DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |
Table C.30.2-1 specifies the Attributes of the Unified Procedure Step Scheduled Procedure Information Module, which describe the Unified Procedure Step (UPS) to be performed. The UPS may or may not be scheduled for a specific time or device, or may simply represent a piece of work that is intended to be performed.
Table C.30.2-1. Unified Procedure Step Scheduled Procedure Information Module Attributes
Date and time when the Scheduled Procedure Information was last modified or first created (whichever is most recent). NoteThis Attribute should be automatically updated by the worklist management system whenever any modification is made to Unified Procedure Step Scheduled Procedure Information Module Attributes of a Unified Procedure Step. |
A label identifying the worklist to which the Procedure Step Instance belongs. |
A label describing the task of the Procedure Step in text appropriate for displaying in the user selection interface. |
Identifying names within the enterprise of the equipment for which the Procedure Step is scheduled. The names conveyed in Code Value (0008,0100) may be the same as the AE Titles, but do not have to be. |
Classes of the equipment for which the Procedure Step is scheduled. |
Geographic locations of the equipment for which the Procedure Step is scheduled. |
Human performers that are scheduled to be involved or responsible for performing the Procedure Step. |
Human performer that is involved or responsible for performing the Procedure Step. |
Organization to which the human performer is accountable for the activities in the Procedure Step. |
Date and time at which the Procedure Step is scheduled to start. |
Date and time at which the Procedure Step is expected to be completed. |
Date and time after which the Procedure Step is meaningless or undesirable. |
Processing parameters to be used by the performing system when carrying out the Procedure Step. |
Sequence that specifies modifiers for a Scheduled Processing Parameter Content Item. |
Readiness state of the Input Information Sequence (0040,4021) and the referenced Instances. Enumerated Values:
References to Information Objects needed to perform the scheduled Procedure Step. Referencing unencapsulated HL7 documents is described further in Section C. See also Input Readiness State (0040,4041). |
>Include Table 10-3b “Referenced Instances and Access Macro Attributes” |
Unique Study identification that shall be used for the created Composite SOP Instances resulting from this Unified Procedure Step. |
The destination to which the performer is requested to store the output objects generated Zero or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. Each Item constitutes a separate storage request. The performing system might not support the requested storage protocol or not be configured for the desired destination. The performing system may, additionally or as a fallback, be configured to store output objects to a default destination or retain them locally. The actual location(s) to which Instances are successfully stored is recorded in the Output Information Sequence (0040,4033). Whether to report failure of one or more of the storage requests as a failure of the work item is at the discretion of the performing system. |
A unique identifier of the RT Treatment Session to which Instances created during this Procedure Step will belong. |
DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |