otherwise the type shall be a closed POLYLINE (start and end point the same) or a CIRCLE or an ELLIPSE. |
Referenced Frame Number (0008,1160) is an Attribute of the IMAGE Content Item. If the Referenced Segmentation SOP Instance has Segmentation Type (0062,0001) value BINARY, it identifies the area of defined (measured) region by pixel values in the referenced frame with value 1. For Segmentation Type value FRACTIONAL, the area is computed by an implementation dependent method. Frame number shall be specified even if the Segmentation SOP Instance has only a single frame. |
The values of (112039, DCM, "Tracking Identifier") and (112040, DCM, "Tracking Unique Identifier"), if present, shall match the corresponding values of Tracking ID (0062,0020) and Tracking UID (0062,0021), if present, in the corresponding Segment of any Segmentation instance referenced in Row 5. |
Table TID 1402. Volume Measurement
UNITS = DCID 7462 “Volume Measurement Unit” |
Reference shall be to a Segmentation Image, with a value specified in Referenced Segment Number |
Reference shall be to a Segmentation Image, with a value specified in Referenced Segment Number |
The two dimensional perimeter of the volume's intersection with or projection into the image. A Graphic Type of POINT implies that the volume's intersection or projection in a plane is a single pixel. A single pixel projection perimeter cannot cause a volume calculation to become 0. Otherwise the type shall be a closed POLYLINE (start and end point the same) or a CIRCLE or an ELLIPSE. |
Referenced Segment Number (0062,000B) is an Attribute of the IMAGE Content Item. If the Referenced Segmentation SOP Instance has Segmentation Type (0062,0001) value BINARY, it identifies the defined (measured) volume by pixel/voxel values in the frames of the referenced segment with value 1. For Segmentation Type value FRACTIONAL, the volume is computed by an implementation dependent method. Segment number shall be specified even if the Segmentation SOP Instance has only a single segment. |
The values of (112039, DCM, "Tracking Identifier") and (112040, DCM, "Tracking Unique Identifier"), if present, shall match the corresponding values of Tracking ID (0062,0020) and Tracking UID (0062,0021), if present, in the corresponding Segment of any Segmentation instance referenced in Row 5. |
This Template provides a general structure to report measurements for some metric, e.g., density, flow, or concentration, and/or qualitative evaluations, over a planar region of interest in an image. The ROI may be specified by an SCOORD on an image, by a Segmentation Image, by an SCOORD3D defining an area relative to a 3D Frame of Reference, or by a reference to an ROI defined in a radiotherapy Structure Set.
Table TID 1410. Parameters
Table TID 1410. Planar ROI Measurements and Qualitative Evaluations
Reference shall be to a Segmentation Image, with a single value specified in Referenced Segment Number (0062,000B). For references to tiled Segmentation Images, one or more values shall be specified in Referenced Frame Number (0008,1160), unless all frames in the referenced Segmentation Image are selected and there is only a single Segment, in which case Referenced Frame Number (0008,1160) will be absent. The referenced tiles shall all be in the same plane. For references to non-tiled Segmentation Images, a single value shall be specified in Referenced Frame Number (0008,1160), unless there is only one frame in the referenced Segmentation Image, in which case Referenced Frame Number (0008,1160) will be absent. |
Reference shall be to an Instance of the RT Structure Set Storage SOP Class. |
EV (130489, DCM, "Referenced Region of Interest Identifier") |
Shall be the value of ROI Number (3006,0022) within the single referenced Item of Structure Set ROI Sequence (3006,0020) of the referenced Instance of the RT Structure Set Storage SOP Class. |
EV (126100, DCM, "Real World Value Map used for measurement") |
SOP Class UID shall be Real World Value Mapping Storage ("1.2.840.10008.") |
$TargetSiteMod = $TargetSiteMod $RangeAuthority = $RangeAuthority |
Identifies the session during which the measurements were made. The NCI Thesaurus definition is "time, period, or term devoted to some activity". |
The Tracking Identifier and Tracking Unique Identifier are defined as a text label or unique identifier (respectively) used for tracking a finding or feature, potentially across multiple reporting objects, over time. As such, they are distinct from the Observation UID (0040,A171), which is unique identifier of the specific Content Item and its subsidiary Content Items that constitute an individual observation, and would be different for different observations on different occasions of the same finding or feature. The values of these Content Items shall match the corresponding values of Tracking ID (0062,0020) and Tracking UID (0062,0021), if present, in the corresponding Segment of any Segmentation instance referenced in Row 7. |
The category and type of the finding describe whatever entity (finding or feature) is identified by Rows 2 and 3. E.g., a finding might be a lesion, a tumor, or a reference region (as distinct from its anatomical location, which is encoded in a different Content Item (Finding Site). When spatial localization is by reference to a Segmentation, the category and type may correspond to the values of Segmented Property Category Code Sequence (0062,0003) and Segmented Property Type Code Sequence (0062,000F), respectively. See also CID 7150 “Segmentation Property Category”. |
To describe an infinitely small area, such as the center of a lesion, a Graphic Type of POINT may be used. |
(260753009, SCT, "Source") may be used as a generic Concept Name when there is a desire to avoid having an anonymous (unnamed) Content Item. |
Referenced Frame Number (0008,1160) and Referenced Segment Number (0062,000B) are Attributes of the IMAGE Content Item. If the Referenced Segmentation SOP Instance has Segmentation Type (0062,0001) value BINARY, it identifies the area of defined (measured) region of interest by pixel values in the referenced frame with value 1. For Segmentation Type value FRACTIONAL, the area is computed by an implementation dependent method. Referenced Frame Number (0008,1160) may reference multiple frames in the same plane for tiled Segmentation Images (such as segmentations of Whole Slide Microscopy images). |
The area may be defined independently of an image by reference to 3D coordinates in any type of DICOM Reference Coordinate System, whether it be patient-relative (Patient Based Coordinate System), volume-relative (including acquired and presentation state volumes), or whole slide relative (Slide Coordinate System). |
Identifies the source image that was segmented to identify the ROI, and whose properties are described in this container. |
A reference to a single ROI that defines a planar ROI, within an RT Structure Set. |
This referenced image may contain a "screen shot" illustrating a rendered version of the ROI. |
This referenced image may contain a visual explanation of how an algorithm produces its results, and may be a "screen shot" of the explanation already superimposed on the source image (e.g., a "heat map"), or a parametric map intended to be superimposed on the source image by the receiving application. The type of image and the type of visual explanation is described in the referenced image's own metadata. More than one referenced image may be present, if there is more than one type of visual explanation, or it needs to span more than one single-frame image. |
The reference to an RWV in Row 10 allows measurements to be made in units that differ from the stored pixel values in the images referenced elsewhere in the Template. E.g., for a PET SUVbw measurement, the mapping from activity/concentration units in the referenced image that was used (and which may be reused for measurements in the future) may be encoded in a referenced RWV instance. This reference applies to any measurements in included Templates, unless overridden). |
Measurements may be omitted, for example if it is desired to describe only the location of a finding or to provide categorical information about it. |
Allows encoding a flat list of name-value pairs that are coded questions with coded or text answers, for example, to record categorical observations related to the subject of the measurement group. A single level of coded modifiers may be present. |
This Template provides a general structure to report measurements for some metric, e.g., density, flow, or concentration, and/or qualitative evaluations, over a volumetric region of interest in a set of images or a Frame of Reference. The volumetric ROI may be specified by a set of SCOORDs on an image set representing a volume, by a volumetric Segmentation Image, by a volume defined in a Surface Segmentation, by a set of SCOORD3Ds defining a volume relative to a 3D Frame of Reference, or by a reference to an ROI defined in a radiotherapy Structure Set.
Table TID 1411. Parameters
Table TID 1411. Volumetric ROI Measurements and Qualitative Evaluations
Reference shall be to a Segmentation Image or Surface Segmentation object, with a single value specified in Referenced Segment Number |
Reference shall be to an Instance of the RT Structure Set Storage SOP Class. |
EV (130489, DCM, "Referenced Region of Interest Identifier") |
Shall be the value of ROI Number (3006,0022) within the single referenced Item of Structure Set ROI Sequence (3006,0020) of the referenced Instance of the RT Structure Set Storage SOP Class. |
EV (126100, DCM, "Real World Value Map used for measurement") |
SOP Class UID shall be Real World Value Mapping Storage ("1.2.840.10008.") |
$TargetSiteMod = $TargetSiteMod $RangeAuthority = $RangeAuthority |
Identifies the session during which the measurements were made. The NCI Thesaurus definition is "time, period, or term devoted to some activity". |
The Tracking Identifier and Tracking Unique Identifier are defined as a text label or unique identifier (respectively) used for tracking a finding or feature, potentially across multiple reporting objects, over time. As such, they are distinct from the Observation UID (0040,A171), which is unique identifier of the specific Content Item and its subsidiary Content Items that constitute an individual observation, and would be different for different observations on different occasions of the same finding or feature. The values of these Content Items shall match the corresponding values of Tracking ID (0062,0020) and Tracking UID (0062,0021), if present, in the corresponding Segment of any Segmentation instance referenced in Row 7. |
The type and category of the finding describe whatever entity (finding or feature) is identified by Rows 2 and 3. E.g., a finding might be a lesion, a tumor, or a reference region (as distinct from its anatomical location, which is encoded in a different Content Item (Finding Site). When spatial localization is by reference to a Segmentation, the category and type may correspond to the values of Segmented Property Category Code Sequence (0062,0003) and Segmented Property Type Code Sequence (0062,000F), respectively. See also CID 7150 “Segmentation Property Category”. |
Even though the coordinates are image-relative, not every image slice within the spatial extent of the ROI is required to be encoded. That is, the ROI may be more coarsely sampled than the image slices, and may be irregularly sampled, and the omission of a contour on a slice does not mean that it is omitted from the ROI. For example, a user may not draw an outline on every slice. However, failure to include every intermediate slice does give rise to this potential ambiguity, and is discouraged. |
A single invocation of TID 1411 defines the entire spatial extent defined of a single ROI. A single structure with multiple fragments disconnected in spatial extent needs to be described as separate ROIs, in separate invocations of TID 1411, with different Tracking Identifiers and Tracking Unique Identifiers, but the same Finding. |
To describe an infinitely small volume, such as the center of a lesion, a Graphic Type of POINT may be used. |
(260753009, SCT, "Source") may be used as a generic Concept Name when there is a desire to avoid having an anonymous (unnamed) Content Item. |
Referenced Segment Number (0062,000B) is an Attribute of the IMAGE Content Item, and shall be present with a single value. If the Referenced SOP Instance is a Segmentation Image, it shall have a defined Frame of Reference. If it has Segmentation Type (0062,0001) value BINARY, it identifies the volume of defined (measured) region of interest by voxel values in the referenced segment with value 1. If it has Segmentation Type value FRACTIONAL, the volume is defined by an implementation dependent method. The extent, sampling rate and orientation of the Segmentation are not required to match that of corresponding image slices (if any), identified in Row 11 or referenced from the Segmentation. If the referenced SOP Instance is a Surface Segmentation, the referenced segment shall constitute a finite volume. It identifies the volume of the defined (measured) region of interest by the interior of the finite volume. Segment number shall be specified even if the Segmentation SOP Instance has only a single segment. |
Either a single item describing a closed volumetric surface, or multiple items describing a set of parallel closed coplanar areas (contours) is specified. The sampling rate and orientation of the contours is not required to match that of any image slices (if any), nor are the in-plane or cross-plane sampling rates required to be regular. |
Identifies the source images that were segmented to identify the ROI, when, for example a subset of images in a series was used. |
Identifies the source series of images that were segmented to identify the ROI, when, for example an entire set of images in a series was used. |
A reference to a single ROI that defines a volumetric ROI, within an RT Structure Set. |
These referenced images may contain "screen shot" illustrating rendered versions of the ROI. |
This referenced image may contain a visual explanation of how an algorithm produces its results, and may be a "screen shot" of the explanation already superimposed on the source image (e.g., a "heat map"), or a parametric map intended to be superimposed on the source image by the receiving application. The type of image and the type of visual explanation is described in the referenced image's own metadata. More than one referenced image may be present, if there is more than one type of visual explanation, or it needs to span more than one single-frame image. |
The reference to an RWV in Row 14 allows measurements to be made in units that differ from the stored pixel values in the images referenced elsewhere in the Template. E.g., for a PET SUVbw measurement, the mapping from activity/concentration units in the referenced image that was used (and which may be reused for measurements in the future) may be encoded in a referenced RWV instance. This reference applies to any measurements in included Templates, unless overridden). |
Measurements may be omitted, for example if it is desired to describe only the location of a finding or to provide categorical information about it. |
Allows encoding a flat list of name-value pairs that are coded questions with coded or text answers, for example, to record categorical observations related to the subject of the measurement group. A single level of coded modifiers may be present. |
This Template encodes measurements for some metric, e.g., density, flow, or concentration.
Table TID 1419. Parameters