DICOM PS3.16 2024e - Content Mapping Resource |
This Annex identifies coded terms specified in earlier versions of the Standard. These coded terms are retired. Some of the codes conflict with codes defined in SNOMED. Additionally, some SNOMED coded terms specified in earlier versions of the Standard have been retired and replaced by SNOMED to avoid ambiguities in concept, and are noted here as well.
Implementers of the Standard are cautioned that:
some of the codes noted as retired are still valid (active) SNOMED codes, but with different meanings; it is thus the combination of code and meaning that is retired
not all of the codes that SNOMED International may have inactivated in any past, current or future SNOMED CT release have yet been retired from DICOM
some applications may continue to send retired codes with the meaning defined in this Annex
the retired codes may be associated with coding scheme designator 99SDM, SNM3 or SRT
retired codes may be encountered in existing SOP Instances stored in archives
applications receiving SOP Instances should continue to support retired codes with the meaning defined in this Annex
some applications may not trigger expected behavior (e.g., hanging protocols, image processing) when receiving SOP Instances with the replacement codes
DICOM applications and SOP Instances shall never use the retired codes with a meaning other than that defined in this Annex
in some cases, the choice of replacement code for a retired code depends on the context of its use, and so one retired code may map to more than one replacement code
Table J-1. SNOMED Codes Retired from DICOM Use
Replacement code has meaning "Contact with". Retired code has meaning "Part of tooth", and is not used in DICOM. |
Was previously replaced with T-D0146, which is no longer an active SNOMED CT concept. Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of vertebral column (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of vertebral column (body structure)". |
Retired code is inactive in SNOMED CT (Retired without stated reason). |
Replacement code has meaning "Transthoracic echocardiography" |
Replacement code has meaning of "Tolazoline hydrocholoride". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Cardiac catheterization test/challenge phase". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Cardiac arrest (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Lobi cattle breed (organism)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Stenosis (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Epidermoid cyst (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Sampling for smear (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of urinary tract proper (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Inhalation technique (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Lumpectomy of breast (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Vascular calcification (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Cyst of breast (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "On examination - lymph nodes (finding)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Myocardial bridge of coronary artery (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "1-phenylpropan-2-amine (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Traumatic injury (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Surface (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Ventricular septal defect (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Intracavitary brachytherapy (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Canis lupus dingo (organism)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Anterior (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of basilic vein (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Posterior (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Mitral valve prolapse (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Iliac and/or femoral artery structures (body structure)". |
No replacement SNOMED code exists. (130290, DCM. "Median") may be used instead. |
No replacement SNOMED code exists. (C25569, NCIt, "Middle") may be used instead. |
No replacement SNOMED code exists. (130290, DCM. "Median") may be used instead. Retired code is ambiguous since it has synomyms of "middle" and "median". |
No replacement SNOMED code exists. (C25569, NCIt, "Middle") may be used instead. Retired code is ambiguous since it has synomyms of "middle" and "median". |
Retired code actually has meaning in SNOMED CT of "Coronary artery arising from aorta (disorder)". Replacement code has meaning of "Coronary artery fistula to right atrium (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Length property (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Axillary region structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of ophthalmic segment of internal carotid artery (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Shorthair cat breed (organism)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of upper urinary tract proper (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Ethyl alcohol (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Coronary arteriosclerosis (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of lymph node of mesentery (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "External (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Internal (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Vasovagal syncope (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Gentian violet (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Abdominal aorta structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Inferior (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Cardiac adrenergic blocking agent (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Superior (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Thrombus (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Construction of conduit - right atrium to pulmonary trunk". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of occipital region of scalp". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of lateral calf perforator". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of thigh perforator". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Sudden onset (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Subacute bacterial endocarditis (disorder)". Retired code was used incorrectly because of digit transposition and means something else, and is also inactive in SNOMED CT (Limited). |
Replacement code has meaning of "Alcian blue 8GX stain (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Aneurysmal (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Wuzhishan pig breed (organism)". Retired code was used incorrectly and means something else, and is also inactive in SNOMED CT (Duplicate). |
Replacement code has meaning of "Arterial structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Dogue de Bordeaux dog breed (organism)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Cor triloculare biventriculare (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Mixed aneurysm (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Contrast echocardiography (procedure)". Retired code is inactive in SNOMED CT (Retired without stated reason). |
Replacement code has meaning of "Gentian violet (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Diastolic blood pressure (observable entity)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Gadopentetate dimeglumine (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Double coronary vessel disease (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "End diastole (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Wrist region structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of subarachnoid space of brain (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Bone structure of tarsus (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Family history of malignant neoplasm of breast (situation)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Postoperative hematoma formation (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure waveform, function (observable entity)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Human fibrinogen (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Intradermal route (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Finding of lesion (finding)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Magnetic resonance imaging of vessels (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "N-acetyl-L-aspartate (substance)". |
Nuclear medicine diagnostic procedure on musculoskeletal system |
Replacement code has meaning of "Radioisotope study of musculoskeletal system (procedure)". |
Retired code means something completely different, "Other surgical margin site involved by malignant neoplasm (observable entity)" and is inactive in SNOMED CT (Ambiguous). |
Replacement code has meaning of "Cardiac pacemaker in situ (finding)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Shoulder girdle structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Pediatric surgical department (environment)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Percutaneous removal of endovascular foreign body (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Presa Canario dog breed (organism)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Pixie-bob cat breed (organism)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Posterior cerebral commissure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Posteroanterior projection (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Prophylaxis - procedure intent (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Radiographic contrast media (product)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Respiratory rate (observable entity)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Safranin stain (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Single coronary vessel disease (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Tyropanoate sodium (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of superficial anterior cervical lymph node (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of root of tongue (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Submental triangle structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Surgical suture, device (physical object)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Systemic vascular resistance (observable entity)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Acid phosphatase stain (substance)". Retired code was being misused as a stain but was a substance, and is also inactive in SNOMED CT (Duplicate). |
Replacement code has meaning of "Technetium Tc^99m^ medronate (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Technetium Tc^99m^ pentetate (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Transhepatic approach (qualifier value)". Retired code is inactive in SNOMED CT (Retired without stated reason). |
Replacement code has meaning of "Transorbital approach (qualifier value)". Retired code is inactive in SNOMED CT (Retired without stated reason). |
Replacement code has meaning of "Triple vessel disease of the heart (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Tunica media vasorum (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Diagnostic ultrasonography (procedure)". Retired code is inactive in SNOMED CT (Retired without stated reason). |
Replacement code has meaning of "Venous structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Assisted breathing (regime/therapy)". |
No SNOMED replacement. Replaced by (109137, DCM, "During voiding") |
No SNOMED replacement. Replaced by (C0456029, UMLS, "Infant of mother with gestational diabetes") |
(133492008, SCT, "Lobi cattle breed") remains in use. Potential replacement L-8BB55 is inactive in SNOMED CT (Ambiguous). |
Replacement code has meaning of "Normality undetermined (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "On admission (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Bismark brown R stain (substance)". |
Retired code actually has meaning in SNOMED CT of "Device crossed septum (finding)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of anterior cardiac vein (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of atlantoaxial joint (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Vascular structure of head (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Cerebellar cortex structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of circle of Willis (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Coccygeal vertebra structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Cranial cavity structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of intracranial vein (body structure)". |
An alternative concept (C3669027, UMLS, "Bone structure of distal phalanx)" exists. |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of dorsalis pedis artery (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of ductus venosus (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Ear structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Corneal structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of external intercostal muscle (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Finger joint structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of posterior vein of left ventricle (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of inferior horn of lateral ventricle (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of internal intercostal muscle (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of intramammary lymph node (body structure)". Retired code was used incorrectly and means something else ("Entire internal mammary lymph node (body structure)"). |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of lateral plantar artery (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of left main branch of portal vein (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Liver structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of medial plantar artery (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Bone structure of metacarpal (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of anulus fibrosus of mitral orifice (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Mouth region structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Cardiac wall structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Bone structure of navicular (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of posterior sinus of Valsalva (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of orbit proper (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Prostatic structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Right coronary artery structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of right main branch of portal vein (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Skin structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of transverse thoracis muscle (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of anulus fibrosus of tricuspid orifice (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of umbilical portion of portal vein (body structure)". |
Replaced code had meaning "Dissecting aneurysm of artery (disorder)". Replacement code has meaning "Dissection of artery (disorder)". |
Replaced code had meaning "Dissecting aneurysm (morphologic abnormality)". Replacement code has meaning "Dissection of artery (disorder)". |
Replaced code had meaning "Structure of left posterior descending branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery (body structure)". Replacement code has meaning "Left posterior descending circumflex coronary artery (body structure)". |
Replaced code had meaning "Berry aneurysm (morphologic abnormality)". Replacement code has meaning "Saccular aneurysm (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replaced code had meaning "Inflammatory aneurysm (disorder)". Replacement code has meaning "Inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysm (disorder)". |
Replaced code had meaning "Averaged - numeric estimation technique (qualifier value)". Replacement code has meaning "Mean - numeric estimation technique (qualifier value)". |
Replaced code had meaning "Medial dissecting aneurysm (morphologic abnormality)". No replacement SNOMED code exists. (122399, DCM, "Medial Dissection") may be used instead. |
Replaced code has meaning "Exposure to biological agent via direct penetration of skin (event)". No replacement SNOMED code exists. (122398, DCM, "Intimal Dissection") may be used instead. |
Replaced code has meaning "Inhalational exposure to biological agent (event)". No replacement SNOMED code exists. (122397, DCM, "Adventitial Dissection") may be used instead. |
Replacement code has meaning "Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels (disorder)". |
No replacement SNOMED code exists. (D000077325, MSH, "Lactated Ringer's") may be used instead. Retired code is inactive in SNOMED CT (Non conformance to editorial policy). |
Replacement code has meaning "Sodium chloride solution (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning "Skin structure of axilla (body structure)". |
No replacement SNOMED code exists. Retired code is inactive in SNOMED CT (Ambiguous). Retired code had meaning "Structure of right middle pulmonary vein". |
Replacement code has meaning "Insertion of prosthesis for breast (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Gadopentetate dimeglumine (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning "Structure of cave of septum pellucidum (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning "Structure of brachiocephalic vein". |
Replacement code has meaning "Structure of middle lobe of right lung". |
Replacement code has meaning "Structure of abdominal lymph node". |
Replacement code has meaning "Technetium (99m-Tc) bicisate (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning "Yttrium (90-Y) labeled microspheres (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Prosthetic replacement of heart valve (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Indigotindisulfonate sodium (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Lipoma morphology (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Possible pregnancy (situation)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Tubular adenoma (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Fibroadenoma of breast (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of left lumbar region of back (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of right lumbar region of back (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Alcoholic beverage intake (observable entity)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Traumatic injury (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of muscle of wall of abdominal proper segment of trunk (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Motility stimulant (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Substance with estrogen receptor agonist mechanism of action (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of intervertebral disc of L5 and S1 (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent maxillary right second molar tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent maxillary right first molar tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent maxillary right canine tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent maxillary right lateral incisor tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent maxillary right central incisor tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent maxillary left central incisor tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent maxillary left lateral incisor tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent maxillary left canine tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent maxillary left first molar tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent maxillary left second molar tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent mandibular left second molar tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent mandibular left first molar tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent mandibular left canine tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent mandibular left lateral incisor tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent mandibular left central incisor tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent mandibular right central incisor tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent mandibular right lateral incisor tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent mandibular right canine tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent mandibular right first molar tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of permanent mandibular right second molar tooth (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left canine tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left central incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left central incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left first molar tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left lateral incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left lateral incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous mandibular left second molar tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right canine tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right central incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right central incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right first molar tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right lateral incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right lateral incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous mandibular right second molar tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left canine tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left central incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left central incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left first molar tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left lateral incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left lateral incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous maxillary left second molar tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right canine tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right central incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right central incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right first molar tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right lateral incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right lateral incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary deciduous maxillary right second molar tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular left canine tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary permanent mandibular left central incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular left central incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular left first molar tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary permanent mandibular left first premolar tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular left first premolar tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary permanent mandibular left lateral incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular left lateral incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular left second molar tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary permanent mandibular left second premolar tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular left second premolar tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular left third molar tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular right canine tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary permanent mandibular right central incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular right central incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular right first molar tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary permanent mandibular right first premolar tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular right first premolar tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary permanent mandibular right lateral incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular right lateral incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular right second molar tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary permanent mandibular right second premolar tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular right second premolar tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent mandibular right third molar tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary left canine tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary permanent maxillary left central incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary left central incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary left first molar tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary left first premolar tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary permanent maxillary left lateral incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary left lateral incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary left second molar tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary permanent maxillary left second premolar tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary left second premolar tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary left third molar tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary right canine tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary permanent maxillary right central incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary right central incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary right first molar tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary permanent maxillary right first premolar tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary right first premolar tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary permanent maxillary right lateral incisor tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary right lateral incisor tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary right second molar tooth (disorder)". |
Supernumerary permanent maxillary right second premolar tooth |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary right second premolar tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Supernumerary permanent maxillary right third molar tooth (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of cervical and/or thoracic vertebral column region (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of thoracic and/or lumbar vertebral column region (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of lumbar and/or sacral vertebral column region (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of sacral and/or coccygeal vertebral column region (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of pelvic cross-sectional segment of trunk and/or lower limb (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Plasmacytoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Operation on pelvic region of trunk (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Hodgkin lymphoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Chondrosarcoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Ventricular premature complex (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Malignant melanoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Osterosarcoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Insertion of atrial baffle (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of alveolar process of mandible (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Squamous cell carcinoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Adenoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Solitary fibrous tumor (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pNX (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pN0 (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pN1 (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pN2 (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pN2a (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pN2b (qualifier value)". |
N3: Metastasis to ipsilateral internal mammary lymph node(s) |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pN3 (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pN3a (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pN3b (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pN3c (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer cM0 (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pM1 (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pTX (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pT0 (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pTis (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pTis(DCIS) (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pTis(Paget) (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pT1 (qualifier value)". |
T1mic: Microinvasion 0.1 cm or less in greatest dimension... |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pT1mi (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pT1a (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pT1b (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pT1c (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pT2 (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pT3 (qualifier value)". |
T4: Tumor of any size with direct extension to chest wall... |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pT4 (qualifier value)". |
T4a: Tumor of any size with extension to chest wall, not incl... |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pT4a (qualifier value)". |
T4b: Tumor of any size with edema (including peau d'orange) ... |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pT4b (qualifier value)". |
T4c: Tumor of any size with direct extension to chest wall... |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pT4c (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pT4d (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "American Joint Committee on Cancer pathological T category allowable value (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Leiomyoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Liposarcoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Leiomyosarcoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Radiation oncology AND/OR radiotherapy (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Plasma cell myeloma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Glioblastoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Carcinoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of female internal genital organ (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Artificial lens present (finding)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Surgical margin observable (observable entity)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Combined diagnostic and therapeutic intent (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Continuous flow apneic ventilation (regime/therapy)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Adenocarcinoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Sarcoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Skin structure of lateral half of nose (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Malignant lymphoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Non-infiltrating intraductal carcinoma (morphologic abnormality)". |
Replacement code has meaning "Healthcare associated infectious disease (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning "Insertion of hip prosthesis (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning "Structure of deep inguinal lymph node (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Anti-heparin agent (product)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Bile acid sequestrant antilipemic agent (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Carbol-fuchsin (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Fibrate Antilipidemic Agent". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Fluorodopa [18F] (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "^68^Germanium (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Monoclonal antibody I^124^ (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Tauroselcholic acid[75Se] (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Technetium Tc^99m^ aggregated albumin (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Technetium Tc^99m^ succimer (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Technetium Tc^99m^ oxidronate (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Technetium (99m-Tc) pyrophosphate (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Radiopharmaceuticals (product)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Off axis (qualifier value)". Retired code means something completely different, "Unilateral left (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "ionic iodinated contrast agent". |
Replacement code has meaning of "non-ionic iodinated contrast agent". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Decongestant preparation (product)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Eye lubricant (physical object)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Nitrate-based vasodilating agent (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Streptokinase (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Silicone gel-filled breast implant (physical object)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Potassium hydroxide (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Hypertensive urgency (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of submandibular lymph node (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Positron emission tomography of brain (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Positron emission tomography and computed tomography of whole body using methionine C-11 (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Ion". Retired code means something completely different, "Ion (substance)" and is inactive (erroneous) in SNOMED CT. |
Replacement code has meaning of "Diphenhydramine (substance)". Retired product code is active in SNOMED CT but replacement substance code is already in DICOM subset. |
Replacement code has meaning of "Dexamethasone sodium phosphate (substance)". Retired product code is active in SNOMED CT but replacement substance code is already in DICOM subset. |
Replacement code has meaning of "Ephedrine (substance)". Retired product code is active in SNOMED CT but replacement substance code is already in DICOM subset. |
Replacement code has meaning of "Methylprednisolone sodium succinate (substance)". Retired product code is active in SNOMED CT but replacement substance code is already in DICOM subset. |
Replacement code has meaning of "H1 antihistamine (substance)". Retired product code is active in SNOMED CT but replacement substance code is already in DICOM subset. |
Replacement code has meaning of "Nausea and vomiting (disorder)". Retired code is active in SNOMED CT but replacement code is already in DICOM subset. |
Replacement code has meaning of "Repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm with insertion of stent (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Functional condition present during acquisition". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Product containing atropine in ocular dose form (medicinal product form)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Indium (113-In) chloride (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Ioxaglate meglumine (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Thromboplastin (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Ferric hexacyanoferrate-II (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of nail unit of fifth toe (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of nail unit of finger (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of nail unit of fourth toe (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of nail unit of great toe (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of nail unit of index finger (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of nail unit of little finger (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of nail unit of middle finger (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of nail unit of ring finger (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of nail unit of second toe (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of nail unit of third toe (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of nail unit of thumb (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of nail unit of toe (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Pulmonary artery catheter (physical object)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Technetium Tc^99m^ sestamibi (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Technetium Tc^99m^ tetrofosmin (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Percutaneous removal of endovascular foreign body (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of abdominal cross-sectional segment of trunk (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of abdominopelvic cross-sectional segment of trunk (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of thoracic cross-sectional segment of trunk (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of pelvic cross-sectional segment of trunk (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of abdominopelvic cavity (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of cavity of false and/or true pelvis (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Thoracic cavity structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Slide submitted as specimen (specimen)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Assisted breathing (regime/therapy)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Primary malignant neoplasm (disorder)s". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Diagnostic intent (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Chronic disease (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Bronchial structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Skeletal and/or smooth muscle structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Catheter sheath (physical object)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Malignant neoplasm of unknown origin (disorder)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Coronary sinus structure (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Retraction of nipple (finding)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Patient post percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (finding)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Sudden onset (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "M category (observable entity)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "N category (observable entity)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Thionine stain (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Complaint (observable entity)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Intracorporus cavernosum route (qualifier value)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Structure of ostium of left main coronary artery (body structure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Finding of pulse taking by doppler (finding)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Carmine stain (substance)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Plain X-ray of tooth (procedure)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Distant metastasis cannot be assessed (finding)". |
Replacement code has meaning of "Cardiac pacemaker, device (physical object)". Retired code means something completely different, "Pacemaker pulse generator, device (physical object)". |
Table J-2. SNOMED Synonyms Retired from DICOM Use
Retired synonym has status of "inappropriate" in SNOMED CT. A different SNOMED CT concept is used to refer specifically to lesions, (52988006, SCT, "Lesion"). |
DICOM PS3.16 2024e - Content Mapping Resource |