DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions
C. RT ROI Identification Code Sequence and Therapeutic Role Type Code Sequence

The CID for RT ROI Identification Code Sequence (3006,0086) shall correspond to the CID defined in CID 9580 “RT Segmentation Property Category” for each value in Segmented Property Category Code Sequence (0062,0003).

The CID for Therapeutic Role Type Code Sequence (3010,0065) is defined in Section C. Therapeutic Role Type Code Sequence.

C. Mapping of RT ROI Interpreted Type

Table C. defines a mapping between the geometric concepts represented in RT ROI Interpreted Type (3006,00A4) and coded values in Segmented Property Category Code Sequence (0062,0003) in combination with RT ROI Identification Code Sequence (3006,0086).

Table C. RT ROI Interpreted Type Code Mapping

RT ROI Interpreted Type (3006,00A4)

Segmented Property Category Code Sequence (0062,0003)

RT ROI Identification Code Sequence (3006,0086)


(130047, DCM, "External Body Model")

Any value from DCID 9507 “External Body Model”


(130405, DCM, "Patient-Attached Dose Control Object)"

(228736002, SCT, "Surface Bolus")


(130666, DCM, "Radiotherapy Fiducial")

Any value from BCID 7112 “Radiotherapy Fiducial”


(130043, DCM, "RT Geometric Information")

(130073, DCM, "Isocentric Treatment Location")


(105590001, SCT, "Substance")

(7140000, SCT, "Contrast agent")


(91723000, SCT, "Anatomical Structure")

(91806002, SCT, "Body Cavity")


(130045, DCM, "Brachytherapy Device")

(130080, DCM, "Brachytherapy channel")


(130045, DCM, "Brachytherapy Device")

No Baseline CID defined.


(130045, DCM, "Brachytherapy Device")

(130078, DCM, "Brachytherapy source applicator")


(130045, DCM, "Brachytherapy Device")

(130079, DCM, "Brachytherapy channel shield")


(130044, DCM, "Fixation or Positioning Device")

Any value from DCID 9515 “RT Patient Support Device”


(130044, DCM, "Fixation or Positioning Device")

Any value from DCID 9513 “Fixation Device”


(130748, DCM, "Radiotherapy Dose Region")

(130747, DCM, "Isodose Volume")


(260787004, SCT, "Physical object")

Any value from DCID 7027 “Segmented Radiotherapeutic Dose Measurement Device”


(260787004, SCT, "Physical object")

Any value from DCID 7157 “Device Segmentation Type” or DCID 6401 “Non-lesion Object Type - Physical Object”

Table C. defines a mapping between therapeutic roles represented in RT ROI Interpreted Type (3006,00A4) and coded values in Therapeutic Role Category Code Sequence (3010,0064) in combination with Therapeutic Role Type Code Sequence (3010,0065).

For examples of how the mapping is applied see Section XXXX.1.1 “Coding RT ROI Interpreted Type Information” in PS3.17.

DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions