DICOM PS3.4 2024d - Service Class Specifications

C.6.4.2 Repository Query Request Identifier Attributes

In addition to the Attributes specified in Section C., a Repository Query Request Identifier may contain the Attributes shown in Table C.6.4.2-1 for the SCU to request certain C-FIND response content.

Table C.6.4.2-1. Repository Query Request Identifier Additional Attributes

Attribute Name


Attribute Description

Prior Record Key


Entity identifier that was returned as a value in Record Key (0008,041B) in a prior request. Entities returned for the current request will begin with the first matching record with a record key subsequent to this record key. See Section C. for SCP processing requirements.

Maximum Number of Records


Maximum number of matched entities to be returned for this request. See Section C. for SCP processing requirements.

DICOM PS3.4 2024d - Service Class Specifications