DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |
The RT DVH Module provides for the inclusion of differential or cumulative dose volume histogram data. The data contained within this Module may supplement dose data in the RT Dose Module, or it may be present in the absence of other dose data.
Table C.8-40. RT DVH Module Attributes
Sequence of one Class/Instance pair describing Structure Set containing structures that are used to calculate Dose-Volume Histograms (DVHs). Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence. See Section C. |
>Include Table 10-11 “SOP Instance Reference Macro Attributes” |
Coordinates (x, y, z) of common DVH normalization point in the Patient-Based Coordinate System described in Section C. (mm). |
Dose Value at DVH Normalization Point (3004,0040) used as reference for individual DVHs when Dose Units (3004,0002) is RELATIVE. |
Uniquely identifies ROI used to calculate DVH specified by ROI Number (3006,0022) in Structure Set ROI Sequence (3006,0020) in Structure Set Module within RT Structure Set referenced by referenced RT Plan in Referenced RT Plan Sequence (300C,0002) in RT Dose Module. |
Specifies whether volume within ROI is included or excluded in DVH. See Section C. |
Scaling factor that when multiplied by the dose bin widths found in DVH Data (3004,0058), yields dose bin widths in the dose units as specified by Dose Units (3004,0002). |
Defined Terms:
A data stream describing the dose bin widths Dn and associated volumes Vn in DVH Volume Units (3004,0054) in the order D1V1, D2V2, … DnVn. |
Minimum calculated dose to ROI(s) described by DVH Referenced ROI Sequence (3004,0060) in units specified by Dose Units (3004,0002) of the current Sequence Item. |
Maximum calculated dose to ROI(s) described by DVH Referenced ROI Sequence (3004,0060) in units specified by Dose Units (3004,0002) of the current Sequence Item. |
Mean calculated dose to ROI(s) described by DVH Referenced ROI Sequence (3004,0060) in units specified by Dose Units (3004,0002) of the current Sequence Item. |
The Referenced Structure Set Sequence (300C,0060) is required for direct cross-reference of the dose bin data with the corresponding ROI(s) from which they were derived. ROIs referenced by the DVH Referenced ROI Sequence (3004,0050) shall only contain contours with a Contour Geometric Type (3006,0042) of POINT or CLOSED_PLANAR.
DICOM PS3.3 2024e - Information Object Definitions |