DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |
Table C.34.18-1 specifies the Attributes of the Performed XA Reconstruction Module, which contain reconstruction parameter values for a performed XA imaging procedure.
This Module contains Attributes that reflect machine behavior but not those that are merely descriptive. The latter may be found in the reconstructed images.
Although the protocol elements are performed in the order of their Protocol Element Number (0018,9921), the order in which the Attributes inside an item in the Reconstruction Protocol Element Sequence (0018,9934) is not encoded here but rather is determined by the processing pipeline of the specific device.
The XA Reconstruction Protocol includes 2D and 3D processing parameters. Some parameters are applicable to both 2D and 3D processing while other parameters are only applicable to 3D processing (e.g. slice thickness).
Table C.34.18-1. Performed XA Reconstruction Module Attributes
Parameter values for each reconstruction protocol element in the Protocol. Elements are performed in the order of their Protocol Element Number (0018,9921). |
>Include Table 10.28-1 “Protocol Element Identification Macro Attributes” |
>Include Table 10.41-1 “General Procedure Protocol Reference Macro Attributes” |
A value corresponding to the Protocol Element Number (0018,9921) of the Acquisition Protocol Element from this Protocol being reconstructed in this reconstruction protocol element. This may be multivalued if multiple acquisitions are combined in a single reconstruction protocol element. |
One or more values corresponding to the Beam Number (300A,00C0) in the Acquisition Protocol Element (specified in Source Acquisition Protocol Element Number (0018,9938)) from which data was used in this reconstruction protocol element. |
Uniquely identifies the referenced SOP Class. Required if the referenced acquisition protocol element is not in this instance. Shall have a value of 1.2.840.10008. (XA Performed Procedure Protocol Storage). |
The UID of the instance containing the acquisition protocol element referenced in Source Acquisition Protocol Element Number (0018,9938). Required if the referenced acquisition protocol element is not in this instance. |
Specifies the type of pipeline of the reconstruction. See Section C.34.18.1. |
Preferred value for Window Center (0028,1050) in the image instances produced by this reconstruction protocol element. |
Preferred value for Window Width (0028,1051) in the image instances produced by this reconstruction protocol element. |
Description of image filters applied to the reconstructed image. The filters are applied in the order of the sequence items. |
A label identifying the filter applied to the reconstructed image. |
A description of the nature or effect of the Image Filter (0018,9320). E.g., sharpening, noise removing, edge enhancing, metal artifact reduction. |
The percentage of visibility of the mask frame during the subtraction. A value of 0 corresponds to subtracted display, a value of 100 corresponds to un-subtracted display (native). See Section C. |
Rotation of the image clockwise in degrees, before the Image Horizontal Flip (0070,0041) is applied. |
Whether or not the image horizontal flip is applied after any Image Rotation has been applied such that the left side of the image becomes the right side. |
A label describing the convolution kernel or algorithm used to perform 3D reconstruction of the data. |
Spacing between 3D reconstructed slices, in mm. The spacing is measured from the center-to-center of each slice. NoteSlice overlap may be constrained implicitly by constraining the Slice Thickness (0018,0050) and Spacing Between Slices (0018,0088). However, since each constraint is considered independently, the overlap may be any value resulting from the combination of allowable values for thickness and spacing. |
The field of view width (x-dimension) followed by height (y-dimension) as used for 3D reconstruction in mm. |
Additional processing applied to the reconstructed image after image filter (if any). |
Text that is intended to be copied into the Series Description (0008,103E) of the images resulting from this Reconstruction Protocol Element. |
A code that is intended to be copied into the Series Description Code Sequence (0008,103F) of the images resulting from this Reconstruction Protocol Element. |
Content Qualification Indicator of instances resulting from this Reconstruction Protocol Element. See Section C.34.18.2. |
Reconstruction Pipeline Type (0018,11BE) specifies the type of processing pipeline performed by the Reconstruction Protocol Element. XA processing pipelines can be categorized depending on the type of output data: 2D for the creation of 2D XA DERIVED Instances, and 3D for the creation of 3D XA Instances.
DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |