DICOM PS3.15 2024c - Security and System Management Profiles

E.3.11 Retain Institution Identity Option

Information about the identity of the institution where the acquisition was performed is recognized as having a potential for leakage of identity because it may constrain the number of possible individuals that could be the imaging subject, though only if there is access to other information about the individuals concerned to match it against.

However, there are applications that require such institution information to perform the analysis or interpretation. There may be a need to maintain a record of the institution for regulatory or registry purposes, yet the acquisition site may not maintain an adequate electronic audit trail.

When this Option is specified in addition to the Basic Application Level Confidentiality Profile, information about the identity of the institution in the Attributes shall be retained, as described in Table E.1-1.

DICOM PS3.15 2024c - Security and System Management Profiles