DICOM PS3.7 2024e - Message Exchange


10.1 Services

The following sections describe the DIMSE-N Services. The behavior of these services is also described in PS3.4. The Affected SOP Class UID in the DIMSE-N command need not match the SOP Class UID in the Presentation Context negotiated for the association over which the DIMSE-N command has been sent. PS3.4 specifies which combinations are valid.

10.1.1 N-EVENT-REPORT Service

The N-EVENT-REPORT service is used by a DIMSE Service User to report an event to a peer DIMSE Service User. It is a confirmed service. N-EVENT-REPORT Parameters

Table 10.1-1 lists the parameters for this service.

Table 10.1-1. N-EVENT-REPORT Parameters

DIMSE Parameter Name



Message ID



Message ID Being Responded To



Affected SOP Class UID



Affected SOP Instance UID



Event Type ID



Event Information



Event Reply





M Message ID

This parameter identifies the operation. It is used to distinguish this operation from other notifications or operations that the DIMSE Service Provider may have in progress. No two identical values for the Message ID (0000,0110) shall be used for outstanding operations or notifications.


The Message ID (0000,0110) is recommended to be unique within the scope of an Association, to support debug procedures. Message ID Being Responded To

This parameter specifies the Message ID (0000,0110) of the notification request/indication to which this response/confirmation applies. Affected SOP Class UID

For the request/indication, this parameter specifies the SOP Class of the SOP Instance for the event. It may be included in the response/confirmation. If included in the response/confirmation, this parameter shall be equal to the value in the request/indication. Affected SOP Instance UID

For the request/indication, this parameter specifies the SOP Instance for the event. It may be included in the response/confirmation. If included in the response/confirmation, this parameter shall be equal to the value in the request/indication. Event Type ID

This parameter specifies the type of event being reported. It may be included in the success response/confirmation and shall be included if the Event Reply parameter is included.


Service Class Specifications contained in PS3.4 defines any application usage of the Event Type ID parameter. Event Information

This application-specific parameter contains information that the invoking DIMSE Service User is able to supply about the event.


Service Class Specifications contained in PS3.4 defines any application usage of the Event Information parameter. Event Reply

This application-specific parameter contains the optional reply to the event report. It may only be included in the success response/confirmation.


Service Class Specifications contained in PS3.4 defines any application usage of the Event Reply parameter. Status

This parameter contains the error or success notification for the operation. It shall be included by the performing DIMSE Service User in any response/confirmation. The following types of status may occur (see also Annex C):

  • Class-Instance conflict (0119H) - the specified SOP Instance is not a member of the specified SOP class.

  • Duplicate invocation (0210H) - the Message ID (0000,0110) specified is allocated to another notification or operation.

  • Invalid argument value (0115H) - the event information value specified was out of range or otherwise inappropriate.

  • Invalid SOP Instance (0117H) - the SOP Instance UID specified implied a violation of the UID construction rules.

  • Mistyped argument (0212H) - one of the parameters supplied has not been agreed for use on the Association between the DIMSE Service Users.

  • No such argument (0114H) - the event information specified was not recognized.

  • No such Event Type (0113H) - the event type specified was not recognized.

  • No such SOP Class (0118H) - the SOP Class was not recognized.

  • No such SOP Instance (0112H) - the SOP Instance was not recognized.

  • Processing Failure (0110H) - a general failure in processing the operation was encountered.

  • Resource limitation (0213H) - the operation was not performed due to resource limitation.

  • Success (0000H) - successful notification.

  • Unrecognized operation (0211H) - the operation is not one of those agreed between the DIMSE Service Users. N-EVENT-REPORT Service Procedures

The following N-EVENT-REPORT procedures apply:

  1. The invoking DIMSE Service User reports an event to the performing DIMSE Service User by issuing an N-EVENT-REPORT request primitive to the DIMSE Service Provider.

  2. The DIMSE Service Provider issues an N-EVENT-REPORT indication primitive to the performing DIMSE Service User.

  3. The performing DIMSE Service User reports acceptance or rejection of the N-EVENT-REPORT request primitive by issuing an N-EVENT-REPORT response primitive to the DIMSE Service Provider.

  4. The DIMSE Service Provider issues an N-EVENT-REPORT confirmation primitive to the invoking DIMSE Service User, completing the N-EVENT-REPORT notification.

The performing DIMSE Service User may return an N-EVENT-REPORT response primitive with the status of Failed or Refused before the entire N-EVENT-REPORT indication (Data Set) has been completely transmitted by the invoking DIMSE Service User. A N-EVENT-REPORT response primitive with the status of Success or Warning shall not be returned until the entire N-EVENT-REPORT indication has been received by the performing DIMSE Service User.


Such an occurrence of a "Failed" response is often called an early failed response.

10.1.2 N-GET Service

The N-GET service is used by a DIMSE Service User to retrieve Attribute Values from a peer DIMSE Service User. It is a confirmed service. N-GET Parameters

Table 10.1-2 lists the parameters for this service.

Table 10.1-2. N-GET Parameters

DIMSE Parameter Name



Message ID



Message ID Being Responded To



Requested SOP Class UID



Requested SOP Instance UID



Attribute Identifier List



Affected SOP Class UID



Affected SOP Instance UID



Attribute List





M Message ID

This parameter identifies the operation. It is used to distinguish this operation from other notifications or operations that the DIMSE Service Provider may have in progress. No two identical values for the Message ID (0000,0110) shall be used for outstanding operations or notifications.


The Message ID (0000,0110) is recommended to be unique within the scope of an Association, to support debug procedures. Message ID Being Responded To

This parameter specifies the Message ID (0000,0110) of the operation request/indication to which this response/confirmation applies. Requested SOP Class UID

This parameter specifies the SOP Class for which Attribute Values are to be retrieved. Requested SOP Instance UID

This parameter specifies the SOP Instance for which Attribute Values are to be retrieved. Attribute Identifier List

This parameter contains a set of Attribute identifiers for which the Attribute Values are to be returned by the performing DIMSE Service User. If this parameter is omitted, all Attribute identifiers are assumed. The definitions of the Attributes are found in the specification of the Information Object Definition in PS3.3. Affected SOP Class UID

This parameter may be included in the response/confirmation. If included in the response/confirmation, this parameter shall be equal to the Requested SOP Class UID parameter value used in the request/indication. Affected SOP Instance UID

This parameter specifies the SOP Instance for which Attribute Values are returned. It may be included in any response/confirmation and when included shall be equal to the Requested SOP Instance UID (0000,1001) parameter value used in the invocation. Attribute List

This parameter contains the set of Attribute identifiers and values that are returned by the performing DIMSE Service User. It shall be included in the success response/confirmation. Status

This parameter contains the error or success notification for the operation. It shall be included by the performing DIMSE Service User in any response/confirmation. The following types of status may occur (see also Annex C):

  • Attribute List warning (0107H) - one or more Attribute Values were not read because the specified Attribute was not recognized. The Attribute Values that could be read are returned.

  • Class-Instance conflict (0119H) - the specified SOP Instance is not a member of the specified SOP Class.

  • Duplicate invocation (0210H) - the Message ID (0000,0110) specified is allocated to another notification or operation.

  • Invalid SOP Instance (0117H) - the SOP Instance UID specified implied a violation of the UID construction rules.

  • Mistyped argument (0212H) - one of the parameters supplied has not been agreed for use on the Association between the DIMSE Service Users.

  • No such SOP Class (0118H) - the SOP Class was not recognized.

  • No such SOP Instance (0112H) - the SOP Instance was not recognized.

  • Processing Failure (0110H) - a general failure in processing the operation was encountered.

  • Resource limitation (0213H) - the operation was not performed due to resource limitation.

  • Success (0000H) - successful operation.

  • Unrecognized operation (0211H) - the operation is not one of those agreed between the DIMSE Service Users.

  • Refused: Not authorized (0124H) - the DIMSE Service User was not authorized to invoke the operation

  • Warning (Status value is Service Class specific): not all optional attributes were returned by DIMSE Service User

  • Failed (Status value is Service Class specific): DIMSE Service User failed to complete the operation N-GET Service Procedures

The following N-GET procedures apply;

  1. The invoking DIMSE Service User requests the performing DIMSE Service User to retrieve Attribute Value(s) by issuing an N-GET request primitive to the DIMSE Service Provider.

  2. The DIMSE Service Provider issues an N-GET indication primitive to the performing DIMSE Service User.

  3. If the operation can be performed, then the performing DIMSE Service User retrieves the requested Attribute Value(s) and generates a response indicating acceptance of the N-GET request primitive by issuing an N-GET response primitive to the DIMSE Service Provider. In this case the following procedure does not apply.

  4. If the operation cannot be performed, then the performing DIMSE Service User rejects the N-GET request by issuing an N-GET response primitive with the appropriate error code to the DIMSE Service Provider.

  5. The DIMSE Service Provider issues an N-GET confirmation primitive to the invoking DIMSE Service User, completing the N-GET operation.

10.1.3 N-SET Service

The N-SET service is used by a DIMSE Service User to request the modification of Attribute Values from a peer DIMSE Service User. It is a confirmed service. N-SET Parameters

Table 10.1-3 lists the parameters for this service.

Table 10.1-3. N-SET Parameters

DIMSE Parameter Name



Message ID



Message ID Being Responded To



Requested SOP Class UID



Requested SOP Instance UID



Modification List



Attribute List



Affected SOP Class UID



Affected SOP Instance UID





M Message ID

This parameter identifies the operation. It is used to distinguish this operation from other notifications or operations that the DIMSE Service Provider may have in progress. No two identical values for the Message ID (0000,0110) shall be used for outstanding operations or notifications.


The Message ID (0000,0110) is recommended to be unique within the scope of an Association, to support debug procedures. Message ID Being Responded To

This parameter specifies the Message ID (0000,0110) of the operation request/indication to which this response/confirmation applies. Requested SOP Class UID

This parameter specifies the SOP Class for which Attribute Values are to be modified. Requested SOP Instance UID

This parameter specifies the SOP Instance for which Attribute Values are to be modified. Modification List

This parameter contains the set of Attribute identifiers and values that are to be used by the performing DIMSE Service User to replace the current values of the Attributes specified. Attribute List

This parameter contains the set of Attribute identifiers and values that were used by the performing DIMSE Service User to replace the values of the Attributes specified. It may be included in the success response/confirmation. Affected SOP Class UID

This parameter may be included in the response/confirmation. If included in the response/confirmation, this parameter shall be equal to the Requested SOP Class UID parameter value used in the request/indication. Affected SOP Instance UID

This parameter specifies the SOP Instance for which Attribute Values were modified. It may be included in any response/confirmation and when included shall be equal to the Requested SOP Instance UID (0000,1001) parameter value used in the invocation. Status

This parameter contains the error or success notification for the operation. It shall be included by the performing DIMSE Service User in any response/confirmation. The following types of status may occur (see also Annex C):

  • Class-Instance conflict (0119H) - the specified SOP Instance is not a member of the specified SOP Class.

  • Duplicate invocation (0210H) - the Message ID (0000,0110) specified is allocated to another notification or operation.

  • Invalid Attribute Value (0106H) - the Attribute Value specified was out of range or otherwise inappropriate.

  • Attribute Value out of range (0116H) - the Attribute Value specified was out of range or otherwise inappropriate. The Attribute Values that could be modified were modified.

  • Mistyped argument (0212H) - one of the parameters supplied has not been agreed for use on the Association between the DIMSE Service Users.

  • Invalid SOP Instance (0117H) - the SOP Instance UID specified implied a violation of the UID construction rules.

  • Missing Attribute Value (0121H) - a required Attribute Value was not supplied.

  • No such Attribute (0105H) - the Tag for the specified Attribute was not recognized.

  • Attribute List warning (0107H) - one or more Attribute Values were not modified because the specified Attributes were not recognized. The Attribute Values that could be modified were modified.

  • No such SOP Class (0118H) - the SOP Class was not recognized.

  • No such SOP Instance (0112H) - the SOP Instance was not recognized.

  • Processing Failure (0110H) - a general failure in processing the operation was encountered.

  • Resource limitation (0213H) - the operation was not performed due to resource limitation.

  • Success (0000H) - successful operation.

  • Unrecognized operation (0211H) - the operation is not one of those agreed between the DIMSE Service Users.

  • Refused: Not authorized (0124H) - the DIMSE Service User was not authorized to invoke the operation.

  • Failed (Status value is Service Class specific): the operation was not performed as certain conditions for operation were not met

  • Warning (Status value is Service Class specific): the operation was performed partially or with modified conditions N-SET Service Procedures

The following N-SET procedures apply:

  1. The invoking DIMSE Service User requests the performing DIMSE Service User to modify Attribute Value(s) by issuing an N-SET request primitive to the DIMSE Service Provider.

  2. The DIMSE-service provider issues an N-SET indication primitive to the performing DIMSE Service User.

  3. If the operation can be performed, then the performing DIMSE Service User modifies the requested Attribute Value(s) and generates a response indicating acceptance of the N-SET request primitive by issuing an N-SET response primitive to the DIMSE Service Provider. In this case the following procedure does not apply.

  4. If the operation cannot be performed, then the performing DIMSE Service User rejects the N-SET request by issuing an N-SET response primitive with the appropriate error code to the DIMSE Service Provider.

  5. The DIMSE Service Provider issues an N-SET confirmation primitive to the invoking DIMSE Service User, completing the N-SET operation.

The performing DIMSE Service User may return an N-SET response primitive with the status of Failed or Refused before the entire N-SET indication (Data Set) has been completely transmitted by the invoking DIMSE Service User. A N-SET response primitive with the status of Success or Warning shall not be returned until the entire N-SET indication has been received by the performing DIMSE Service User.


Such an occurrence of a "Failed" response is often called an early failed response.

10.1.4 N-ACTION Service

The N-ACTION service is used by a DIMSE Service User to request an action by a peer DIMSE Service User. It is a confirmed service. N-ACTION Parameters

Table 10.1-4 lists the parameters for this service.

Table 10.1-4. N-ACTION Parameters

DIMSE Parameter Name



Message ID



Message ID Being Responded To



Requested SOP Class UID



Requested SOP Instance UID



Action Type ID



Action Information



Affected SOP Class UID



Affected SOP Instance UID



Action Reply





M Message ID

This parameter identifies the operation. It is used to distinguish this operation from other notifications or operations that the DIMSE Service Provider may have in progress. No two identical values for the Message ID (0000,0110) shall be used for outstanding operations or notifications.


The Message ID (0000,0110) is recommended to be unique within the scope of an Association, to support debug procedures. Message ID Being Responded To

This parameter specifies the Message ID (0000,0110) of the operation request/indication to which this response/confirmation applies. Requested SOP Class UID

This parameter specifies the SOP Class for which the action is to be performed. Requested SOP Instance UID

This parameter specifies the SOP Instance on which the action is to be performed. Action Type ID

This parameter specifies a particular action that is to be performed. It may be included in the success response/confirmation and shall be included if the action reply parameter is included.


Service Class Specifications contained in PS3.4 defines any application usage of the Action Type ID (0000,1008) parameter. Action Information

This parameter specifies extra application-specific information when necessary to further define the nature, variations, or operands of the action to be performed. The syntax and semantics of the parameter depend upon the action requested. It may only be included in the request/indication.


Service Class Specifications contained in PS3.4 defines any application usage of the Action Information parameter. Affected SOP Class UID

This parameter may be included in the response/confirmation. If included in the response/confirmation, this parameter shall be equal to the Requested SOP Class UID parameter value used in the request/indication. Affected SOP Instance UID

This parameter specifies the SOP Instance on which the action is to be performed. It may be included in any response/confirmation and when included shall be equal to the Requested SOP Instance UID (0000,1001) parameter value used in the invocation. Action Reply

This parameter contains the application-specific reply to the action. It may be included in the success response/confirmation.


Service Class Specifications contained in PS3.4 defines any application usage of the Action Reply parameter. Status

This parameter contains the error or success notification for the operation. It shall be included by the performing DIMSE Service User in any response/confirmation. The following type of status may occur (see also Annex C):

  • Class-Instance conflict (0119H) - the specified SOP Instance is not a member of the specified SOP Class.

  • Duplicate invocation (0210H) - the Message ID (0000,0110) specified is allocated to another notification or operation.

  • Invalid argument value (0115H) - the action information value specified was out of range or otherwise inappropriate.

  • Invalid SOP Instance (0117H) - the SOP Instance UID specified implied a violation of the UID construction rules.

  • Mistyped argument (0212H) - one of the parameters supplied has not been agreed for use on the Association between the DIMSE Service Users.

  • No such Action (0123H) - the action type specified was not supported.

  • No such argument (0114H) - the action information specified was not supported.

  • No such SOP Class (0118H) - the SOP Class was not recognized.

  • No such SOP Instance (0112H) - the SOP Instance was not recognized.

  • Processing Failure (0110H) - a general failure in processing the operation was encountered.

  • Resource limitation (0213H) - the operation was not performed due to resource limitation.

  • Success (0000H) - successful operation.

  • Unrecognized operation (0211H) - the operation is not one of those agreed between the DIMSE Service Users.

  • Refused: Not authorized (0124H) - the DIMSE Service User was not authorized to invoke the operation.

  • Failed (Status value is Service Class specific): the operation was not performed as certain conditions for operation were not met

  • Warning (Status value is Service Class specific): the operation was performed partially or with modified conditions N-ACTION Service Procedures

The following N-ACTION procedures apply:

  1. The invoking DIMSE Service User requests the performing DIMSE Service User to perform an action on a managed SOP Instance by issuing an N-ACTION request primitive to the DIMSE Service Provider.

  2. The DIMSE-service provider issues an N-ACTION indication primitive to the performing DIMSE Service User.

  3. If the operation can be performed, the performing DIMSE Service User applies the action to the specified SOP Instance and generates a response indicating acceptance of the N-ACTION request primitive by issuing an N-ACTION response primitive to the DIMSE Service Provider. In this case the following procedure does not apply. The Action Reply may be included in a successful response.

  4. If the operation cannot be performed, then the performing DIMSE Service User rejects the N-ACTION request by issuing an N-ACTION response primitive with the appropriate error code to the DIMSE Service Provider.

  5. The DIMSE Service Provider issues an N-ACTION confirmation primitive to the invoking DIMSE Service User, completing the N-ACTION operation.

The performing DIMSE Service User may return an N-ACTION response primitive with the status of Failed or Refused before the entire N-ACTION indication (Data Set) has been completely transmitted by the invoking DIMSE Service User. A N-ACTION response primitive with the status of Success or Warning shall not be returned until the entire N-ACTION indication has been received by the performing DIMSE Service User.


Such an occurrence of a "Failed" response is often called an early failed response.

10.1.5 N-CREATE Service

The N-CREATE service is used by a DIMSE Service User to request a peer DIMSE Service User to create a new managed SOP Instance, complete with its identification and the values of its associated Attributes, and simultaneously to register its identification. It is a confirmed service. N-CREATE Parameters

Table 10.1-5 lists the parameters for this service.

Table 10.1-5. N-CREATE Parameters

DIMSE Parameter Name



Message ID



Message ID Being Responded To



Affected SOP Class UID



Affected SOP Instance UID



Attribute List





M Message ID

This parameter identifies the operation. It is used to distinguish this operation from other notifications or operations that the DIMSE Service Provider may have in progress. No two identical values for the Message ID (0000,0110) shall be used for outstanding operations or notifications.


The Message ID (0000,0110) is recommended to be unique within the scope of an Association, to support debug procedures. Message ID Being Responded To

This parameter specifies the Message ID (0000,0110) of the operation request/indication to which this response/confirmation applies. Affected SOP Class UID

For the request/indication, this parameter specifies the SOP Class of the new SOP Instance that is to be created by the performing DIMSE Service User. The performing DIMSE Service User assigns to the new SOP Instance, a set of Attribute Values as specified by the definition of its SOP Class. For the response/confirmation, this parameter specifies the SOP class of the SOP Instance that was created. It may be included in the response/confirmation. If included in the response/confirmation, this parameter shall be equal to the value in the request/indication. Affected SOP Instance UID

For the request/indication, this parameter specifies the SOP Instance that is used by the performing DIMSE Service User. If the SOP Instance UID is not supplied by the invoking DIMSE Service User, then the performing DIMSE Service User assigns a value to this identification of instance. For the response/confirmation, this parameter may only be included in the success response/confirmation and shall be included if it is not supplied by the invoking DIMSE Service User. Attribute List

When this parameter is supplied by the invoking DIMSE Service User, it contains a set of Attribute identifiers and values that the performing DIMSE Service User is to assign to the new managed SOP Instance. When returned by the performing DIMSE Service User in the success response/confirmation, this parameter contains the complete list of all Attribute identifiers and values that were assigned to the new managed SOP Instance. Status

This parameter contains the error or success notification for the operation. It shall be included by the performing DIMSE Service User in any response/confirmation. The following type of status may occur (see also Annex C):

  • Duplicate invocation (0210H) - the Message ID (0000,0110) specified is allocated to another notification or operation.

  • Duplicate SOP Instance (0111H) - the new managed SOP Instance Value supplied by the invoking DIMSE Service User was already registered for a managed SOP Instance of the specified SOP Class.

  • Invalid Attribute Value (0106H) - the Attribute Value specified was out of range or otherwise inappropriate.

  • Attribute Value out of range (0116H) - the Attribute Value specified was out of range or otherwise inappropriate. The SCP will apply a default value or will not include the attribute in the created instance.

  • Invalid SOP Instance (0117H) - the SOP Instance UID specified implied a violation of the UID construction rules.

  • Missing Attribute (0120H) - a required Attribute was not supplied.

  • Missing Attribute Value (0121H) - a required Attribute Value was not supplied and a default value was not available.

  • Mistyped argument (0212H) - one of the parameters supplied has not been agreed for use on the Association between the DIMSE Service Users.

  • No such Attribute (0105H) - the Tag for the specified Attribute was not recognized.

  • Attribute List warning (0107H) - one or more specified Attributes were not recognized and not included in the created instance.

  • No such SOP Class (0118H) - the SOP Class was not recognized.

  • Processing Failure (0110H) - a general failure in processing the operation was encountered.

  • Resource limitation (0213H) - the operation was not performed due to resource limitation.

  • Success (0000H) - successful operation.

  • Unrecognized operation (0211H) - the operation is not one of those agreed between the DIMSE Service Users.

  • Refused: Not authorized (0124H) - the DIMSE Service User was not authorized to invoke the operation.

  • Failed (Status value is Service Class specific): no instance was created by the DIMSE Service User

  • Warning (Status value is Service Class specific): the DIMSE Service User created an Instance but did not perform all specified operations N-CREATE Service Procedures

The following N-CREATE procedures apply:

  1. The invoking DIMSE Service User requests the creation and registration of a new managed SOP Instance by issuing an N-CREATE request primitive to the DIMSE Service Provider.

  2. The DIMSE-service provider issues an N-CREATE indication primitive to the performing DIMSE Service User.

  3. If the operation can be performed, the performing DIMSE Service User creates and registers the new managed SOP Instance and generates a response indicating acceptance of the N-CREATE request primitive by issuing an N-CREATE response primitive to the DIMSE Service Provider. In this case the following procedure does not apply.

  4. If the operation cannot be performed, then the performing DIMSE Service User rejects the N-CREATE request by issuing an N-CREATE response primitive with the appropriate error code to the DIMSE Service Provider.

  5. The DIMSE Service Provider issues an N-CREATE confirmation primitive to the invoking DIMSE Service User, completing the N-CREATE operation.

The performing DIMSE Service User may return an N-CREATE response primitive with the status of Failed or Refused before the entire N-CREATE indication (Data Set) has been completely transmitted by the invoking DIMSE Service User. A N-CREATE response primitive with the status of Success or Warning shall not be returned until the entire N-CREATE indication has been received by the performing DIMSE Service User.


Such an occurrence of a "Failed" response is often called an early failed response.

10.1.6 N-DELETE Service

The N-DELETE service is used by an invoking DIMSE Service User to request a peer DIMSE Service User to delete a managed SOP Instance and to de-register its identification. It is a confirmed service. N-DELETE Parameters

Table 10.1-6 lists the parameters for this service.

Table 10.1-6. N-DELETE Parameters

DIMSE Parameter Name



Message ID



Message ID Being Responded To



Requested SOP Class UID



Requested SOP Instance UID



Affected SOP Class UID



Affected SOP Instance UID





M Message ID

This parameter identifies the operation. It is used to distinguish this operation from other notifications or operations that the DIMSE Service Provider may have in progress. No two identical values for the Message ID (0000,0110) shall be used for outstanding operations or notifications.


The Message ID (0000,0110) is recommended to be unique within the scope of an Association, to support debug procedures. Message ID Being Responded To

This parameter specifies the Message ID (0000,0110) of the operation request/indication to which this response/confirmation applies. Requested SOP Class UID

This parameter specifies the SOP Class that is to be deleted. Requested SOP Instance UID

This parameter specifies the SOP Instance that is to be deleted. Affected SOP Class UID

This parameter may be included in the response/confirmation. If included in the response/confirmation, this parameter shall be equal to the parameter value used in the request/indication. Affected SOP Instance UID

This parameter specifies the SOP Instance that was deleted. It may be included in any response/confirmation and when included shall be equal to the Requested SOP Instance UID (0000,1001) parameter value used in the invocation. Status

This parameter contains the error or success notification for the operation. It shall be included by the performing DIMSE Service User in any response/confirmation. The following types of status may occur (see also Annex C):

  • Class-Instance conflict (0119H) - the specified SOP Instance is not a member of the specified SOP Class

  • Duplicate invocation (0210H) - the Message ID (0000,0110) specified is allocated to another notification or operation

  • Invalid SOP Instance (0117H) - the SOP Instance UID specified implied a violation of the UID construction rules

  • Mistyped argument (0212H) - one of the parameters supplied has not been agreed for use on the Association between the DIMSE Service Users

  • No such SOP Class (0118H) - the SOP Class was not recognized

  • No such SOP Instance (0112H) - the SOP Instance was not recognized

  • Processing Failure (0110H) - a general failure in processing the operation was encountered

  • Resource limitation (0213H) - the operation was not performed due to resource limitation

  • Success (0000H) - successful operation

  • Unrecognized operation (0211H) - the operation is not one of those agreed between the DIMSE Service Users

  • Refused: Not authorized (0124H) - the DIMSE Service User was not authorized to invoke the operation. N-DELETE Service Procedures

The following N-DELETE procedures apply:

  1. The invoking DIMSE Service User requests the performing DIMSE Service User to delete a managed SOP Instance by issuing an N-DELETE request primitive to the DIMSE Service Provider.

  2. The DIMSE-service provider issues an N-DELETE indication primitive to the performing DIMSE Service User.

  3. If the operation can be performed, the performing DIMSE Service User deletes the specified managed SOP Instance and generates a response indicating acceptance of the N-DELETE request primitive by issuing an N-DELETE response primitive to the DIMSE Service Provider. In this case the following procedure does not apply.

  4. If the operation cannot be performed, then the performing DIMSE Service User rejects the N-DELETE request by issuing an N-DELETE response primitive with the appropriate error code to the DIMSE Service Provider.

  5. The DIMSE Service Provider issues an N-DELETE confirmation primitive to the invoking DIMSE Service User, completing the N-DELETE operation.

DICOM PS3.7 2024e - Message Exchange