DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions |
Table C.34.2-1 specifies the Attributes of the Protocol Context Module, which describe the context in which the described Protocol is defined or performed. This Module is applicable to defined and performed procedure protocols.
Details like the Potential Reasons for Procedure Code Sequence (0018,9909) or the Protocol Planning Information (0018,990F) may be copied from the defined protocol into the performed protocol to support quality assurance activities like checking whether the contents of the Reason for Requested Procedure Code Sequence (0040,100A) recorded in the performed protocol are consistent with the contents of the Potential Reasons for Procedure Code Sequence (0018,9909).
Table C.34.2-1. Protocol Context Module Attributes
Custodial organization for this Protocol Instance. Represents the organization that is currently in charge of maintaining this protocol Instance. NoteThis may or may not be identical to the Institution identified in the General Equipment Module. This may or may not be the Institution that originally created this Instance. |
The department, unit or service that is responsible for the management of this Protocol. See Section C.34.2.3. |
A list of Protocol Codes for which this Protocol may be considered a match. |
A list of Procedure Codes for which this Protocol may be considered a match. |
List of reasons deemed appropriate by the Protocol author for a procedure using this Protocol Each reason shall be encoded in a separate value of this multi-value Attribute. |
List of reasons deemed appropriate by the Protocol author for a procedure using this Protocol. |
List of diagnostic tasks deemed appropriate by the Protocol author for a procedure using this Protocol. |
List of reasons for which the authors of the Protocol deemed it contraindicated. NoteConstraints on values of patient demographic Attributes such as sex, age or weight are addressed separately in the Patient Specification Module. See Section C.34.5. |
Defined or Performed Procedure Protocol Instances from which this Defined Procedure Protocol was derived. See Section C.34.2.1. This Attribute is not present in Performed Procedure Protocol Instances since the Referenced Defined Protocol Sequence (0018,990C) is used instead. |
>Include Table 10-11 “SOP Instance Reference Macro Attributes” |
Name of the most recent person (such as a technologist or physician) to significantly modify the content of this SOP Instance. Note
Identification of the most recent person to significantly modify the content of this SOP Instance. |
>Include Table 10-1 “Person Identification Macro Attributes” |
Explanation of the rationale behind the selected parameter values or changes to them. |
Description of details and activities related to planning the execution of this Protocol. See Section C.34.2.2. |
A Protocol may be a derivation of another Protocol (the "predecessor"). For example, a Protocol may be originally published as a non-model-specific Protocol for a certain purpose. Subsequently, a new Protocol may be derived from the original by making it specific to a certain model of scanner. Derivation may involve adjusting constraints or specifying additional constraints. If a Protocol no longer satisfies any of the indications of the Predecessor Protocol from which it was derived, the Predecessor shall not be referenced in this Sequence.
Including predecessor information makes it possible to filter a set of Protocols, for example to list all Protocols that are derived versions of a certain known Protocol (e.g., ACRIN 6678), or list only the one that has been specialized for a specific model of equipment.
Sites that receive a generic Protocol might create a specialized variant to fit their local practice and avoid the tech having to make selections/changes each time it is used.
Only the immediate predecessor shall be referenced, but more than one predecessor may be referenced if multiple distinct predecessors were merged.
DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions |