DICOM PS3.4 2024e - Service Class Specifications |
The SOP Classes in the Storage Service Class identify the Composite IODs to be stored. Table B.5-1 identifies Standard SOP Classes.
Table B.5-1. Standard SOP Classes
IOD Specification (defined in PS3.3) |
Compositing Planar MPR Volumetric Presentation State Storage |
Segmented Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State Storage |
Multiple Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State Storage |
Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Image Storage - For Presentation |
Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Image Storage - For Processing |
Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography Stereographic Projection Image Storage |
Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography Stereographic Projection Image IOD |
Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography 3D Coordinates Image Storage |
Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography En Face Image Storage |
Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis Storage |
Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis IOD |
Ophthalmic Visual Field Static Perimetry Measurements Storage |
Content Assessment Results IOD | |||
Microscopy Bulk Simple Annotations IOD | |||
The Generic Implant Template Storage, Implant Assembly Template Storage, and Implant Template Group Storage SOP Classes were formerly specified in this table, incorrectly since they do not use the Patient / Study / Series / Instance information model. Those have been consolidated into the Non-Patient Object Storage Service Class (see Annex GG).
The Digital X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation SOP Class shall use the DX IOD with an Enumerated Value of FOR PRESENTATION for Presentation Intent Type (0008,0068).
The Digital X-Ray Image Storage - For Processing SOP Class shall use the DX IOD with an Enumerated Value of FOR PROCESSING for Presentation Intent Type (0008,0068).
An SCU or SCP of the Digital X-Ray Image Storage - For Processing SOP Class shall also support the Digital X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation SOP Class in the same role.
The intent of this requirement is to ensure a useful level of interoperability by avoiding the situation where an SCU might support only the Digital X-Ray Image Storage - For Processing SOP Class and an SCP only the Digital X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation SOP Class, or vice versa. The burden is therefore to support the Digital X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation SOP Class as a "baseline".
The term "support" is used in this section in the sense that an SCU or SCP must be capable of sending or receiving the For Presentation SOP Class. There is no intent to imply that an SCU must always send an instance of the For Presentation SOP Class when an instance of the For Processing SOP Class is sent.
Nor is there any intent to imply that during Association establishment, that a Presentation Context for the For Presentation SOP Class has to be proposed by the initiator. However, an association acceptor may reject a For Presentation SOP Class Presentation Context if it accepts a For Processing SOP Class Presentation Context, and prefers that SOP Class, in which case it may no longer be able to "pass on" the object later as an SCU unless it is able to generate a For Presentation object.
It is not possible for an SCP to determine from proposed Presentation Contexts whether or not an SCU "supports" (is capable of sending) both For Processing and For Presentation SOP Class Instances. Such a determination requires a priori knowledge of the information contained in the Conformance Statement for the SCU, as well as how the SCU is configured and operated. An SCU that supports both SOP Classes may well choose to only propose one or the other during Association establishment, depending on which Instances it actually intends to send over that particular association (although the SCU must be capable of sending instances of the For Presentation SOP Class if the SCP does not accept the For Processing).
The intent of the requirement is that if an SCU is only capable of sending the For Presentation SOP Class, any SCP will be guaranteed to be able to receive it. Conversely, if an SCP is only capable of receiving the For Presentation SOP Class, any SCU will be guaranteed to be able to send it.
The Digital Mammography X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation SOP Class shall use the Digital Mammography IOD with an Enumerated Value of FOR PRESENTATION for Presentation Intent Type (0008,0068).
The Digital Mammography X-Ray Image Storage - For Processing SOP Class shall use the Digital Mammography IOD with an Enumerated Value of FOR PROCESSING for Presentation Intent Type (0008,0068).
An SCU or SCP of the Digital Mammography X-Ray Image Storage - For Processing SOP Class shall also support the Digital Mammography X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation SOP Class in the same role.
The Digital Intra-Oral X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation SOP Class shall use the Digital Intra-Oral X-Ray IOD with an Enumerated Value of FOR PRESENTATION for Presentation Intent Type (0008,0068).
The Digital Intra-Oral X-Ray Image Storage - For Processing SOP Class shall use the Digital Intra-Oral X-Ray IOD with an Enumerated Value of FOR PROCESSING for Presentation Intent Type (0008,0068).
An SCU or SCP of the Digital Intra-Oral X-Ray Image Storage - For Processing SOP Class shall also support the Digital Intra-Oral X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation SOP Class in the same role.
See Annex N.
The requirements of Annex O apply to the following SOP Classes:
Annex O requirements do not apply to the Key Object Selection Document SOP Class.
An SCP of the Enhanced MR Image Storage or Legacy Converted Enhanced MR Image Storage SOP Class shall also support the Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State Storage SOP Class as an SCP.
An SCP of the Enhanced CT Image Storage or Legacy Converted Enhanced CT Image Storage SOP Class shall also support the Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State Storage SOP Class as an SCP.
An SCP of the Enhanced MR Color Image Storage SOP Class shall also support the Color Softcopy Presentation State Storage SOP Class as an SCP.
An SCU of the Basic Structured Display Storage SOP Class that creates SOP Instances of the SOP Class shall identify in its Conformance Statement the Composite Storage SOP Classes and Softcopy Presentation State Storage SOP Classes that are also supported by the SCU, and may be referenced by Basic Structured Display SOP Instances it creates. It shall identify in its Conformance Statement the values it may use in the Attributes Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304) and Type of Synchronization (0072,0434).
An SCP of the Basic Structured Display Storage SOP Class, when rendering SOP Instances of the SOP Class, shall preserve the aspect ratio specified by the Nominal Screen Definition Sequence (0072,0102) Attributes Number of Vertical Pixels (0072,0104) and Number of Horizontal Pixels (0072,0106) without clipping.
The SCP is not required to display using the exact number of vertical and horizontal pixels. The SCP may use as much of its display screen as it desires, while maintaining the Structured Display aspect ratio.
If the display screen has a different aspect ratio, the positioning of the display on the screen is unspecified (centered, left or right justified, top or bottom justified).
An SCP of the Basic Structured Display Storage SOP Class that is capable of rendering SOP Instances of the SOP Class shall identify in its Conformance Statement the Composite Storage SOP Classes and Softcopy Presentation State Storage SOP Classes that are also supported by the SCP, and will be rendered when referenced by Basic Structured Display SOP Instances for display. It shall specify in its Conformance Statement the user display controls and interactions for the values of Image Box Layout Type (0072,0304) and Type of Synchronization (0072,0434) that it supports. It shall identify in its Conformance Statement its behavior when encountering a referenced Presentation State or other Composite Storage SOP Instance whose display it does not support, or an unsupported value of Image Box Layout Type or Type of Synchronization; such behavior shall include at a minimum a display to the user of the nature of the incompatibility.
See Annex GG.
The requirements of this section have been consolidated into the Non-Patient Object Storage Service Class (see Section GG.6.3).
Ophthalmic axial measurements devices are used in the preoperative assessment of every cataract surgery patient. Ophthalmic axial measurements SOP Classes support ophthalmic axial measurements devices.
For a device that is both an SCU and an SCP of the Ophthalmic Axial Measurements Storage SOP Class, in addition to the behavior for the Storage Service Class specified in Section B.2.2, the following additional requirements are specified for Ophthalmic Axial Measurements Storage SOP Classes:
An SCP of this SOP Class shall support Storage Level 2 (Full) as defined in Section B.4.1.
IOL (intraocular lens) calculation is used in the preoperative assessment of every cataract surgery patient. IOL Calculation SOP Classes support IOL calculation software, which may be located either on ophthalmic axial measurement devices or on a separate computer.
For a device that is both an SCU and an SCP of the IOL Calculation Storage SOP Class, in addition to the behavior for the Storage Service Class specified in Section B.2.2, the following additional requirements are specified for IOL Calculation Storage SOP Classes:
An SCP of this SOP Class shall support Storage Level 2 (Full) as defined in Section B.4.1.
The Intravascular OCT Image Storage - For Presentation SOP Class shall use the IVOCT IOD with an Enumerated Value of FOR PRESENTATION for Presentation Intent Type (0008,0068).
The Intravascular OCT Image Storage - For Processing SOP Class shall use the IVOCT IOD with an Enumerated Value of FOR PROCESSING for Presentation Intent Type (0008,0068).
An SCU or SCP of the Intravascular OCT Image Storage - For Processing SOP Class shall also support the Intravascular OCT Image Storage - For Presentation SOP Class in the same role.
The intent of this requirement is to ensure a useful level of interoperability by avoiding the situation where an SCU might support only the Intravascular OCT Image Storage - For Processing SOP Class and an SCP only the Intravascular OCT Image Storage - For Presentation SOP Class, or vice versa. The burden is therefore to support the Intravascular OCT Image Storage - For Presentation SOP Class as a "baseline".
The term "support" is used in this section in the sense that an SCU or SCP must be capable of sending or receiving the For Presentation SOP Class. There is no intent to imply that an SCU must always send an instance of the For Presentation SOP Class when an instance of the For Processing SOP Class is sent.
Nor is there any intent to imply that during Association establishment, that a Presentation Context for the For Presentation SOP Class has to be proposed by the initiator. However, an association acceptor may reject a For Presentation SOP Class Presentation Context if it accepts a For Processing SOP Class Presentation Context, and prefers that SOP Class, in which case it may no longer be able to "pass on" the object later as an SCU unless it is able to generate a For Presentation object.
It is not possible for an SCP to determine from proposed Presentation Contexts whether or not an SCU "supports" (is capable of sending) both For Processing and For Presentation SOP Class Instances. Such a determination requires a priori knowledge of the information contained in the Conformance Statement for the SCU, as well as how the SCU is configured and operated. An SCU that supports both SOP Classes may well choose to only propose one or the other during Association establishment, depending on which Instances it actually intends to send over that particular association (although the SCU must be capable of sending instances of the For Presentation SOP Class if the SCP does not accept the For Processing).
The intent of the requirement is that if an SCU is only capable of sending the For Presentation SOP Class, any SCP will be guaranteed to be able to receive it. Conversely, if an SCP is only capable of receiving the For Presentation SOP Class, any SCU will be guaranteed to be able to send it.
The Ophthalmic Thickness Map SOP Class encodes a topographic representation of the thickness/height measurements of the posterior eye.
For a device that is both an SCU and an SCP of the Ophthalmic Thickness Map Storage SOP Class, in addition to the behavior for the Storage Service Class specified in Section B.2.2, the following additional requirements are specified for Ophthalmic Thickness Map Storage SOP Classes:
An SCP of this SOP Class shall support Storage Level 2 (Full) as defined in Section B.4.1.
An SCP of the Enhanced PET Image Storage or Legacy Converted Enhanced PET Image Storage SOP Class shall also support the Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State Storage SOP Class, and optionally the Variable Modality LUT Softcopy Presentation State Storage SOP Class, as an SCP.
An SCP of the Enhanced PET Image Storage SOP Class shall also support the Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State Storage SOP Class, and optionally the Variable Modality LUT Softcopy Presentation State Storage SOP Class, as an SCP.
The Corneal Topography Map SOP Class encodes a topographic representation of the curvature and/or elevation measurements of corneal anterior and posterior surfaces (e.g., maps that display corneal curvatures, corneal elevations, and corneal power, etc.).
An SCP of the Corneal Topography Map Storage SOP Class that renders SOP Instances of this SOP Class shall apply the image transformations (i.e., Palette Color LUT) and the Real World Value LUT to display the annotated color scale. The annotated color scale shall conform to the "ISO Standard 19980 - Ophthalmic instruments - Corneal topographers, second edition, section B.4 Standardized Colour Scale." [ISO 19980]
An SCP may display a Corneal Topography Map superimposed on the image referenced in the Source Image Sequence (0008,2112). When displaying such, Corneal Topography Map pixels with the value of the Pixel Padding Value (0028,0120) Attribute shall be rendered transparently so that the corresponding underlying image pixels are visible. For the display of the annotated color scale, the SCP shall use only those values for which a mapping is defined in the Real World Value Mapping Sequence (0040,9096). The colors that shall be used for both the map and the scale are defined by the Attributes of the Palette Color Lookup Table.
The size of the Corneal Topography Map is typically the same as that of the underlying image on which it is superimposed, i.e., the Rows (0028,0010) and Columns (0028,0011) Attributes have the same Values, and the orientation and origin are the same. In this case, there is no need to specify a Spatial Registration.
A Blending Presentation State provides additional capabilities for superimposing images, but these are typically not required for this use case, i.e., for rendering a Corneal Topography Map on a source image.
Examples for the rendering of superimposed images and the annotated color scale can be found in Section NNN.2 “Corneal Topography Scales and Color Palettes” in PS3.17 and Section NNN.3 “Corneal Topography Examples” in PS3.17.
For a device that is both an SCU and an SCP of the Corneal Topography Map Storage SOP Class, in addition to the behavior for the Storage Service Class specified in Section B.2.2, the following additional requirements are specified for Corneal Topography Map Storage SOP Classes:
An SCP of this SOP Class shall support Storage Level 2 (Full) as defined in Section B.4.1.
The Breast Projection X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation SOP Class shall use the Breast Projection X-Ray Image IOD with an Enumerated Value of FOR PRESENTATION for Presentation Intent Type (0008,0068).
The Breast Projection X-Ray Image Storage - For Processing SOP Class shall use the Breast Projection X-Ray Image IOD with an Enumerated Value of FOR PROCESSING for Presentation Intent Type (0008,0068).
An SCU or SCP of the Breast Projection X-Ray Image Storage - For Processing SOP Class shall also support the Breast Projection X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation SOP Class in the same role.
The requirements of Section FF.2.1.1 apply to the following SOP Classes:
The Grayscale Planar MPR Volumetric Presentation State Storage SOP Class shall use the Planar MPR Volumetric Presentation State IOD with an Enumerated Value of MONOCHROME for Pixel Presentation (0008,9205) and shall have only a single item in the Volumetric Presentation State Input Sequence (0070,1201).
The Compositing Planar MPR Volumetric Presentation State Storage SOP Class shall use the Planar MPR Volumetric Presentation State IOD with an Enumerated Value of TRUE COLOR for Pixel Presentation (0008,9205).
An SCU of the Content Assessment Results Storage SOP Class that creates SOP Instances of the SOP Class shall identify in its Conformance Statement the criteria for setting the Observation Significance (0082,0008).
The CT and XA Performed Procedure Protocol Storage SOP Classes encode the acquisition, reconstruction and storage protocol parameter values used during a specific performed procedure, and related details.
For a device that is both an SCU and an SCP of the CT or XA Performed Procedure Protocol Storage SOP Class, in addition to the behavior for the Storage Service Class specified in Section B.2.2, the following additional requirements are specified for CT and XA Performed Procedure Protocol Storage SOP Classes:
An SCP of this SOP Class shall support Storage Level 2 (Full) as defined in Section B.4.1.
For a device that is both an SCU and an SCP of the Raw Data Storage SOP Class, in addition to the behavior for the Storage Service Class specified in Section B.2.2, the following additional requirements are specified for the Raw Data Storage SOP Class:
An SCP of this SOP Class shall support Storage Level 2 (Full) as defined in Section B.4.1.
An SCP of any of the Enhanced Multi-Frame Image SOP Classes that makes SOP Instances available through the Enhanced Multi-Frame Image Conversion Extended Negotiation of the Query/Retrieve Service Class (see Section C.3.5) shall support Storage Level 2 (Full).
The requirements of Section FF.2.1.2 apply to the following SOP Classes:
The Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State Storage SOP Class shall use the Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State IOD and include a single item in Volumetric Presentation State Input Sequence (0070,1201) and a single item in Volume Stream Sequence (0070,1A08). Also, the value of Crop (0070,1204) shall be NO.
The Segmented Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State Storage SOP Class shall use the Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State IOD and include a single item in Volume Stream Sequence (0070,1A08).
The Multiple Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State Storage SOP Class shall use the Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State IOD and include two or more items in Volume Stream Sequence (0070,1A08).
The Segmentation Storage SOP Class shall use the Segmentation IOD with an Enumerated Value of BINARY or FRACTIONAL for Segmentation Type (0062,0001).
The Label Map Segmentation Storage SOP Class shall use the Segmentation IOD with an Enumerated Value of LABELMAP for Segmentation Type (0062,0001).
DICOM PS3.4 2024e - Service Class Specifications |