This field shall contain an integer value encoded as an unsigned binary number. If the Source field has the value (1) "DICOM UL service-user", it shall take one of the following:
1 - no-reason-given
2 - application-context-name-not-supported
3 - calling-AE-title-not-recognized
4-6 - reserved
7 - called-AE-title-not-recognized
8-10 - reserved
If the Source field has the value (2) "DICOM UL service provided (ACSE related function)", it shall take one of the following:
1 - no-reason-given
2 - protocol-version-not-supported
If the Source field has the value (3) "DICOM UL service provided (Presentation related function)", it shall take one of the following:
0 - reserved
1 - temporary-congestio
2 - local-limit-exceeded
3-7 - reserved
The reserved fields are used to preserve symmetry with OSI ACSE/Presentation Services and Protocols.