DICOM PS3.3 2024d - Information Object Definitions |
Table C.8.8.26-1 specifies the Attributes of the RT Ion Beams Session Record Module, which describe the measured and recorded settings acquired during Ion Radiation Treatments.
Table C.8.8.26-1. RT Ion Beams Session Record Module Attributes
Total number of treatments (fractions) planned for current fraction group. |
Sequence of setup and/or treatment beams administered during treatment session. |
References Beam specified by Beam Number (300A,00C0) in Ion Beam Sequence (300A,03A2) in RT Ion Beams Module within the referenced RT Ion Plan. |
User-defined name for Beam. See Section C. |
User-defined label for Beam. See Section C. |
User-defined description for Beam. See Section C. |
Motion characteristic of Beam. Enumerated Values:
Mass number of radiation. Required if Radiation Type (300A,00C6) is ION. |
Atomic number of radiation. Required if Radiation Type (300A,00C6) is ION. |
Charge state of radiation. Required if Radiation Type (300A,00C6) is ION. |
The method of beam scanning used during treatment. Defined Terms:
Defines the specialization of a modulated scan mode. Defined Terms:
Required if Scan Mode (300A,0308) is MODULATED_SPEC. See Section C. |
Uniquely identifies Ion Tolerance Table specified by Tolerance Table Number (300A,0042) within Ion Tolerance Table Sequence in RT Ion Tolerance Tables Module. These tolerances are to be used for verification of treatment machine settings. |
Whether the RT Beam Limiting Devices are specified by the Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Device Sequence (3008,00A1). |
Sequence of beam limiting device (collimator) jaw or leaf (element) sets. Shall not be present if Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Device Definition Flag (3008,00A3) is present and has the value YES. |
Type of beam limiting device (collimator). Enumerated Values: |
Number of leaf (element) or jaw pairs (equal to 1 for standard beam limiting device jaws). |
Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Device Descriptions. Required if Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Device Definition Flag (3008,00A3) is present and has the value YES. |
>>Include Table C. “RT Beam Limiting Device Definition Macro Attributes”. |
Device Type Code Sequence (3010,002E) within RT Accessory Device Identification Macro DCID 9540 “Movable Beam Limiting Device Type”. See Section C. |
Uniquely identifies Ion Patient Setup to be used for current beam, specified by Patient Setup Number (300A,0182) within Patient Setup Sequence of RT Patient Setup Module. |
Sequence of verification images obtained during delivery of current beam. One or more Items are permitted in this Sequence. See Section C. |
>>Include Table 10-11 “SOP Instance Reference Macro Attributes” |
Sequence of doses measured during treatment delivery for current Beam. |
Uniquely references Dose Reference specified by Dose Reference Number (300A,0012) in Dose Reference Sequence (300A,0010) in RT Prescription Module of referenced RT Ion Plan. Required if Referenced Measured Dose Reference Number (3008,0082) is not present. |
Uniquely references Measured Dose Reference specified by Measured Dose Reference Number (3008,0064) in Measured Dose Reference Sequence (3008,0010). Required if Referenced Dose Reference Number (300C,0051) is not present. |
Measured Dose in units specified by Dose Units (3004,0002) in Sequence referenced by Measured Dose Reference Sequence (3008,0010) or Dose Reference Sequence (300A,0010) in RT Prescription Module of Referenced RT Ion Plan as defined above. |
Uniquely identifies Dose Reference specified by Dose Reference Number (300A,0012) in Dose Reference Sequence (300A,0010) in RT Prescription Module of referenced RT Ion Plan. Required if Referenced Calculated Dose Reference Number (3008,0092) is not present. |
Uniquely identifies Calculated Dose Reference specified by Calculated Dose Reference Number (3008,0072) within Calculated Dose Reference Sequence (3008,0070). Required if Referenced Dose Reference Number (300C,0051) is not present. |
Required if Number of Wedges (300A,00D0) is non-zero. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. The number of Items shall be identical to the value of Number of Wedges (300A,00D0). |
Identification number of the Wedges. The value of Wedge Number (300A,00D2) shall be unique within the Beam in which it was created. |
An accessory identifier to be read by a device such as a bar code reader. |
Orientation of wedge, i.e., orientation of IEC WEDGE FILTER coordinate system with respect to the IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE coordinate systems (degrees). |
Sequence of treatment compensators. Required if Number of Compensators (300A,00E0) is non-zero. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. The number of Items shall be identical to the value of Number of Compensators (300A,00E0). |
Uniquely identifies compensator specified by Compensator Number (300A,00E4) within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006). |
An accessory identifier to be read by a device such as a bar code reader. |
Sequence of boli associated with Beam. Required if Number of Boli (300A,00ED) is non-zero. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. The number of Items shall be identical to the value of Number of Boli (300A,00ED). |
Uniquely identifies ROI representing the Bolus specified by ROI Number (3006,0022) in Structure Set ROI Sequence (3006,0020) in Structure Set Module within RT Structure Set in Referenced Structure Set Sequence (300C,0060) in RT General Plan Module. |
An accessory identifier to be read by a device such as a bar code reader. |
Number of blocks recorded as being present during beam delivery. |
Sequence of blocks recorded as being present during beam delivery. Required if Number of Blocks (300A,00F0) is non-zero. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. The number of Items shall be identical to the value of Number of Blocks (300A,00F0). |
Recorded machine-readable identifier for this Block during beam delivery. Shall not be present if Recorded Block Slab Sequence (3008,00D1) is present. |
Uniquely identifies block specified by Block Number (300A,00FC) within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006). |
Number of Block Slabs comprising the Block recorded as being present during beam delivery. |
Sequence of slab(s) that comprise the block recorded as being present during beam delivery. Required if Number of Block Slab Items (300A,0440) is present and has a value greater than zero. The number of Items included in this Sequence shall equal the value of Number of Block Slab Items (300A,0440). |
Identification number of the Block Slab. The value shall start at 1, and increase monotonically by 1. The number indicates the order of the slabs with respect to the source, where number 1 corresponds to the slab nearest to the source. |
Recorded machine-readable identifier for this Block Slab during beam delivery. |
Sequence of Snouts associated with Beam. Required if Snout Sequence (300A,030C) is included in the RT Ion Plan referenced within the Referenced RT Plan Sequence (300C,0002). |
An accessory identifier to be read by a device such as a bar code reader. |
Sequence of Applicators associated with Beam. Required if Applicator Sequence (300A,0107) is included in the RT Ion Plan referenced within the Referenced RT Plan Sequence (300C,0002). |
An accessory identifier to be read by a device such as a bar code reader. |
A Sequence of General Accessories associated with this Beam. |
Identification Number of the General Accessory. The value shall be unique within the Sequence. |
Sequence of range shifters recorded with Beam. Required if Number of Range Shifters (300A,0312) is non-zero. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. The number of Items shall be identical to the value of Number of Range Shifters (300A,0312). |
Uniquely identifies range shifter specified by Range Shifter Number (300A,0316) within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006). |
An accessory identifier to be read by a device such as a bar code reader. |
Number of lateral spreading devices associated with current beam. |
Sequence of lateral spreading devices associated with Beam. Required if Number of Lateral Spreading Devices (300A,0330) is non-zero. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. The number of Items shall be identical to the value of Number of Lateral Spreading Devices (300A,0330). |
Uniquely identifies lateral spreading device specified by Lateral Spreading Device Number (300A,0334) within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006). |
User or machine supplied identifier for Lateral Spreading Device. |
An accessory identifier to be read by a device such as a bar code reader. |
Sequence of range modulators associated with Beam. Required if Number of Range Modulators (300A,0340) is non-zero. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. The number of Items shall be identical to the value of Number of Range Modulators (300A,0340). |
Uniquely identifies range modulator specified by Range Modulator Number (300A,0344) within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006). |
An accessory identifier to be read by a device such as a bar code reader. |
Defined Terms:
Only one Item in the Recorded Range Modulator Sequence (3008,00F6) can have a Range Modulator Type (300A,0348) of WHL_MODWEIGHTS. |
User-supplied identifier for the beam current modulation pattern. Required if Range Modulator Type (300A,0348) is WHL_MODWEIGHTS. |
>Include Table C.8.8.28-1 “Patient Support Identification Macro Attributes” |
Azimuthal angle (degrees) of the fixation light coordinate around IEC PATIENT SUPPORT Y-axis. Used for eye treatments. See Section C. |
Polar angle (degrees) of the fixation light coordinate. Used for eye treatments. See Section C. |
Defined Terms:
Identifies the reason why the current treatment beam has terminated. Expected if the Treatment Termination Status (3008,002A) is not NORMAL. One or more items are permitted in this Sequence. See Note 2. |
Machine-specific termination codes. Expected if the RT Treatment Termination Reason Code is (110501, DCM, "Equipment failure"). One or more Items are permitted in this Sequence. See Note 2. |
A user-readable description for an abnormal termination. See Note 2. |
Conditions under which treatment was verified by a verification system. |
Desired machine setting of primary Meterset in units specified by Primary Dosimeter Unit (300A,00B3). See Section C. |
Desired machine setting of secondary Meterset. See Section C. |
Machine setting actually delivered as recorded by primary Meterset in units specified by Primary Dosimeter Unit (300A,00B3). See Section C. |
Machine setting actually delivered as recorded by secondary Meterset. See Section C. |
Definition of the 100% delivered reference dose level. See Section C. |
Penetration depth in water (mm) of the delivered particle excluding any user-installed range modifying devices, measured at the Delivered Distal Depth Fraction (300A,0507). See Section C. |
Fraction of the value of dose relative to the 100% level defined by Delivered Reference Dose Definition (300A,0511). This determines the Delivered Distal Depth (300A,0508). A value of 1.0 refers to 100% of the reference dose level defined by the Delivered Reference Dose Definition (300A,0511). See Section C. |
The depths of the proximal and distal limits of the range modulated region in water. Contains two values (in mm). The first value defines the depth of the proximal limit. The second value defines the depth of the distal limit. Required if Delivered Reference Dose Definition (300A,0511) has the value CENTER. See Section C. |
Delivered Fractions of the Delivered Reference Dose Definition (300A,0511) defining the proximal and distal limits at which the range-modulated region is defined. Contains two values. The first value defines the modulation fraction value at the proximal limit and the second value defines the modulation fraction value at the distal limit. A value of 1.0 refers to the 100% reference dose level as defined in Delivered Reference Dose Definition (300A,0511). Required if Delivered Nominal Range Modulated Region Depths (300A,0510) is present. See Section C. |
Sequence of beam control points for current ion treatment beam. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. The number of Items shall be identical to the value of Number of Control Points (300A,0110). See Section C. |
Uniquely identifies Control Point specified by Control Point Index (300A,0112) within the Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006). |
Date when the delivery of radiation at this control point began. For the final control point this shall be the Date when the previous control point ended. |
Time when the delivery of radiation at this control point began. For the final control point this shall be the Time when the previous control point ended. |
Desired machine setting for current control point in units specified by Primary Dosimeter Unit (300A,00B3). |
Machine setting actually delivered at current control point in units specified by Primary Dosimeter Unit (300A,00B3). |
The specified speed of delivery of the specified dose in units specified by Primary Dosimeter Unit (300A,00B3) per minute. |
The delivered speed of delivery of the specified dose in units specified by Primary Dosimeter Unit (300A,00B3) per minute. |
Nominal Beam Energy at control point in MeV per nucleon. Defined at nozzle entrance before all Beam Modifiers. Required for Control Point 0 of Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0041) or if Nominal Beam Energy (300A,0114) changes during beam administration, and KVP (0018,0060) is not present. |
Peak kilo voltage output of the setup X-Ray generator used. Required for Control Point 0 of Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0041), or if kVp changes during setup, and Nominal Beam Energy (300A,0114) is not present. |
Sequence of Wedge positions for current control point. Required for first Item of Ion Control Point Sequence if Number of Wedges (300A,00D0) is non-zero, and in subsequent control points if Wedge Position (300A,0118) or Wedge Thin Edge Position (300A,00DB) changes during beam. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. The number of Items shall be identical to the value of Number of Wedges (300A,00D0). |
Uniquely references Wedge described by Wedge Number (300A,00D2) in Wedge Sequence (300A,00D1). |
Closest distance from the central axis of the beam along a wedge axis to the thin edge as projected to the machine isocentric plane (mm). Value is positive is the wedge does not cover the central axis, negative if it does. Required if Wedge Type (300A,00D3) of the wedge referenced by Referenced Wedge Number (300C,00C0) is PARTIAL_STANDARD or PARTIAL_MOTORIZ. See Section C. |
>>Include Table C.8.8.27-1 “Beam Limiting Device Position Macro Attributes” |
Sequence of beam limiting device (collimator) jaw or leaf (element) positions. Required for the first Control Point of Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0040), or if the values of the Beam Limiting Device change during the Beam and if Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Device Definition Flag (3008,00A3) has the value YES. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. The number of Items shall equal the number of Items in Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Device Sequence (3008,00A1) in the first Control Point and be equal or less in subsequent Control Points. See Section C. |
>>>Include Table C. “RT Beam Limiting Device Opening Definition Macro Attributes” |
See Section C. “Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Device Sequence and Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Opening Sequence”. |
Sequence of Range Shifter settings for the current control point. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. Required for Control Point 0 of Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0041) or if Range Shifter Setting (300A,0362) changes during beam administration, and Number of Range Shifters (300A,0312) is non-zero. |
Uniquely references Range Shifter described by Range Shifter Number (300A,0316) in Range Shifter Sequence (300A,0314). |
Specifies the presence or thickness of the range shifter. The specific encoding of this value is machine specific and shall be documented in a Conformance Statement. See Section C. |
Sequence of Lateral Spreading Device settings for the current control point. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. Required for Control Point 0 of Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0041) or if Lateral Spreading Device Setting (300A,0372) changes during beam administration, and Number of Lateral Spreading Devices (300A,0330) is non-zero. |
Uniquely references Lateral Spreading Device described by Lateral Spreading Device Number (300A,0334) in Lateral Spreading Device Sequence (300A,0332). |
Specifies the presence or characteristics of the lateral spreading device. The specific encoding of this value is machine specific and shall be documented in a Conformance Statement. See Section C. |
Sequence of Range Modulator Settings for current control point. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. Required for Control Point 0 of Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0041), or if Range Modulator Settings change during beam administration, and Number of Range Modulators (300A,0340) is non-zero. |
Uniquely references Range Modulator described by Range Modulator Number (300A,0344) in Range Modulator Sequence (300A,0342). |
Start position defines the range modulator position at which the beam is switched on. Required if Range Modulator Type (300A,0348) of the range modulator referenced by Referenced Range Modulator Number (300C,0104) is WHL_MODWEIGHTS or WHL_FIXEDWEIGHTS. |
Stop position defines the range modulator position at which the beam is switched off. Required if Range Modulator Type (300A,0348) of the range modulator referenced by Referenced Range Modulator Number (300C,0104) is WHL_MODWEIGHTS or WHL_FIXEDWEIGHTS. |
Treatment machine or imaging device gantry angle, i.e., orientation of IEC GANTRY coordinate system with respect to IEC FIXED REFERENCE coordinate system (degrees). Required for Control Point 0 of Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0041) or if Gantry Angle changes during beam administration. |
Direction of Gantry Rotation when viewing gantry from isocenter, for segment beginning at current Control Point. Required for Control Point 0 of Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0041), or if Gantry Rotation Direction changes during beam administration. |
Gantry Pitch Angle. i.e., the rotation of the IEC GANTRY coordinate system about the X-axis of the IEC GANTRY coordinate system (degrees). Required for first Item of Control Point Sequence, or if Gantry Pitch Rotation Angle changes during Beam. See Section C. |
Direction of Gantry Pitch Angle when viewing along the positive X-axis of the IEC GANTRY coordinate system, for segment following Control Point. Required for first Item of Control Point Sequence, or if Gantry Pitch Rotation Direction changes during Beam. See Section C. and Section C. |
Beam Limiting Device (collimator) angle, i.e., orientation of IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE coordinate system with respect to IEC GANTRY coordinate system (degrees). Required for Control Point 0 of Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0041) or if beam limiting device (collimator) angle changes during beam administration. |
Direction of Beam Limiting Device Rotation when viewing beam limiting device (collimator) from radiation source, for segment beginning at current Control Point. Required for Control Point 0 of Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0041) or if Beam Limiting Device Rotation Direction changes during beam administration. |
User-supplied or machine code identifier for machine configuration to produce beam spot. This may be the nominal spot size or some other machine specific value. Required if Scan Mode (300A,0308) is MODULATED or MODULATED_SPEC. |
Number of spot positions used to specify scanning pattern for current segment beginning at control point. Required if Scan Mode (300A,0308) is MODULATED or MODULATED_SPEC. |
A data stream of (x,y) pairs that define the coordinates of the scan spots as projected onto the machine isocentric plane in the IEC GANTRY coordinate system (mm). Required if Scan Mode (300A,0308) is MODULATED or MODULATED_SPEC. Contains 2N values where N is the Number of Scan Spot Positions (300A,0392). See Section C. |
A set of Meterset values delivered to the scan spot positions. The order of Metersets matches the positions in Scan Spot Position Map (300A,0394). The sum contained in all Metersets shall match the difference of the Delivered Meterset of the current control point to the following control point. Required if Scan Mode (300A,0308) is MODULATED or MODULATED_SPEC. See Section C. |
A set of time offsets (in microseconds). Each offset is the time from the Treatment Control Point Time (3008,0025) until both the beam has reached the X,Y position recorded in the Scan Spot Position Map (300A,0394) and ion delivery has started at this position. The order of values matches the order of positions in Scan Spot Position Map (300A,0394). The number of values shall equal the value of Number of Scan Spot Positions (300A,0392). |
A data stream of (x,y) pairs that define the delivered spot sizes using the Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) as measured by the delivery monitoring system. Specified by a numeric pair where the sizes are projected in air to the isocenter in IEC GANTRY X direction followed by the size in the IEC GANTRY Y direction (mm). The order of values shall match the order of positions in the Scan Spot Position Map (300A,0394) and contain 2N values where N is the Number of Scan Spot Positions (300A,0392). |
The intended number of times the scan pattern given by Scan Spot Position Map (300A,0394) and Scan Spot Meterset Weights (300A,0396) in the Referenced RT Plan was to be applied at the current control point. Required if Scan Mode (300A,0308) is MODULATED or MODULATED_SPEC. |
Indicates that the spots were delivered in a different order than in the plan. Enumerated Values: When absent it is not known if the treatment delivery device delivered or reported in the order as planned. See Note 1. |
The indices of the prescribed spots corresponding to each delivered spot. These indices are the ordinal positions of the spots in the Scan Spot Meterset Weights (300A,0396) in the Ion Control Point Sequence (300A,03A8) of the referenced RT Ion Plan. The numbering of indices of the prescribed spots shall start at one (a value of one refers the first ordinal position). Required, if Scan Spot Reordered (300A,0393) equals YES. Contains N values where N is the Number of Scan Spot Positions (300A,0392). |
Patient Support angle, i.e., orientation of IEC PATIENT SUPPORT (turntable) coordinate system with respect to IEC FIXED REFERENCE coordinate system (degrees). Required for Control Point 0 of Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0041) or if Patient Support Angle changes during beam administration. |
Direction of Patient Support Rotation when viewing table from above, for segment beginning at current Control Point. Required for Control Point 0 of Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0041), or if Patient Support Rotation Direction changes during beam administration. |
Table Top Pitch Angle, i.e., the rotation of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system about the X-axis of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system (degrees). Required for first Item of Control Point Sequence, or if Table Top Pitch Angle changes during Beam. See Section C. |
Direction of Table Top Pitch Rotation when viewing the table along the positive X-axis of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system, for segment following Control Point. Required for first Item of Control Point Sequence, or if Table Top Pitch Rotation Direction changes during Beam. See Section C. and Section C. |
Table Top Roll Angle, i.e., the rotation of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system about the Y-axis of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system (degrees). Required for first Item of Control Point Sequence, or if Table Top Roll Angle changes during Beam. See Section C. |
Direction of Table Top Roll Rotation when viewing the table along the positive Y-axis of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system, for segment following Control Point. Required for first Item of Control Point Sequence, or if Table Top Roll Rotation Direction changes during Beam. See Section C. and Section C. |
Angle (in degrees) of the head fixation for eye treatments with respect to the Table Top Pitch Angle (300A,0140) coordinate system. Positive head fixation angle is the same direction as positive Table Top Pitch. See Section C. |
A device-specific value that specifies the relationship between the chair in which the patient is sitting and the head frame in which their head is fixed. It shall be expressed as a distance in mm, such that positive is towards the patient's head away from the seat. |
Table Top Vertical position in IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system (mm). This value is interpreted as an absolute, rather than relative, Table setting. Required for Control Point 0 of Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0041) or if Table Top Vertical Position changes during beam administration. |
Table Top Longitudinal position in IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system (mm). This value is interpreted as an absolute, rather than relative, Table setting. Required for Control Point 0 of Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0041) or if Table Top Longitudinal Position changes during beam administration. |
Table Top Lateral position in IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system (mm). This value is interpreted as an absolute, rather than relative, Table setting. Required for Control Point 0 of Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0041) or if Table Top Lateral Position changes during beam administration. |
Axial position of the snout (in mm) measured from isocenter to the downstream side of the snout (without consideration of variable length elements such as blocks, MLC and/or compensators). Required for Control Point 0 of Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0041) or if Snout Position changes during beam administration. |
A Sequence of Items describing corrections made to any Attributes prior to delivery of the next control point. |
Contains the Data Element Tag of the parent Sequence containing the Attribute that was corrected. The value is limited in scope to the Treatment Session Ion Beam Sequence (3008,0021) and all nested Sequences therein. |
Contains the Sequence Item index (monotonically increasing from 1) of the corrected Attribute within its parent Sequence as indicated by Parameter Sequence Pointer (3008,0061). |
Contains the Data Element Tag of the Attribute that was corrected. |
The value that was added the value referenced by the Parameter Sequence Pointer (3008,0061), Parameter Item Index (3008,0063) and Parameter Pointer (3008,0065). |
Sequence of parameters that were overridden during the administration of the beam segment immediately prior to the current control point. |
Contains the Data Element Tag of the parent Sequence containing the Attribute that was overriden. The value is limited in scope to the Treatment Session Ion Beam Sequence (3008,0021) and all nested Sequences therein. |
Contains the Data Element Tag of the Attribute that was overridden. |
Contains the Sequence Item index (monotonically increasing from 1) of the overriden Attributes within it's parent Sequence. The value is limited in scope to the Treatment Session Ion Beam Sequence (3008,0021) and all nested Sequences therein. |
Positive integer identifying which value of a multi-valued Attribute identified by Override Parameter Pointer (3008,0062) is referenced. The value 1 identifies the first value. |
Identification of the operator who authorized override. Only a single Item is permitted in this Sequence. |
>>>>Include Table 10-1 “Person Identification Macro Attributes” |
User-defined description of reason for override of parameter specified by Override Parameter Pointer (3008,0062). |
Interlocks that occurred prior, during or after the delivery of radiation of this beam. |
Recording an extra tuning spot is considered reordering, even if the spots were delivered in the prescribed order. If re-painted spots (i.e., Number of Paintings (300A,039A) > 1) are recorded separately, then this is also considered reordering.
Treatment Termination Code (3008,002B) was previously included in this Module but has been retired. See PS3.3-2023a. The RT Treatment Termination Reason Code Sequence (300A,0715) and Machine-Specific Treatment Termination Code Sequence (300A,0716) should be used for machine readable codes and Treatment Termination Description (300A,0730) for human readable text respectively.
Specified and Delivered Meterset values on beam and control point level shall be handled as specified for RT Beams Session records in Section C.
DICOM PS3.3 2024d - Information Object Definitions |