DICOM PS3.3 2024d - Information Object Definitions |
Table C.8-57. RT Beams Session Record Module Attributes
Total number of treatments (Fractions) planned for current Fraction Group. |
References Beam specified by Beam Number (300A,00C0) in Beam Sequence (300A,00B0) in RT Beams Module within referenced RT Plan. |
User-defined label for Beam. See Section C. |
Instances containing the source of the Beam information. Only a single Item is permitted in this Sequence. See Section C. and Section C. |
>>Include Table 10-11 “SOP Instance Reference Macro Attributes”. |
Motion characteristic of delivered Beam. Enumerated Values:
Sequence defining whether the primary fluence of the treatment beam used a non-standard fluence-shaping when the beam was delivered. |
Describes whether the fluence shaping is the standard mode for the beam or an alternate. |
Identifier for the specific fluence-shaping mode. Required if Fluence Mode (3002,0051) has value NON_STANDARD. |
Type of high-dose treatment technique. Required if treatment technique requires a dose that would normally require overriding of treatment machine safety controls. |
Sequence of verification images obtained during delivery of current beam. |
>>Include Table 10-11 “SOP Instance Reference Macro Attributes” |
Cumulative Meterset Weight within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number at which image acquisition starts. |
Cumulative Meterset Weight within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number at which image acquisition ends. |
Sequence of doses measured during treatment delivery for current Beam. |
Uniquely references Dose Reference specified by Dose Reference Number (300A,0012) in Dose Reference Sequence (300A,0010) in RT Prescription Module of referenced RT Plan. Required if Referenced Measured Dose Reference Number (3008,0082) is not present. It shall not be present otherwise. |
Uniquely references Measured Dose Reference specified by Measured Dose Reference Number (3008,0064) in Measured Dose Reference Sequence (3008,0010). Required if Referenced Dose Reference Number (300C,0051) is not present. It shall not be present otherwise. |
Measured Dose in units specified by Dose Units (3004,0002) in Sequence referenced by Measured Dose Reference Sequence (3008,0010) or Dose Reference Sequence (300A,0010) in RT Prescription Module of referenced RT Plan as defined above. |
Uniquely identifies Dose Reference specified by Dose Reference Number (300A,0012) in Dose Reference Sequence (300A,0010) in RT Prescription Module of referenced RT Plan. Required if Referenced Calculated Dose Reference Number (3008,0092) is not present. |
Uniquely identifies Calculated Dose Reference specified by Calculated Dose Reference Number (3008,0072) within Calculated Dose Reference Sequence (3008,0070). Required if Referenced Dose Reference Number (300C,0051) is not present. |
Radiation source to gantry rotation axis distance of the equipment that was used for beam delivery (mm). |
Whether the RT Beam Limiting Devices are specified by the Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Device Sequence (3008,00A1). |
Sequence of beam limiting device (collimator) jaw or leaf (element) leaf pair values. Required if Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Device Definition Flag (3008,00A3) is absent, or is present and has the value NO. |
Type of beam limiting device (collimator). Enumerated Values: |
Number of leaf (element) or jaw pairs (equal to 1 for standard beam limiting device jaws). |
Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Device Descriptions. Required if Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Device Definition Flag (3008,00A3) is present and has the value YES. |
>>Include Table C. “RT Beam Limiting Device Definition Macro Attributes”. |
Device Type Code Sequence (3010,002E) within RT Accessory Device Identification Macro DCID 9540 “Movable Beam Limiting Device Type”. See Section C. |
Uniquely identifies Patient Setup used within current beam, specified by Patient Setup Number (300A,0182) within Patient Setup Sequence (300A,0180) of RT Treatment Record. |
Sequence of treatment wedges present during delivered Beam. Required if Number of Wedges (300A,00D0) is non-zero. |
Identification number of the Wedge. The value of Wedge Number (300A,00D2) shall be unique within the wedge Sequence. |
An identifier for the accessory intended to be read by a device such as a bar-code reader. |
Orientation of wedge, i.e., orientation of IEC WEDGE FILTER coordinate system with respect to IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE coordinate system (degrees). |
Number of compensators associated with current delivered Beam. |
Sequence of treatment compensators associated with current Beam. |
Uniquely identifies compensator specified by Compensator Number (300A,00E4) within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006). |
An identifier for the Compensator intended to be read by a device such as a bar-code reader. |
An identifier for the Tray intended to be read by a device such as a bar-code reader. |
Uniquely identifies ROI representing the bolus specified by ROI Number (3006,0022) in Structure Set ROI Sequence (3006,0020) in Structure Set Module within RT Structure Set IOD referenced by referenced RT Plan in Referenced RT Plan Sequence (300C,0002) in RT General Treatment Record Module. |
An identifier for the accessory intended to be read by a device such as a bar-code reader. |
Number of shielding blocks or Electron Inserts associated with Beam. |
An identifier for the Tray intended to be read by a device such as a bar-code reader. |
An identifier for the Block intended to be read by a device such as a bar-code reader. |
Uniquely identifies block specified by Block Number (300A,00FC) within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006). |
An identifier for the accessory intended to be read by a device such as a bar-code reader. |
Defined Terms:
Opening (in mm) of the applicator's aperture in IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE coordinate system. In case of square-shaped applicator contains the length of the sides of the square. In case of circular-shaped applicators, contains the diameter of the circular aperture. Required if Applicator Aperture Shape (300A,0432) is SYM_SQUARE or SYM_CIRCULAR. |
Opening (in mm) of the applicator's aperture in IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE coordinate system in X-Direction. Required if Applicator Aperture Shape (300A,0432) is SYM_RECTANGLE. |
Opening (in mm) of the applicator's aperture in IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE coordinate system in Y-Direction. Required if Applicator Aperture Shape (300A,0432) is SYM_RECTANGLE. |
Radiation source to applicator mounting position distance (in mm) for current applicator. |
A Sequence of General Accessories associated with this Beam. |
Identification Number of the General Accessory. The value shall be unique within the Sequence. |
Radiation source to general accessory distance (in mm) for current accessory. |
Defined Terms:
Identifies the reason why the current treatment beam has terminated. Expected if the Treatment Termination Status (3008,002A) is not NORMAL. One or more items are permitted in this Sequence. See Note 1. |
Machine-specific termination codes. Expected if the RT Treatment Termination Reason Code is (110501, DCM, "Equipment failure"). One or more Items are permitted in this Sequence. See Note 1. |
A user-readable description for an abnormal termination. See Note 1. |
Conditions under which treatment was verified by a verification system. |
Machine setting actually delivered as recorded by primary Meterset. |
Machine setting actually delivered as recorded by secondary Meterset. |
Indicates whether the delivered plan was verified against calibration conditions of the delivery device. |
Dose calibration conditions for the delivered beam. Required if Dose Calibration Conditions Verified Flag (300C,0123) is present and equals YES and Radiation Device Configuration and Commissioning Key Sequence (300A,065A) is absent. May be present if Dose Calibration Conditions Verified Flag (300C,0123) is present and equals YES and Radiation Device Configuration and Commissioning Key Sequence (300A,065A) is present. |
Ratio of absorbed dose in Gy to Meterset as defined by Primary Dosimeter Unit (300A,00B3) in the reference conditions. |
Field size in mm in X and Y directions in the IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE coordinate system, specified by a numeric pair, X value then Y value. |
Calibration reference point depth in mm from the phantom surface. |
Distance in mm from the radiation source to the phantom surface during calibration. |
>Radiation Device Configuration and Commissioning Key Sequence |
Keys identifying the configuration and commissioning data used as input for treatment planning of this Instance. Value Type (0040,A040) is constrained to value UIDREF. Required if Dose Calibration Conditions Verified Flag (300C,0123) is present and equals YES and Dose Calibration Conditions Sequence (300C,0120) is absent. May be present if Dose Calibration Conditions Sequence (300C,0120) is present. |
>>Include Table 10-2 “Content Item Macro Attributes”. |
Interlocks that occurred prior, during or after the delivery of radiation of this beam. |
The beam hold transitions due to beam gating function according to [IEC 60601-2-1]. |
The device that triggered the beam hold. Required if there are multiple devices in the treatment delivery device that can trigger the beam hold. |
>>>Include Table 10.36-1 “Device Identification Macro Attributes” |
Sequence of beam control points for current treatment beam. The number of Items in this Sequence shall equal the value of Number of Control Points (300A,0110). See Section C. |
Uniquely identifies Control Point specified by Control Point Index (300A,0112) within Beam referenced by Referenced Beam Number (300C,0006). |
Date when the delivery of radiation at this control point began. For the final control point this shall be the Date when the previous control point ended. |
Time when the delivery of radiation at this control point began. For the final control point this shall be the Time when the previous control point ended. |
Desired machine setting for current control point. See Section C. |
Machine setting actually delivered at current control point. See Section C. |
Dose Rate set on treatment machine for segment beginning at current control point (Meterset/min). |
Dose Rate actually delivered for segment beginning at current control point (Meterset/min). |
Units used for Nominal Beam Energy (300A,0114). Required if Nominal Beam Energy (300A,0114) is present. If Radiation Type (300A,00C6) is PHOTON, Nominal Beam Energy Unit (300A,0015) shall be MV. If Radiation Type (300A,00C6) is ELECTRON, Nominal Beam Energy Unit (300A,0015) shall be MEV. |
Uniquely identifies wedge specified by Wedge Number (300A,00D2) within the Recorded Wedge Sequence (3008,00B0). |
Sequence of beam limiting device (collimator) jaw or leaf (element) positions. Required for the first Control Point of Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0040), or if any value of the Leaf/Jaw Positions (300A,011C) changes during beam administration and if Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Device Definition Flag (3008,00A3) is absent, or is present has the value NO. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. In the first Control Point the number of Items shall be equal to the number of Items of Beam Limiting Device Leaf Pairs Sequence (3008,00A0). In subsequent Control Points the Items present shall be only those whose values change during the Beam. |
Type of beam limiting device. The value of this Attribute shall correspond to RT Beam Limiting Device Type (300A,00B8) defined in an element of Beam Limiting Device Leaf Pairs Sequence (3008,00A0). Enumerated Values: |
Positions of beam limiting device (collimator) leaf (element) or jaw pairs (mm) in IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE coordinate axis appropriate to RT Beam Limiting Device Type (300A,00B8), e.g., X-axis for MLCX, Y-axis for MLCY. Contains 2N values, where N is the Number of Leaf/Jaw Pairs (300A,00BC) defined in element of Beam Limiting Device Leaf Pairs Sequence (3008,00A0). Values shall be in IEC leaf subscript order 101, 102, … 1N, 201, 202 … 2N. |
Sequence of beam limiting device (collimator) jaw or leaf (element) positions. Required for the first Control Point of Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0040), or if the values of Beam Limiting Device change during the Beam and if Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Device Definition Flag (3008,00A3) has the value YES. One or more Items shall be included in this Sequence. The number of Items shall equal the number of Items in Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Device Sequence (3008,00A1) in the first Control Point and be equal or less in subsequent Control Points. See Section C. “Presence of Items within Sequences in the Control Point Sequence”. |
>>>Include Table C. “RT Beam Limiting Device Opening Definition Macro Attributes” |
See Section C. “Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Device Sequence and Enhanced RT Beam Limiting Opening Sequence”. |
Treatment machine or imaging device gantry angle, i.e., orientation of IEC GANTRY coordinate system with respect to IEC FIXED REFERENCE coordinate system (degrees). Required for Control Point 0 of Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0040) or if Gantry Angle changes during beam administration. |
Direction of Gantry Rotation when viewing gantry from isocenter, for segment beginning at current Control Point. Required for Control Point 0 of Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0040), or if Gantry Rotation Direction changes during beam administration. |
Gantry Pitch Angle. i.e., the rotation of the IEC GANTRY coordinate system about the X-axis of the IEC GANTRY coordinate system (degrees). If used, must be present for first Item of Control Point Sequence, or if used and Gantry Pitch Rotation Angle changes during Beam, must be present. See Section C. |
Direction of Gantry Pitch Angle when viewing along the positive X-axis of the IEC GANTRY coordinate system, for segment following Control Point. If used, must be present for first Item of Control Point Sequence, or if used and Gantry Pitch Rotation Direction changes during Beam, must be present. See Section C. and Section C. |
Beam Limiting Device (collimator) angle, i.e., orientation of IEC BEAM LIMITING DEVICE coordinate system with respect to IEC GANTRY coordinate system (degrees). Required for Control Point 0 of Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0040) or if beam limiting device (collimator) angle changes during beam delivery. |
Direction of Beam Limiting Device Rotation when viewing beam limiting device (collimator) from radiation source, for segment beginning at current Control Point. Required for Control Point 0 of Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0040) or if Beam Limiting Device Rotation Direction changes during beam administration. |
Patient Support angle, i.e., orientation of IEC PATIENT SUPPORT (turntable) coordinate system with respect to IEC FIXED REFERENCE coordinate system (degrees). Required for Control Point 0 of Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0040) or if Patient Support Angle changes during beam administration. |
Direction of Patient Support Rotation when viewing table from above, for segment beginning at current Control Point. Required for Control Point 0 of Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0040), or if Patient Support Rotation Direction changes during beam administration. |
Distance (positive) from the IEC PATIENT SUPPORT vertical axis to the IEC TABLE TOP ECCENTRIC vertical axis (mm). |
Table Top (non-isocentric) angle, i.e., orientation of IEC TABLE TOP ECCENTRIC coordinate system with respect to IEC PATIENT SUPPORT coordinate system (degrees). Required for Control Point 0 of Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0040) or if Table Top Eccentric Angle changes during beam administration. |
Direction of Table Top Eccentric Rotation when viewing table from above, for segment beginning at current Control Point. Required for Control Point 0 of Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0040) or if Table Top Eccentric Rotation Direction changes during beam administration. |
Table Top Pitch Angle, i.e., the rotation of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system about the X-axis of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system (degrees). If required by treatment delivery device, shall be present for first Item of Control Point Sequence. If required by treatment delivery device and if Table Top Pitch Angle changes during Beam, shall be present in all subsequent Items of Control Point Sequence. See Section C. |
Direction of Table Top Pitch Rotation when viewing the table along the positive X-axis of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system, for segment following Control Point. If required by treatment delivery device, shall be present for first Item of Control Point Sequence. If required by treatment delivery device and if Table Top Pitch Rotation Direction changes during Beam, shall be present in all subsequent Items of Control Point Sequence. See Section C. and Section C. |
Table Top Roll Angle, i.e., the rotation of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system about the IEC Y-axis of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system (degrees). If required by treatment delivery device, shall be present for first Item of Control Point Sequence. If required by treatment delivery device and if Table Top Roll Angle changes during Beam, shall be present in all subsequent Items of Control Point Sequence. See Section C. |
Direction of Table Top Roll Rotation when viewing the table along the positive Y-axis of the IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system, for segment following Control Point. If required by treatment delivery device, shall be present for first Item of Control Point Sequence. If required by treatment delivery device and if Table Top Roll Rotation Direction changes during Beam, shall be present in all subsequent Items of Control Point Sequence. See Section C. and Section C. |
Table Top Vertical position in IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system (mm). This value is interpreted as an absolute, rather than relative, Table setting. Required for Control Point 0 of Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0040) or if Table Top Vertical Position changes during beam administration. |
Table Top Longitudinal position in IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system (mm). This value is interpreted as an absolute, rather than relative, Table setting. Required for Control Point 0 of Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0040) or if Table Top Longitudinal Position changes during beam administration. |
Table Top Lateral position in IEC TABLE TOP coordinate system (mm). This value is interpreted as an absolute, rather than relative, Table setting. Required for Control Point 0 of Control Point Delivery Sequence (3008,0040) or if Table Top Lateral Position changes during beam administration. |
A Sequence of Items describing any corrections made to any Attributes prior to delivery of the next control point. |
Contains the Data Element Tag of the parent Sequence containing the Attribute that was corrected. The value is limited in scope to the Treatment Session Beam Sequence (3008,0020) and all nested Sequences therein. |
Contains the Sequence Item index (starting at 1) of the corrected Attribute within its parent Sequence. |
Contains the Data Element Tag of the Attribute that was corrected. |
The value applied to the Attribute that was referenced by the Parameter Sequence Pointer (3008,0061), Parameter Item Index (3008,0063) and Parameter Pointer (3008,0065). |
Sequence of parameters that were overridden during the administration of the beam segment immediately prior to the current control point. |
Contains the Data Element Tag of the Attribute that was overridden. |
Contains the Data Element Tag of the parent Sequence containing the Attribute that was overridden. The value is limited in scope to the Treatment Session Beam Sequence (3008,0020) and all nested Sequences therein. |
Contains the Sequence Item index (monotonically increasing from 1) of the overridden Attributes within its parent Sequence. The value is limited in scope to the Treatment Session Beam Sequence (3008,0020) and all nested Sequences therein. |
Positive integer identifying which value of a multi-valued Attribute identified by Override Parameter Pointer (3008,0062) is referenced. The value 1 identifies the first value. |
Identification of the operator who authorized override. Only a single Item is permitted in this Sequence. |
>>>>Include Table 10-1 “Person Identification Macro Attributes” |
User-defined description of reason for override of parameter specified by Override Parameter Pointer (3008,0062). |
Treatment Termination Code (3008,002B) was previously included in this Module but has been retired. See PS3.3-2023a. The RT Treatment Termination Reason Code Sequence (300A,0715) and Machine-Specific Treatment Termination Code Sequence (300A,0716) should be used for machine readable codes and Treatment Termination Description (300A,0730) for human readable text respectively.
DICOM PS3.3 2024d - Information Object Definitions |