DICOM PS3.4 2024c - Service Class Specifications

H.2.4 Usage Specifications

The building blocks of SOP Classes are Modules and DIMSE Services. The Modules contain related Attributes, which are Mandatory(M) or Optional (U). The usage may be different for the SCU and SCP. The usage is specified as a pair of letters: the former indicating the SCU usage, the latter indicating the SCP usage.

DIMSE Service Group may be Mandatory (M) or Optional (U) as specified in Section 5.4 of this Part.

The meaning and behavior of the usage specification for Attributes for the Print Management Service Class are:


The SCU shall provide a value for the Attribute. If the SCU does not supply a value, the SCP shall return a Failure Status Code 0120H "Missing Attribute". The SCP shall support at least one value of the Attribute. If the SCP does not support the value specified by the SCU, it shall return a Failure Status Code 0106H "Invalid Attribute Value".


The SCU's usage of the Attribute is undefined. The SCP shall support at least one value of the Attribute.


The SCU may provide a value for the Attribute. If the SCP does not support the value specified by the SCU, it shall return either a Failure Status Code 0106H "Invalid Attribute Value" or return a Warning Status Code 0116H "Attribute Value out of range". In the case of Warning status, the SCP will apply the default value as defined in the SCP Conformance Statement.


The SCU may provide a value for the Attribute. If the SCP does not support the value specified by the SCU, but does support the Attribute, it shall return either a Failure Status Code 0106H "Invalid Attribute Value" or a Warning Status Code 0116H "Attribute Value out of range". In the case of Warning status, the SCP will apply the default value as defined in the SCP Conformance Statement.

If the SCP does not support the Attribute specified by the SCU, it shall return either a Failure Status Code 0105H "No such Attribute" or return a Warning Status Code 0107H "Attribute list error". In the case of Warning status, the behavior of the SCP is defined in the SCP Conformance Statement.

If the usage type designation is modified by a "C" (e.g., MC/M) the specification stated above shall be modified to include the requirement that the Attribute shall be supported if the specified condition is met.

DICOM PS3.4 2024c - Service Class Specifications