DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions
A. Channel Source

For Channel Source Sequence (003A,0208) in each Channel Definition Sequence (003a,0200) Item DCID 3011 “Electrophysiology Anatomic Location” shall be used. The Channel Source Code Value shall encode at minimum the anatomic location of the channel source.

The Channel Source Modifiers Sequence (003A,0209) in each Channel Definition Sequence (003a,0200) Item shall be used to specify additional qualifiers of the semantics of the waveform source, including metric (measured physical quality), function (measurement or stimulus), and technique from DCID 3240 “Electrophysiology Measurement Function/Technique”, and anatomic location qualifiers from DCID 3019 “Cardiovascular Anatomic Structure Modifier”, if not encoded by the Channel Source Code Value. If not explicitly encoded, the default metric and function shall be "voltage measurement". If a differential signal is used, that shall be indicated in a Modifier Item, and the positive pole and negative pole identified in the subsequent two modifiers.


  1. Terms from other Context Groups may also be used for extended specification of the Channel Source, as declared in the Conformance Statement for an application (see PS3.2).

  2. A differential signal from the high right atrium, where electrode 1 on the catheter is the positive pole and electrode 3 the negative pole, could be specified by coded terms meaning:Channel Source: "High Right Atrium"Channel Source Modifiers: "Differential", "E1", "E3"(Implicit default modifier: "Voltage Measurement")

DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions