DICOM PS3.4 2024e - Service Class Specifications |
The Application Entity that claims conformance to this SOP Class as an SCU shall be permitted to invoke the following operations and the Application Entity that claims conformance as an SCP shall be capable of providing the following operations.
This operation allows an SCU to create an instance of the Instance Availability Notification SOP Class and to provide availability information about Instances that are under the control of the SCU. This operation shall be invoked through the DIMSE N-CREATE Service.
The Attribute list of the N-CREATE is defined as shown in Table R.3.2-1.
Table R.3.2-1. Instance Availability Notification SOP Class N-CREATE Attributes
(Required if an extended or replacement character set is used) |
All other Attributes of the SOP Common Module |
>>Include Table 8-1a “Enhanced SCU/SCP Coded Entry Macro with SCU Support, Matching Key Support and Mandatory Meaning” |
The SCU shall specify in the N-CREATE request primitive the SOP Class and SOP Instance UIDs of the Instance Availability Notification SOP Instance that is created and for which Attribute Values are to be provided.
The SCU shall provide Attribute Values for the Instance Availability Notification SOP Class Attributes as specified in Table R.3.2-1.
The use of additional optional Attributes by the SCU is forbidden.
The reason for forbidding optional Attributes is to prevent the use of Standard Extended SOP Classes that might add contextual information such as patient and procedure identifiers.
The encoding rules for Instance Availability Notification Attributes are specified in the N-CREATE request primitive specification in PS3.7.
There are no requirements on when N-CREATE requests are required to be performed.
In particular, there are no requirements that notification about the availability of the first instance of a Performed Procedure Step or Study be provided upon its reception, nor that availability notification be provided when an entire set of instances comprising a completed Performed Procedure Step or Study are available, though these are typical and common scenarios.
The SCP shall return, via the N-CREATE response primitive, the N-CREATE Response Status Code applicable to the associated request.
There are no specific Status Codes. See PS3.7 for response Status Codes.
DICOM PS3.4 2024e - Service Class Specifications |