DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions

C.8.20.4 Segmentation Macros

The following sections contain Macros specific to the Segmentation IOD.

C. Segment Description Macro

Table C.8.20-4 specifies the Attributes of the Segment Description Macro.

Table C.8.20-4. Segment Description Macro Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Segment Number



Identification number of the Segment. The value of Segment Number (0062,0004) shall be unique within the Segmentation Instance in which it is created. See Section C.

Segment Label



User-defined label identifying this Segment. This may be the same as Code Meaning (0008,0104) of Segmented Property Type Code Sequence (0062,000F).

Segment Description



User-defined description for this Segment.

Segment Algorithm Type



Type of algorithm used to generate the Segment.

Enumerated Values:


calculated Segment


calculated Segment with user assistance


user-entered Segment

Include Table 10-7b “Multiple Site General Anatomy Optional Macro Attributes”

May not be necessary if the anatomy is implicit in the Segmented Property Type Code Sequence.

More than one Item in Anatomic Region Sequence (0008,2218) may be used when a region of interest spans multiple anatomical locations and there is not a single pre-coordinated code describing the combination of locations. There is no requirement that the multiple locations be contiguous.

Segmented Property Category Code Sequence



Sequence defining the general category of the property the Segment represents.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

BCID 7150 “Segmentation Property Category”.

Segmented Property Type Code Sequence



Sequence defining the specific property the Segment represents.


"Property" is used in the sense of meaning "what the segmented voxels represent", whether it be a physical or biological object, be real or conceptual, having spatial, temporal or functional extent or not. I.e., it is what the Segment "is" (as opposed to some feature, attribute, quality, or characteristic of it, like color or shape or size).

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

BCID 7151 “Segmentation Property Type”.

>Segmented Property Type Modifier Code Sequence



Sequence defining the modifier of the property type of this Segment.

One or more Items are permitted in this Sequence.

>>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes”

DCID 244 “Laterality”.


For Retinal Segmentation Surfaces, laterality is not typically specified.

Tracking ID



A text label used for tracking a finding or feature, potentially across multiple reporting objects, over time. This label shall be unique within the domain in which it is used.

Required if Tracking UID (0062,0021) is present.


  1. May or may not have the same value as Segment Label (0062,0005).

  2. Related SR Instances may exist, for example, to record measurements related to this Segment, but need not exist for this Attribute to be used.

  3. This Attribute will have the same value as the value of the (112039, DCM, "Tracking Identifier") Content Item in SR Instances that reference this Segment in this Segmentation Instance.

Tracking UID



A unique identifier used for tracking a finding or feature, potentially across multiple reporting objects, over time.

Required if Tracking ID (0062,0020) is present.


  1. Related SR Instances may exist, for example, to record measurements related to this Segment, but need not exist for this Attribute to be used.

  2. This Attribute will have the same value as the value of the (112040, DCM, "Tracking Unique Identifier") Content Item in SR Instances that reference this Segment in this Segmentation Instance.

Definition Source Sequence



Instances containing the source of the Segment information.

Only a single Item is permitted in this Sequence.

>Include Table 10-11 “SOP Instance Reference Macro Attributes”.

>Referenced ROI Number



The value of ROI Number (3006,0022) in the referenced SOP Instance that identifies the ROI that is the origin of the Segment information.

Required if Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150) is RT Structure Set Storage ("1.2.840.10008.").

Include Table 10.9.3-1 “Content Creator Macro Attributes”

DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions