DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |
Cropping is an operation in which a portion of the source volume is ignored during subsequent volumetric processing. Cropping shall be specified as follows:
If Global Crop (0070,120B) is YES, Global Crop Specification Index (0070,120C) specifies cropping which shall be applied to every input of the Volumetric Presentation State.
If Crop (0070,1204) is YES for a particular input, Cropping Specification Index (0070,1205) specifies cropping which shall be applied to that input of the Volumetric Presentation State.
Each value in Global Crop Specification Index (0070,120C) and Cropping Specification Index (0070,1205) shall match a Cropping Specification Number (0070,1302) in Volume Cropping Sequence (0070,1301).
DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |