DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions |
This Section describes Computed Radiography Series and Image Modules. These Modules contain Attributes that are specific to Computed Radiography images. There is no Computed Radiography Equipment Module.
Table C.8-1 specifies the Attributes of the CR Series Module, which describe a computed radiography Series performed on the patient.
Table C.8-1. CR Series Module Attributes
Text description of the part of the body examined. See Annex L “Correspondence of Anatomic Region Codes and Body Part Examined Defined Terms” in PS3.16 for Defined Terms. |
Radiographic view associated with Patient Position (0018,5100). Defined Terms: For non-human organisms, capitalized versions with hyphens replaced by underscores of the abbreviations defined in "Smallwood et al. A Nomenclature for Radiographic Projections Used In Veterinary Medicine" shall be used. See CID 7484 “DX View for Animal”, in which these abbreviations are listed. |
Size of the focal spot in mm. For devices with variable focal spot or multiple focal spots, small dimension followed by large dimension. |
Label of the type of storage phosphor plates used in this Series. |
Table C.8-2 specifies the Attributes of the CR Image Module, which describe computed radiography images.
Table C.8-2. CR Image Module Attributes
The ID or serial number of the sensing plate upon which the image was acquired. |
The exposure expressed in mAs, for example calculated from Exposure Time and X-Ray Tube Current. |
The exposure expressed in µAs, for example calculated from Exposure Time and X-Ray Tube Current. |
Physical distance measured at the front plane of the Image Receptor housing between the center of each pixel. Specified by a numeric pair - row spacing value (delimiter) column spacing value - in mm. In the case of CR, the front plane is defined to be the external surface of the CR plate closest to the patient and radiation source. |
Include Table 10-10 “Basic Pixel Spacing Calibration Macro Attributes” |
Describes device-specific processing associated with the image (e.g., Organ Description). |
Code representing the device-specific processing associated with the image (e.g., CR Organ Filtering code). |
Orientation of cassette, used to properly position the image for display. |
Total number of X-Ray exposures that have been made on the plate identified in Plate ID (0018,1004). |
Relative X-Ray exposure on the plate. Meaning of values is implementation specific. May be used to adjust the dynamic range of the plate digitizer (scanner). NoteThis value is manufacturer-specific. DICOM specifies Standard Attributes in Table 10-23 “Exposure Index Macro Attributes”, which are recommended. |
NoteThis value is manufacturer-specific. DICOM specifies Standard Attributes in the Section 10.19 Exposure Index Macro, which are recommended. |
Include Table 10-7 “General Anatomy Optional Macro Attributes” |
Anatomic Region Sequence DCID 4009 “DX Anatomy Imaged”for humans, and CID 7482 “DX Anatomy Imaged for Animal” for non-human organisms. |
DICOM PS3.3 2024c - Information Object Definitions |