DICOM PS3.4 2024d - Service Class Specifications

F.8 Modality Performed Procedure Step Retrieve SOP Class

F.8.1 DIMSE Service Group

The DIMSE Services shown in Table F.8.1-1 are applicable to the Modality Performed Procedure Step IOD under the Modality Performed Procedure Step Retrieve SOP Class.

Table F.8.1-1. DIMSE Service Group Applicable to Modality Performed Procedure Step Retrieve

DICOM Message Service Element




The DIMSE Services and Protocols are specified in PS3.7. If the Modality Performed Procedure Step Object is no longer available the Request Primitive will be answered with a Failure Status Code of 0112H "No such SOP Instance".

DICOM PS3.4 2024d - Service Class Specifications