DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions
C. Control Point Sequence

The RT Beams Module uses a single beam model to handle static, arc, and dynamic delivery of external beam radiation by a medical accelerator or gamma beam therapy equipment (cobalt unit). All applicable parameters shall be specified at Control Point 0, with the exception of couch positions (see Section C. All parameters that change at any control point of a given beam shall be specified explicitly at all control points (including those preceding the change). No assumptions are made about the behavior of machine parameters between specified control points, and communicating devices shall agree on this behavior outside the current Standard.

The Cumulative Meterset Weight (300A,0134) values in a Control Point Sequence (300A,0111) shall be monotonically increasing in the order of increasing Control Point Index (300A,0112).

Gantry Rotation Direction (300A,011F), Beam Limiting Device Rotation Direction (300A,0121), Patient Support Rotation Direction (300A,0123), and Table Top Eccentric Rotation Direction (300A,0126) are defined as applying to the segment following the control point, and changes to these parameters during treatment may be specified without use of a "non-irradiation" segment. All other Control Point Sequence Attributes are defined only at the control point. To unambiguously encode changes in discrete-valued Attributes such as Wedge Position (300A,0118) and Nominal Beam Energy (300A,0114), a non-irradiation segment where Cumulative Meterset Weight (300A,0134) does not change, shall be used.

Some examples of beam specification using control points are as follows:

a) Static delivery:

Control Point 0: All applicable treatment parameters defined, Cumulative Meterset Weight = 0

Control Point 1: Cumulative Meterset Weight = 1, no other parameters defined

b) Arc delivery:

Control Point 0: All applicable treatment parameters defined, Cumulative Meterset Weight = 0, Gantry Rotation Direction = rotation direction, Gantry Angle = initial angle

Control Point 1: Cumulative Meterset Weight = 1, Gantry Rotation Direction = NONE, Gantry Angle = final angle

c) Dynamic delivery of two equally weighted segments:

Control Point 0: All applicable treatment parameters defined, Cumulative Meterset Weight = 0

Control Point 1: All changing treatment parameters defined (including those which do not change at this control point), Cumulative Meterset Weight = 0.5

Control Point 2: All changing treatment parameters defined (including those which do not change at this control point), Cumulative Meterset Weight = 1

d) Dynamic Delivery of two unequally weighted segments with a step change in table angle:

Control Point 0: All applicable treatment parameters defined, Patient Support Angle = initial angle, Patient Support Rotation Direction = NONE, Cumulative Meterset Weight = 0

Control Point 1: All changing parameters defined (including those that do not change at this control point), Cumulative Meterset Weight = 0.3, Patient Support Angle = initial angle, Patient Support Rotation Direction = rotation direction

Control Point 2: All changing parameters defined (although none should change at this control point), Cumulative Meterset Weight = 0.3, Patient Support Angle = new angle, Patient Support Rotation Direction = NONE

Control Point 3: All changing parameters defined (including those that do not change at this control point), Cumulative Meterset Weight = 1, Patient Support Angle = new angle, Patient Support Rotation Direction = NONE

e) Dynamic delivery with moving MLC leaves and stationary collimator jaws::

In this example the collimator jaws stay in the same position throughout the Beam, while the MLC leaves change positions.:

Table C. illustrates the presence of Items in the Beam Limiting Device Position Sequence (300A,011A) and sample values.:

Table C. Example of dynamic collimation in RT Beams Module

Control Point Index (300A,0112)

Number of Items present in

Beam Limiting Device Position Sequence (300A,011A)

Leaf/Jaw Positions (300A,011C)

for Item with

RT Beam Limiting Device Type (300A,00B8) = X

Leaf/Jaw Positions (300A,011C)

for Item with

RT Beam Limiting Device Type (300A,00B8) = Y

Leaf/Jaw Positions (300A,011C)

for Item with

RT Beam Limiting Device Type (300A,00B8) = Z



present with values


present with values


present with values
































DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions