DICOM PS3.3 2024d - Information Object Definitions |
Primary Anatomic Structure Sequence (0008,2228) shall identify the specific organ or structure that is the focus of the procedure described by the Protocol and will generally correlate with the Reason for Study and the Procedure Code. Anatomic Region Sequence (0008,2218) shall identify the region of the body spanned by the images produced by the Protocol. For example, a Protocol might identify the Primary Anatomic Structure as "liver" and the Anatomic Region as "abdomen".
The contents of the Anatomic Region Sequence (0008,2218) is not necessarily a precise description of the full extent of the scan or the reconstructed slices. "Chest" may refer to a scan that spans only part of the chest, the whole chest, or includes parts of regions beyond the chest. For a more precise description of the extent of the acquisition or reconstructed slices, refer to the Acquisition Start Location Sequence (0018,9931) and Acquisition End Location Sequence (0018,9932) or the Reconstruction Start Location Sequence (0018,993B) and Reconstruction End Location Sequence (0018,993C).
For Protocols that could be used in a variety of anatomic regions, such as one designed for a certain type of metastasis or biopsy, the Primary Anatomic Structure Sequence might contain a generic code like (49755003, SCT, "Morphologically abnormal structure") and the Anatomic Region Sequence may be empty in the (non-patient-specific) Defined Protocol, but could be populated in the Performed Protocol. In such cases, the Protocol Context Module may describe a list of anatomic regions for which the Protocol is intended/appropriate.
DICOM PS3.3 2024d - Information Object Definitions |