DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions

C.7.6.30 Enhanced Patient Orientation Module

Table C.7.6.30-1 specifies the Attributes of the Enhanced Patient Orientation Module, which describe the patient orientation with respect to gravity and equipment

Table C.7.6.30-1. Enhanced Patient Orientation Module Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Include Table 10-15a “Patient Orientation and Equipment Relationship Macro Attributes”

C.  Enhanced Patient Orientation Module Attributes

The Enhanced Patient Orientation Module describes the patient orientation with respect to gravity and to the equipment (i.e., the gantry) using three Attributes invoked from the Patient Orientation and Equipment Relationship Macro Attributes. See examples in Table C.

Patient Orientation Code Sequence (0054,0410) describes the rough orientation of the imaged part of the Patient with respect to gravity; vertical, horizontal, or in-between.


(102539006, SCT, "semi-erect") refers to the imaged anatomy being partway between erect and recumbent, for example, inclined 45 degrees.

Patient Orientation Modifier Code Sequence (0054,0412) provides a more detailed description of the orientation and positioning of the patient.

Patient Equipment Relationship Code Sequence (3010,0030) describes the orientation of the Patient with respect to the imaging equipment.

Table C. Examples of Enhanced Patient Orientation Module Attribute Values



Patient Orientation Code Sequence (0054,0410)

Patient Orientation Modifier Code Sequence (0054,0412)

Patient Equipment Relationship Code Sequence (3010,0030)

Patient Position (0018,5100)

Current Conventional CT

(102538003, SCT, "recumbent")

(40199007, SCT, "supine")

(102540008, SCT, "headfirst")


Standing CT of the Chest

(C86043, NCIt, "erect")

(10904000, SCT, "standing")

(102540008, SCT, "headfirst")


Standing CT of the Foot

(C86043, NCIt, "erect")

(10904000, SCT, "standing")

(102540008, SCT, "headfirst")


Seated CT of the Chest

(C86043, NCIt, "erect")

(33586001, SCT, "sitting")

(102540008, SCT, "headfirst")


Dedicated Breast CT

(102538003, SCT, "recumbent")

(1240000, SCT, "prone")

(126833, DCM, "anterior first")


Dental Cone beam

(C86043, NCIt, "erect")

(10904000, SCT, "standing")

(102540008, SCT, "headfirst")


DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions