DICOM PS3.15 2024c - Security and System Management Profiles

E.3.3 Clean Graphics Option

Instances of various Standard and Standard Extended SOP Classes, including Images, Presentation States and other Composite SOP Instances, may contain identification information encoded as graphics, text annotations or overlays. This does not include information contained in Structured Report SOP Classes.

When this Option is specified in addition to the Basic Application Level Confidentiality Profile, any information encoded in graphics, text annotations or overlays corresponding to the Attribute information specified to be removed by the Profile and any other Options specified shall also be removed, as described in Table E.1-1.

This may require intervention of a human operator.


  1. This capability is called out as a specific Option, since it may be more practical to simply remove all such graphics, text annotations or overlays (as required by the Profile without this Option).

  2. As with burned-in pixel data annotation, deciding whether or not text is identifying information or some other type of information may be non-trivial. It is not required that information specified to be retained in the non-pixel data by other Options (e.g., physical characteristics, dates or descriptors) also be retained in graphics, text annotations or overlays.

DICOM PS3.15 2024c - Security and System Management Profiles