DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions

C.8.25.11 Subjective Refraction Measurements Module

Table C.8.25.11-1 defines the Attributes used to represent the subjective refractive measurements of a patient's eyes. Usually both eyes are measured, but sometimes just one.

Table C.8.25.11-1. Subjective Refraction Measurements Module Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Subjective Refraction Right Eye Sequence



A Sequence that specifies the subjective refractive measurements of a patient's right eye.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

Required if the right eye is measured.


If Subjective Refraction Right Eye Sequence (0046,0097) is present, Measurement Laterality (0024,0113), if present, will have a value of R or B as appropriate.

>Include Table C.8.25.11-2 “Subjective Refraction Measurements Macro Attributes”

Subjective Refraction Left Eye Sequence



A Sequence that specifies the subjective refractive measurements of a patient's left eye.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

Required if the left eye is measured.


If Subjective Refraction Left Eye Sequence (0046,0098) is present, Measurement Laterality (0024,0113), if present, will have a value of L or B as appropriate.

>Include Table C.8.25.11-2 “Subjective Refraction Measurements Macro Attributes”

Distance Pupillary Distance



Distance in mm between the pupils when the patient's object of regard is in the distance, as measured by a phoropter.

Near Pupillary Distance



Distance in mm between the pupils when the patient's object of regard is at near, as measured by a phoropter.

Intermediate Pupillary Distance



Distance in mm between the pupils when the patient's object of regard is at an intermediate distance, as measured by a phoropter.

Other Pupillary Distance



Distance in mm between the pupils when the patient's object of regard is at the distance specified in the Attribute Add Other Sequence (0046,0102), as measured by a phoropter.

Table C.8.25.11-2 specifies the Attributes of the Subjective Refraction Measurements Macro.

Table C.8.25.11-2. Subjective Refraction Measurements Macro Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Sphere Power



Refractive power of the eye that is the same in all meridians, measured at distance (optical infinity), in diopters.

Include Table C. “Cylinder Sequence Macro Attributes”

Include Table C. “Prism Sequence Macro Attributes”

Vertex Distance



The distance from the corneal vertex of the eye to the back of the corrective lens, in mm.

Add Near Sequence



A Sequence that specifies refractive measurements of the eye to correct for inability to focus at near while wearing the distance prescription.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

Required if near point refraction is done.

>Add Power



Additional power relative to the distance correction, expressed in diopters, that allows best corrected visual acuity at the defined viewing distance.

>Viewing Distance



The distance, in cm, for testing visual acuity corresponding to the value of Add Power (0046,0104) in this Sequence.

Add Intermediate Sequence



A Sequence that specifies refractive measurements of the eye to correct for inability to focus at intermediate distance while wearing the distance prescription.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

Required if intermediate point refraction is done.

>Add Power



Additional power relative to the distance correction, expressed in diopters, that allows best corrected visual acuity at the defined viewing distance.

>Viewing Distance



The distance, in cm, for testing visual acuity using the value of Add Power (0046,0104) in this Sequence Item.

Add Other Sequence



A Sequence that specifies refractive measurements of the eye to correct for inability to focus at the below specified distance while wearing the distance prescription.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

Required if refraction is done at less than distance (optical infinity), but at a distance other than "near" or "intermediate".

>Add Power



Additional power relative to the distance correction, expressed in diopters, that allows best corrected visual acuity at the defined viewing distance.

>Viewing Distance



The distance, in cm, for testing visual acuity corresponding to the value of Add Power (0046,0104) in this Sequence Item.

DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions