DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions
C. RT Patient Support Devices Macro

Table C. specifies the Attributes of the RT Patient Support Devices Macro, which identify a patient support device (table, table top, chair or similar) which shall be used for treatment.

Table C. RT Patient Support Devices Macro Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Number of Patient Support Devices



Number of Patient Support Devices defined in the Patient Support Devices Sequence (300A,0686).

Patient Support Devices Sequence



Patient support device definitions.

Required if the Number of Patient Support Devices (300A,0687) is non-zero.

The number of Items included in this Sequence shall equal the value of Number of Patient Support Devices (300A,0687).

>Device Index



Index of the Device in this Sequence.

The value shall start at 1 and increase monotonically by 1.

>Include Table 10.35-1 “Device Model Macro Attributes”.

>Include Table 10.36-1 “Device Identification Macro Attributes”.

DCID 9505 “Fixation or Positioning Device”.

>Conceptual Volume Sequence



References a conceptual volume that describes the geometry and properties of the patient support device.

Zero or one Item shall be included in this Sequence.

>>Include Table 10.34-1 “Conceptual Volume Segmentation Reference And Combination Macro Attributes”.

DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions